[Added 11-17-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
Use of Piers.
No vessel shall berth at any of the Town docks without authorization from the harbors department.
Applications and waiting lists for berths for commercial and charter vessels are available and maintained by the Harbors Department.
A vessel owner whose application has been approved and has been so notified by registered and regular mail shall pay the required dockage fee and any arrearages owed prior to the issuance of a berthing permit. If such a payment is not received within twenty (20) days after the applicant's receipt of notice of approval of an application, the Town shall deem the approval withdrawn, and consider other applications.
A vessel owner who owns a berthing permit and who is not in arrears on any payment to the Town and meets all the requirements herein shall have his permit automatically renewed for the following year provided that all documentation requested by the Harbors Department has been provided by April 1st annually. Berth holders who have their permits revoked lose all seniority rights and cannot be reinstated in the harbor or be placed on a waiting list for entry into the harbor until all past due amounts are paid in full plus any interest due.
Berthing permits shall not be transferred with the sale of any vessel. The berthing permit will remain with the permit holder provided that a new vessel is purchased within (1) one year and all fees remain paid in full. The sale of more than 50% ownership of a vessel, stock or otherwise, shall be deemed to be the sale of the vessel with the same prohibition on the transfer of berthing rights as descried above.
Upon death of berthing permit holder, the decedents estate shall be allowed to hold the permit for the current season and must participate in the yearly renewal process.
Fees shall be as ordered by the Town Council of the Town of New Shoreham annually.
Residency for Charter and Commercial slip holders: Residency is defined in Chapter 2, Article I, Section 2-2 of the Ordinances of the Town of New Shoreham and Article 3 Section 9-41 of the Harbor Management Plan. A person shall live on Block Island for 9 months out of the year and also be a registered Block Island voter. Fees shall be as ordered the Town Council of the Town of New Shoreham annually. Slip holder residency will be reviewed annually.
All fees are due to the Harbors Department when renewal applications are due on April 1st, The Town shall have a lien upon the boat for any monies due for fees which are in default more than 90 days. Said lien may be enforced by sale of boat in accordance with the procedure set forth in Title 34, Chapter 35, of General Laws of 1956, and any amendments thereto. For purposes of Section 9 (e) of said Chapter, a failure to pay all fees when due shall effect an automatic withdrawal of any consent by the Town of New Shoreham.
An assigned berth shall be used only by the vessel assigned to it: however, the harbormaster may permit the temporary use of a berth by another vessel in emergency situations or adverse weather conditions. Use of a berth non-registered vessel shall constitute a violation of this article, and may result in revocation of the berthing permit.
No more than one berthing permit shall be issued to any one person or corporation.
A boat owner, whose application has been approved and accepted, has one year of date of approval to show required paperwork.
When a vessel is sold, the berth contract does not with the sale of the vessel. The berth contract is valid for the remainder of the contract term and may be renewed by the original vessel owner provided that the new vessel is purchased within one (1) year of the sale of the previously owned vessel and all fees remain paid in full. The sale of the ownership of 50% or more in the ownership of a vessel shall be deemed to be the sale pf the vessel with the same prohibition on the transfer of berthing rights as described above. If the vessel is incorporated, the original owner of the vessel or corporation must own 51% or more of the corporation for the vessel to still be subject to the terms of the original berth contract. If the vessel is incorporated and the original owner of the vessel or corporation owns less than 51% of the corporation then the original berth contract is void.
The holder of a berthing permit shall be entitled to transfer the berthing permit on one occasion only either during the Permit holder's lifetime or upon the permit holder death to any one of the following relatives of the permit holder: spouse (including common law spouse) child (including step sibling), grandparent or parent (including step parent) grandchild (including step grandchildren).
In no event shall the recipient of a berthing permit transferred pursuant to this subsection (b)(6) be entitled to transfer the berthing permit to any other person either during the permit recipient permit death. In order to effectuate the transfer of the berthing permit the permit holder shall file a notice of transfer with the harbors department. The harbors department shall not accept a notice of transfer and no transfer shall be effective if there are fees owed with respect to the permit to be transferred or if the permit to be transferred is under a notice of revocation.
The Town practice of permitting a one-time transfer of a berthing permit will expire December 31, 2023.
Dumping of garbage, oil, refuse, fish offal, waste, or other substances in public tidewaters prohibited by the State and Federal Laws and shall be considered cause for revocation of a berthing permit and other penalties prescribed by law.
Open fires, wood burning, coal, charcoal or portable stoves are prohibited on vessels moored anywhere at Old Harbor Docks, and any wooden portions of the docks.
Trash Disposal (boat owners only) is provided at the dumpster next to Old Harbor Dock Office.
Berths for the sole use of live abroad vessels are prohibited. Considerations for hired hands/mates can be made by written request of the slip holder, to the Harbormaster and or Harbor Committee.
Charter Vessels.
Charter vessels shall be defined as an vessel carrying passengers for hire.
Six (6) slips are provided for charter vessels in Old Harbor.
Charter slips will only be issued for those vessels which are and will be, actively engaged as charter boats during the year for which the slip is issue.
