(3 Mass. Special Laws, 343)
An Act ascertaining the boundary line between the Town of Medway and the Town of Sherburne.
Chapter 95.
An Act to annex John W. Perry, with his family and estate to the Town of Natick.
Chapter 172.
An Act to change the name of the Town of Sherburne.
Chapter 141.
An Act to incorporate the Sherborn and South Natick Railroad Company.
Chapter 179.
An Act to incorporate the Sawin Academy in Sherborn.
Chapter 261.
An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Sawin Academy in Sherborn.
Chapter 63.
An Act to change the name of the Second Parish in Sherborn.
Chapter 104.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to appropriate money in aid of Sawin Academy.
Chapter 215.
An Act providing for the removal of the remains of the dead from the cemetery on the Joseph Sanger estate in Sherborn.
Chapter 273.
An Act to annex part of the Town of Sherborn to the Town of Framingham.
Chapter 346.
An Act to authorize the Natick Electric Street Railway Company to extend its railway, increase its capital stock and acquire by purchase the railways, franchises and property of certain railway corporations.
Chapter 466.
An Act relative to Farm Pond in the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 253.
An Act relative to Farm Pond in the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 100.
An Act relative to the maintenance of a high school in the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 814.
An Act to provide for the improvement of Beaver Dam Brook in the Towns of Ashland, Framingham, Sherborn, and Natick.
Chapter 194.
An Act to authorize the restoration by the Town of Sherborn of certain funds for the perpetual care of cemetery lots.
Chapter 193.
An Act to authorize payment of a certain note by the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 65.
An Act to authorize the Town of Sherborn to reimburse George P. Carter for loss sustained by the non-sale of milk.
Chapter 66.
An Act to authorize the Town of Sherborn reimburse Irving C. Hildreth for loss sustained by the non-sale of milk.
Chapter 117.
An Act to authorize the Town of Sherborn to supply itself and its inhabitants with water.
Chapter 463.
An Act relative to the authority of the Town of Sherborn to supply itself and its inhabitants with water.
Chapter 705.
An Act to provide for the construction of a bridge and its approaches over the Charles River in the Towns of Medfield and Sherborn.
Chapter 764.
An Act to provide for the relocating of certain public ways in Sherborn and Framingham near the reformatory for women.
Chapter 355.
An Act to authorize the Old Colony Railroad Company, the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, lessee, to construct and operate a railroad upon the lands of the Commonwealth in Framingham and Sherborn.
Chapter 235.
An Act to annex a part of the Town of Sherborn to the Town of Framingham. (Accepted May 31, 1924)
Chapter 338.
An Act relative to the use of the water of Farm Pond in the Town of Sherborn by the Medfield State Hospital.
Chapter 304.
An Act relative to the control of Farm Pond in the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 354.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to use certain playground property for fire station purposes.
Chapter 374.
An Act providing for the laying out of an area for the parking of vehicles contiguous to Farm Road in the Town of Sherborn and providing for the establishment of a right of way for pedestrians and certain vehicles to Little Pond in said Town.
Chapter 202.
An Act to authorize the Town of Sherborn to borrow money for school purposes.
Chapter 472.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to transfer certain land parcels held a public domain in exchange for certain other lands. [Accepted March 10, 1958]
Chapter 683.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to refund a portion of the real estate and personal property taxes assessed in the year Nineteen hundred and fifty-seven.
Chapter 144.
An Act relating to the Dover-Sherborn Regional School District and validating proceedings relating thereto. [Accepted March 7, 1960]
An Act to authorize the Towns of Sherborn and Natick to enter into agreements relative to dumping facilities.
Chapter 616.
An Act authorizing the Commissioner of Correction to transfer and convey certain land to the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 88.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to hold Town Meetings at the Dover-Sherborn Regional School in Dover.
Chapter 862.
An Act relating to the Regional Vocational-Technical School District and validating proceedings relating thereto. [Accepted Annual Town Meeting, May 14, 1973]
Chapter 808.
An Act regulating the Zoning Enabling Act. (3 year term)
Chapter 283.
An Act validating certain proceedings by the Town of Sherborn at the 1978 Town Meeting regarding the newspaper legal notice of the Public Hearing held by the Planning Board on the Zoning By-Law amendments.
Chapter 424.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to transfer certain land in said Town to the control of the Select Board and to convey said land to Sherborn Community Housing, Inc. for the purpose of providing certain elderly housing facilities.
