[Adopted as Ch. 3, §§ 3, 4, 5, 5A, 10, 11, 12, and 13, of the 1968 Bylaws]
[Amended 1979]
All appointments which the Select Board is authorized to make shall be made in the month of May or June, after the Annual Town Meeting for the election of officers. All such appointments shall become effective on the 15th day of June, and run until a successor is appointed and qualified. Nothing in this section is to be construed to prevent the making of appointments to fill vacancies as they may occur.
Pursuant to the provisions of § 46-1 of this article, the Select Board shall annually appoint a competent lawyer who is a member in good standing of the Massachusetts Bar as Town Counsel for a term of one year. He shall receive such compensation as the Select Board may determine. All articles in the warrant for Town Meeting shall be submitted to the Town Counsel for his examination and approval. The Town Counsel shall examine and approve all bonds, leases, obligations, conveyances, contracts, and other legal instruments, and do every professional act which may be required of him on behalf of the Town, including the prosecution and defense of all suits to which the Town is a party. He shall also furnish a written opinion on any legal question that may be submitted to him in writing, with a copy thereof to be sent to the Select Board, by any Town board or committee on a matter concerning such board or committee, and shall at all times furnish legal advice to any officers of the Town upon any subject concerning the duties incumbent upon such officer by virtue of his office.
[Added 1975]
That the Select Board shall annually have printed in the Town Report the yearly salary and wages of each Town employee.
[Added 2001]
All fees received by any Town officer by virtue of his or her office shall belong to the Town, and shall be paid into the Town Treasury by such officer.
[Added 2001; amended 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
Except where otherwise provided by statute, no department, board, officer, or committee shall accept a nonmonetary gift or grant with a value of more than $50 from any source without first obtaining the approval of the Select Board. Whenever such a gift or grant has been offered, notice shall be given to the Town Administrator.
[Added 1999]
Town officers not elected by ballot shall be appointed in the manner provided by statute, bylaw, or vote of the Town Meeting, or, in the absence of any such provision, by the Select Board.
[Amended 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
Notwithstanding any bylaw to the contrary, of the three positions on the Board of Assessors, the Select Board shall appoint one qualified Sherborn resident through a prescribed, advertised process. In order to be deemed qualified, any resident candidate must either 1) be a Massachusetts Accredited Assessor, 2) be a Residential Massachusetts Assessor, 3) have been awarded a Certified Massachusetts Assessor certificate by the MAAO, or 4) be able to demonstrate a strong background in finance, law, real estate, appraisal, and/or municipal government. If a qualified resident candidate is not available, then the Select Board is authorized to appoint a qualified nonresident. If at the time of any vacancy, including expiration of a member's term, all remaining members of the Board of Assessors are nonresidents, the attempt to hire a Sherborn resident shall be repeated.
[Added 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 13]
[Amended 2010; 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
All employees of the Town and such elected or appointed officers of the Town as the Select Board may, from time to time, designate shall be eligible to receive workers' compensation benefits from the Town pursuant to MGL c. 15, § 69; provided, however, that no member of the Select Board or of the Police or Fire Department shall be eligible, by reason of such membership, to receive such benefits.
[Added 2014]
The Select Board is authorized to enter into personnel contracts on behalf of the Town for the exercise of the Town's corporate powers for all matters within the jurisdiction of the Select Board, on such terms and conditions as it deems in the best interests of the Town, but subject to any terms and conditions as may be imposed by Town Meeting. The Select Board shall not contract for any purpose or on any terms or conditions inconsistent with the provisions of any general or special law.