Applicants must provide to the Harbors Department, proof of vessel ownership copy of current Coast Guard License to carry passengers for hire for applicant and each operator. In the event a permit holder is a corporation, the slip holder must provide an application or renewal.
Applicants must meet all State of Rhode Island requirements for license for charter boats and provide copies to the Harbors Department annually with the application.
Applicants must demonstrate that they will be engaged in carrying passengers for hire by certifying that:
Vessels are documented and properly registered in the State of Rhode Island.
Applicants for renewal must demonstrate that they have been, and will be, engaged in carrying passengers for hire fill at least 40 days of the previous year or as regulate/restricted by State regulations by providing copies of Log Books and Landings for the previous season.
New applicants must provide documentation of purchase of and all necessary documentation in compliance with the permit application.
The season runs May 1st to April 30th. Renewal applications will be sent out February 1 with a deadline date of March 1.
The Town of New Shoreham reserves the right to use any or all charter slips if deemed necessary by the harbormaster in emergency situation or for safety purposes.
Signs shall not be larger than 2 ft. x 3 ft. and shall not be permanently affixed to the dock. Signage is subject to the Harbormasters approval and must conform to the Towns Historic District signage regulations.
Dock area for each charter shall be kept clean and free of fish debris, etc. No equipment shall be left on the dock overnight other than fish cleaning tables and fresh water hoses,
A permit otherwise include the right to occupy land on the waterfront or dock in any manner permit vending of goods of any kind.
Commercial Vessels.
Permits will be issued only for those vessels which are and will be actively engaged as commercial fishing as regulated by Federal or State Regulations, during the year for which the permit is issued. The harbormaster or dockmaster will assign slips and re-assign slips as deemed necessary.
Applicants for permits must be holders of a State or Federal Commercial Fishing License.
Applicants for renewal must demonstrate that they have been, and will be, engaged in commercial fishing on at least 40 days of the previous year or as regulated/restricted by Federal and/or State regulations by providing copes of Log Books and landings for the previous season; or
If the vessel is new or was purchased within 6 months, the applicant has the ability to comply with 1,2 and 3. Applicants must provide documentation of purchase of new vessel.
Waivers for this cause due to health and or illness to be considered by written request to the Harbormasters office.
Annual wharfage fees are to be included with the application renewal that is due by April 1. Annual wharfage period is from July 1 to June 30.
Renewal applications will be sent out February 1 and are due back by April 1. Permit holders must annually provide copies of the following to the Harbors Department:
Vessel registration and documentation
Federal or State commercial fishing license
Proof of hull insurance for registered vessel
The bait dock located on the north end of the west dock shall be used by commercial fishing vessels only. The harbormaster and or dockmaster shall have the discretion to temporarily put non-commercial vessels on the bait dock when deemed necessary for safety.
No gear, barrels nets, equipment, or other material shall be used by commercial fishing vessels only. The Harbormaster and or Dockmaster shall have the discretion to temporarily put non-commercial vessels on the bait dock when deemed necessary for safety.
No gear, barrels, nets, equipment or other material shall be allowed to remain on a pier or on land adjacent to and providing access to access to the pier for more than 7 days. Plastic 35 gallon to 50 gallon bait barrels are permissible on the bait dock or immediately behind each slip. No gear, barrels, nets, or other equipment/materials shall be allowed to remain on the loading ramp for more than 48 hours.
All bait storage shall be on the bait dock exclusively.
Storage of un-refrigerated bait must be in sound (no leaks).
Barrels must be covered at all times and shall not obstruct passage on the docks.
A permit for berthing space does not include the right to occupy land on the waterfront in any manner.
Commercial slip holders which carry passengers for hire are select to annual charter boat wharfage fees.
[Added 11-17-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
The Harbors Division shall maintain waiting lists commercial and charter vessel requests when no berthing space is available. Commercial and charter vessel waiting list applications are available from the Harbors Department must be returned to the Harbors Department completed with the following information;
Name, address, and telephone (home and office) of owner
Vessel name, registration, documentation number, length (feet), width (feet), draft (feet) type, make and color, vessel registration/documentation must be in waiting list applicants name.
To qualify for a charter slip, applicants must meet the qualifications specified in section b of this document.
To qualify for a commercial slip, applicants meet the qualifications as in specified in section c of this document.
It shall be the burden of applicant to notify the Harbormasters office of any change of address. Your name will be removed from the list if any notifications are returned in the mail.
[Added 11-17-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
The harbormaster or assistants shall make the determination as to classification of each vessel for the purpose of establishing berthing or wharfage charges to be assessed based upon the vessel classifications as defined in section 9-121121. Any person aggrieved by the determination of the harbormaster or assistant may appeal such determination to the town council, provided the fee or charge determined shall be paid pending the appeal.
[Added 11-17-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
Use of Dinghy Dock.
Vessels over 14 feet are not permitted to dock.
No overnight docking is permitted.
Vessels are permitted to dock for no more than 24 hours. Vessels located on the dock for more than 24 hours will be removed by the Harbormaster.
The dinghy dock is open seasonally from April 15th to October 15th the Town may remove any dinghy left on Town property after October 30th. In this case, the dinghy would be considered a derelict vessel and procedure and penalties would follow Section 9-99 - Derelict Vessels and Docks.