[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Sherborn as Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 of the 1968 Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 1974; 1979]
The Annual Meeting for the election of officers and determination of such matters as by law are required or permitted to be upon the ballot shall be held on the second Tuesday in May. The polls shall be open for at least 12 hours. The opening and closing time of the polls shall be established each year by the Select Board.
[Amended 1969; 1974; 1979; 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
All other business shall be considered at a deliberative session of the Annual Meeting to be held on such date in last half of April or first week in May and at such place as shall be specified in a separate warrant therefor.
[Amended 1980; 2010; 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
Notice of every Annual Town Meeting shall be given not less than seven days before the day appointed for said meeting, and notice of any Special Town Meeting shall be given at least 14 days before the day appointed for said meeting. Notice shall be given by posting an attested copy of the warrant calling the meeting in at least five public places in the Town. The return of the officer, stating the manner in which notice was given, shall be endorsed upon the warrant.
[Amended 2012]
At least 21 days before the Annual Meeting referred to in § 70-2 of this article, the Annual Town Report shall be posted to the Town's website, and hard copies shall be available to those residents who request them and copies of the Annual Town Report will also be available for inspection and copying at the Town Hall, provided that at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting, a postcard shall be distributed to each household in the Town in which a voter eligible to vote at the Annual Town Meeting resides advising that the Annual Town Report will be posted and that copies will be available at the Town Hall. Provision will be made to distribute hard copies to those households which request it and who are unable to get to Town Hall during its open hours.
Only registered voters may vote at Town Meetings. The number of registered voters necessary to constitute a quorum at any Town Meeting, except at a meeting devoted exclusively to the election of town officials, shall be 100, but a smaller number may adjourn to a stated date, time and place.
[Amended 1997]
Whenever a two-thirds vote is required by statute, such vote may be declared as such by the Moderator without a count and be recorded as such by the Clerk upon such declaration; provided, however, that seven or more voters may challenge such declaration, at which time a count shall be taken.
All articles in the warrant shall be taken in the order of their arrangement unless otherwise decided by a two-thirds vote of the voters present and voting.
In case of motions to amend or to fill blanks, the one expressing the largest sum or the longest time shall be put first, and an affirmative vote thereon shall be a negative vote on any smaller sum or shorter time.
When a report of a committee is placed in the hands of the Moderator, it shall be deemed to be properly before the meeting for its action thereon, and a vote to accept the same shall discharge the committee, but shall not be equivalent to a vote to carry out the recommendations without a special vote to adopt.
[Amended 1972]
No vote shall be reconsidered at the same Town Meeting unless it be ordered by two-thirds of the voters present and voting thereon at the same session.
[Amended 1972; 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
When a unanimous vote is not obtained on any substantive motion requiring a vote greater than a majority for passage, the said motion shall be voted upon at the same session by written ballot, using the same checklist, if 50 voters so request.
[Amended 1990]
All proposed expenditures for equipment, the estimated cost of which exceeds $4,000 shall be separately identified in the appropriate budget line item. The appropriation to meet an obligation under a lease or a lease with an option to purchase for a total payment in excess of $4,000 shall be separately identified in the budget under the appropriate budget line item or warrant article.
[Added 2019]
The Town Clerk is authorized to assign appropriate numbers or letters to bylaw sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs where none are approved by Town Meeting; if such numbering or lettering is approved by Town Meeting, to make nonsubstantive editorial revisions to the same to ensure consistent and appropriate sequencing and numbering; and to make nonsubstantive editorial revisions to references regarding such numbering or lettering as contained within the bylaws to ensure accuracy and conformity.
[Amended 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
All such editorial revisions shall be identified with a footnote that describes the revision and the reason therefor.