[Adopted as Ch. 3, §§ 7, 9 of the 1968 Bylaws]
[Added 4-28-1986; amended 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
Thirty days after a member of any nonsalaried appointed board, committee, commission or other Town agency shall no longer reside in the Town of Sherborn, the member's appointment shall be vacated unless said member requests in writing, with a copy to the Town Clerk, to the appointing authority that his or her appointment continue to a day certain.
[Added 1995]
Except where otherwise provided by statute, each committee, board or commission shall annually elect one of its members as Chair to preside at meetings thereof, and another as Vice Chair to act in the absence of the Chair, and such other officers as such committee, board, or commission shall determine. In the event a committee, board or commission is newly organized, the appointing authority may provisionally designate a temporary Chair for purposes of organizing such committee, board or commission; but in any event, such election of officers shall occur within 30 days of the appointment of the committee, board, or commission.