Chapter 332.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to borrow money to provide certain programs for elderly persons. (Woodhaven Bonding)
Chapter 548.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to establish a Special Fund for the payment of accumulated, unused sick leave granted pursuant to collective bargaining agreements entered into by the Town.
Chapter 415.
An Act authorizing the reimbursement of Call Fire and Call Ambulance Personnel in the Town of Sherborn for Certain Medical Expenses.
Chapter 456.
An Act relative to the use of a certain parcel of land in the Town of Sherborn. (Elderly and Affordable Housing)
Chapter 43.
An Act authorizing the town to permit the use of certain town land for a communication system. (Brush Hill)
Chapter 279.
An Act relative to the use of a certain parcel of land in the Town of Sherborn. (Sherborn Housing Partnership)
Chapter 198.
An Act authorizing Francis A. Heffron to extend his employment with the Fire Department of the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 127.
An Act validating the proceedings of the Annual Town Election in the Town of Sherborn.
Chapter 153.
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to convey certain town forest land. (140 Hunting Lane)
Chapter 154.
An Act relative to certain Conservation Lands in the Town of Sherborn. (Ward Park/Laurel Farms)
Chapter 212
An Act making a technical correction in a Special Act relative to certain land in the Town of Sherborn. [Correction to Acts of 2001 Chapter 154]
Chapter 260
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to use certain Town Forest Land. (Land swap for the Pine Hill Access Road)
Chapter 279
An Act conveying certain property to the Town of Sherborn (Farm Pond water rights)
Chapter 96
An Act validating the Sherborn Annual Town Election.
Chapter 179
An Act authorizing the Town of Sherborn to lease certain land in Sherborn Town Forest for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a wireless telecommunications facility. [Farm Road and Lake Street]
Chapter 93
An Act authorizing the Select Board of the Town of Sherborn to enter into an employment contract for the position of police chief. (term not to exceed five years)
Chapter 190
An Act authorizing the Town Administrator of the Town of Sherborn to approve warrants for the payment of Town funds.
Chapter 298
An Act increasing the number of Selectmen in the Town of Sherborn
Chapter 411
An Act Relative to the Removal of Certain Elected Financial Officials for the Town of Sherborn
Chapter 336
An Act authorizing the Treasurer of the Town of Sherborn and the Treasurer of the Library Trustees to invest any trust funds benefiting the Sherborn Library in accordance with the prudent investor rule and with Chapter 203C of the General Laws.
Chapter 32, §§ 1-28
Relative to a contributory retirement for Town Employees.
[November 5, 1946]
Chapter 32B (excepting §§ 7 A, 8A, 9A, 9C, 9D, 9E, 11A, 11B, 11D, and 11E)
Relative to contributory group insurance for certain Town employees and their dependents.
[March 2, 1964]
Chapter 32B, § 9A
Relative to contributory group insurance for certain retired Town employees.
[March 4, 1974]
Chapter 32B, § 9D
Relative to payment by the Town of a portion of the group health insurance premium costs for surviving spouses of employees and retired employees.
[April 27, 1998]
Chapter 32B, § 9F
Relative to increasing retired employees' Life Insurance from $1,000 to $2,000.
[October 31, 1972]
Chapter 32B, § 11A
Relative to additional group insurance for Town employees.
[March 1, 1971]
Chapter 32B, § 11B
Relative to group insurance for elderly government retirees and their dependents.
[March 3, 1969]
Chapter 32B § 18
Relative to retiree Medicare benefits.
[April 26, 2006]
Chapter 32B § 20
Relative to establishing OPEB trust fund.
[April 29, 2010]
Chapter 32, § 85 H1/2
Relative to providing for increased Town benefits for disabled volunteer firefighters.
[April 25, 2000]
Chapter 39 § 23D
Relative to Mullin Rule for adjudicatory hearings.
[April 30, 2009]
Chapter 40, § 4G
Relative to inviting proposals for contracts of $4,000 or more.
Chapter 40, § 4J
Relative to a statewide public safety mutual aid agreement
[February 17, 2011]
Chapter 40, § 4K
Allowing the Town to enter into mutual aid agreements with other cities or towns, to provide mutual aid programs for public works departments.
[February 17, 2011]
Chapter 40, § 5B
To establish a Capital Stabilization Fund
April 26, 2022
Chapter 40, § 6M
Relative to repair of private ways, used by the public for six or more years.
