[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Sherborn as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 1992 (Ch. 3, § 8, of the 1968 Bylaws)]
[Amended 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
The Select Board may establish a recycling program for the purpose of recycling any type of solid waste, including but not limited to paper, glass, metals and plastics, in accordance with such rules and regulation as the Select Board may make from time to time. Such rules and regulations may also specify the manner in which designated recyclable material or materials shall be received or collected, may specify the point at which the ownership of such designated recyclables shall vest in the Town, may prohibit removal, without authorization by the Select Board, of such designated recyclables from any place in the Town after the ownership of such recyclables has vested in the Town, and may establish fines for violations of such rules and regulations not to exceed $200 per violation.
[Adopted 2004 (Ch. 23 of the 1968 Bylaws)]
No person, without lawful authority so to do, shall throw, sweep or place and suffer to remain on any street, public place or right of way any papers, ashes, earth, garbage, rubbish, litter, refuse or any noxious liquid or solid substance, or any glass, nails, tacks, scrap iron or similar articles.
No person, unless having the authority so to do, shall dump, or deposit any ashes, rubbish, refuse, offal or trash on any street, public place or right of way contrary to the rules and regulations of the Select Board.
The penalty for the violation of this bylaw shall be $300 for each offense.