[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-22]
The following policy was developed to provide guidelines to effectively and efficiently manage the overall operation of the by the Township of the local cable channel known as "SpringfieldTV35" (which broadcasts on Channel 35 of the Comcast Network, and which may also be broadcast on Channel 46 of the Verizon Fios Network), to define the function and proper usage of the channel, to identify appropriate content, to provide direction to Township staff, and to assist the public in understanding the services offered by the channel.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-22]
The channel shall operate on all cable service providers offering service in the Township pursuant to a franchise authorized pursuant to the provisions of the New Jersey Cable Television Act, N.J.S.A. 48:5A-1 et seq.
Management of SpringfieldTV35, including the scheduling of programming, shall be by designated Township employees, under the day-to-day supervision of the Township Administrator.
The Township Committee shall be responsible for oversight of SpringfieldTV35, including all decisions related to programming that will be broadcast on the channel.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-22]
The types of programming permitted to be broadcast on SpringfieldTV35 shall be as follows (listed in descending order of priority):
Emergency information (federal, state, county, and/or local broadcasts).
Public meetings of the Township Committee and other governmental boards and committees.
Programming produced by the Township, including any of its departments, boards, or committees, designed to inform the public about local services, programs, events, or issues.
Programming produced by non-Township sources that is educational or informative in nature, and relevant to the interests of the local community. All such programming must be approved in advance by the Township Committee.
Bulletin board messages and announcements of local interest, including those related to: crime prevention, inclement weather, school closures, public health and safety issues, solid waste and recycling collection, and community events and activities. All bulletin board content will be created and managed by the Township.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-22]
No obscene or salacious material, or other unprotected speech, including, but not limited to, slander, libel and invasion of privacy.
No material which violates federal, state or local law.
No program, production, or presentation which directly or indirectly involves any lottery information or which involves a lottery, gift, contest, commercial enterprise, or similar scheme.
No commercials or advertisements for or by for-profit entities, however, underwriting of Township programming may be permitted, provided that the conditions and fees thereof are set forth by way of resolution of the Township Committee.
SpringfieldTV35 shall not be used as a mechanism to promote or oppose: any candidate for public office; any political issue; or any political viewpoint. However, this restriction on political programming will not apply to any comments made within the context of the operations of ordinary government business, such as during the course of a public Township Committee meeting.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-22]
The SpringfieldTV35 channel shall not be utilized for programming by the general public. Access to the channel shall be limited to municipal, governmental or quasi-governmental functions and operations. Utilization of the channel for personal gain is not permitted.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-22]
Any equipment acquired by the Township for use in connection with SpringfieldTV35 shall only be used by trained personnel in the course of the official operations of the channel. The use of such equipment for any personal or non-governmental purpose is not permitted.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-22]
Programs containing copyrighted materials will be used only if copyright clearance has been obtained.