[May 17, 1976]
Chapter 40, § 8B
Relative to the establishment of a Council on Aging.
[October 2, 1972]
Chapter 40, § 8C
Relative to the establishment of a Conservation Commission.
[March 13, 1961]
Chapter 40, § 8D
Relative to the establishment of an Historical Commission.
[March 14, 1973]
Chapter 40, § 8G
Allowing towns to enter into mutual aid agreements with other cities or towns, to provide mutual aid programs for police departments.
[March 14, 1973]
Chapter 40, § 15A
Relative to the transfer of the care, custody, management and control of the Dowse Memorial Library and the land on which it stands to the Select Board for use as Town Offices and for the Sherborn Historical Society.
[March 8, 1971]
Chapter 40 § 22F
Relative to fixing fees for licenses and permits
[April 27, 1992]
Chapter 40 § 57
Relative to enabling the Town of Sherborn to deny any application for, or revoke or suspend a building permit, or any license or permit including renewals and transfers by any board, officer, or department for any person, corporation or business enterprise, who has neglected or refused to pay any local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or other municipal charges.
[April 24, 2018]
Chapter 40C, § 4
Relative to the establishment of an Historic District Committee.
[March 11, 1974]
Chapter 41
Relative to establishment of a Planning Board
[July 9, 1940]
Chapter 41, § 1
To change the term of the Town Treasurer from ONE year to THREE years.
[March 14, 1973]
Chapter 41, § 1
To change the term of the Town Clerk from ONE year to THREE years.
[April 30, 1980]
Chapter 41, § 1B
To change Treasurer from Elected to Appointed
April 23, 2019
Chapter 41, § 1B
To change Town Board of Assessors from Elected to Appointed
April 26, 2022
Chapter 41, §§ 1 and 2
To establish and elect a Board of Health.
[March 11, 1957]
Chapter 41, § 38A
Tax Collector change to Town Collector
[April 17, 2015]
Chapter 41, § 81A
Relative to terms of office for members of the Planning Board.
[May 17, 1976]
Chapter 41, § 97A
Establishing a police department.
[March 11, 1957]
Chapter 41 § 100G1/4
Relative to police/firefighter funeral expenses.
[April 30, 2008]
Chapter 41, § 108L
Relative to the providing of a career incentive program for regular full-time police officers and partial reimbursement by the Commonwealth.
[March 13, 1972]
[Rescinded April 27, 1981]
Chapter 41, § 110A
Close Town Offices on Saturday
[April 29, 2014]
Chapter 41, § 111B
Relative to sick leave for Town employees.
[March 9, 1954]
Chapter 44, § 20
Pre-modernization Bond Premiums
May 15, 2021
Chapter 44, § 53C
Relative to the payment of police officers for off-duty work details and the depositing and expenditure of funds related thereto.
[March 14, 1973]
Chapter 44, § 53C
Relative to establishment of fund for off-duty police officer details.
[January 14, 1986]
Chapter 44, § 53D
Relative to the creation of a revolving fund for the conduct of self-supporting recreation and park services.
[April 28, 1981]
Chapter 44, § 53E
Relative to the offset of departmental expenses by estimated user fees
[April 27, 1998]
Chapter 44, § 55C
Relative to the establishment of an Affordable Housing Trust Fund and creating a Board of Trustees
[April 2019]
46, § 12, Acts of 2003 [amending MGL 32B:2]
Relative to call firefighters' health benefits.
[April 27, 2004]
Chapter 48, §§ 42-44
Relative to the establishment of a Fire Department.
[March 9, 1942]
Chapter 48 § 59A
Allowing the Town to enter into mutual aid agreements with other cities or towns, to provide mutual aid programs for Fire departments.
[February 17, 2011]
Chapter 53 § 9A
Establish provisions for obtaining and submitting nomination papers for Town office.
[October 17, 2023]
Chapter 54, § 1A
Emergency election workers
[April 28, 2008]
Chapter 54 § 16A
Relative to appointment of election workers
[April 29, 2008]
Chapter 59, § 5,
Relative to increasing the $175.00 exemption amount annually by 100% of the cost of living adjustment for clauses 17C and/or 17E.
[April 23, 2002]
Chapter 59, § 5N
Veterans' Tax Abatement Program
[October 17, 2014]
Chapter 59, § 5, cl. 17C
Relative to certain exemptions from real estate taxes.
[May 4, 1982]
Chapter 59, § 5, cl. 17D
Providing certain exemptions from real estate taxes for surviving spouses or minors.
[April 29, 1987]
Chapter 59, § 5, cl. 17E
Relative to annually increase by the cost of living adjustment the asset level that certain applicants must have to qualify for an exemption.
[April 23, 2002]
Chapter 59, § 5, cl. 37A
Relative to real estate tax exemptions for blind persons.
[April 24, 1984]
Chapter 59, § 5 cl. 41A
Increase eligibility limits for seniors to defer property taxes
[April 27, 2010]
Chapter 59, § 5, cl. 41B
Relative to real estate tax exemptions for certain elderly persons.
[April 24, 1984]
Chapter 59, § 5, cl. 41C
Providing certain exemptions from real estate taxes for the elderly.
[April 29, 1987]
Chapter 59, § 5, cl. 41D
Relative to annually increase by the cost of living adjustment the income and asset levels that certain senior citizens must have to qualify for an exemption.
[April 23, 2002]
Chapter 59, Sec 57A
Repayment of Tax Bills
[August 2020]
Chapter 59, § 57B
Relative to interest on unpaid taxes under $50.00
[April 1989]
Chapter 59, § 57C
Relative to establishing quarterly tax payment system
[April 2019]
Chapter 60, § 3D
Relative to establishing a fund to defray real estate taxes of elderly and disabled persons of low income.
[April 25, 2000]
Chapter 64G, § 3A
Relative to excise tax on lodging in local hotel, lodging house or motel.
[April 28, 1986]
Chapter 64L, § 2
Local Meals Tax
[April 26, 2011]
Chapter 67
An Act designating certain streets in the Town of Sherborn as scenic roads.
[March 11, 1974]
Chapter 71, § 14
Relative to the creation of a Regional School District Planning Committee.
[October 2, 1972]
Chapter 71, §§ 16-16L
Relative to forming a regional school district.
[May 12, 1953]
Chapter 71, §§ 16-16L
Relative to the establishment of a regional technical and vocational school district.
[May 14, 1973]
Chapter 71, § 71E
Community School programs funds expenditures
[April 25, 2006]
Chapter 73 § 4, Acts of 1986
Relative to exemption increase.
[April 23, 2002] (as amended by Chapter 126 Acts of 1988)
Chapter 73 § 4, Acts of 1986
Relative to exemption increase.
[April 24, 2007]
Chapter 90, § 18A
Relative to the use of public ways by pedestrians.
[March 8, 1965]
Chapter 90, § 17C
Establish speed limits of 20 and 25 mph
[April 17, 2017]
Chapter 90, § 17C
Allow the Select Board to stablish lower speed limits of 25 miles per hour inside a thickly settled or business district on any roadway in Town that is not a state highway
[April 25, 2023]
Chapter 90, § 18B
Allow the Select Board to establish safety zones with speed limits of 20 miles per hour
[April 25, 2023]
Chapter 90, § 20A 1/2
Relative to collection of fines for parking tickets.
[May 3, 1982]
Chapter 90, § 20C
Relative to the control of illegally parked vehicles.
[March 11, 1968]
Chapter 114, §§ 22-27
Relative to the election and duties of the Board of Cemetery Commissioners.
[April 2, 1984]
Chapter 140, § 147A
Relative to the enactment by the Town of by-laws regulating dogs.
[April 27, 1998]
Chapter 143 § 3Z
Relative to part-time Building Inspector
[April 27, 2004]
149, § 31
Relative to the eight hour day for certain employees of the Town.
[March 3, 1913]
Chapter 152, § 69
Relative to workmen's compensation for Town employees.
[December 17, 1945]
Chapter 181, Acts of 1995 (amending MGL 59:5)
Relative to exemption increase.
[April 23, 2002]
Chapter 184, § 51, Acts of 2002 (amending MGL 59:5)
Relative to age, income, asset adjustment.
[April 29, 2003]
Chapter 188, § 13
(Acts of 1985), relative to supplementing compensation of teachers.
[January 14, 1986]
Chapter 258, § 13
Relative to indemnification of municipal officers up to $1,000,000.
[May 12, 1981]
Chapter 291, Acts of 1990
Relative to enhanced 911 services.
[April 29, 1991]
Chapter 597, Acts of 1982
Relative to exemption from motor vehicle excise taxes for former POW's.
[April 24, 1984]
Chapter 653, § 40
Relative to Assessor collecting tax data until June 30
[May 15, 2021]