[HISTORY: Adopted by the own Council of the Town of Tolland 11-22-2022 by Ord. No. 98. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(2)(K), the Town of Tolland does hereby create a special fund to provide affordable housing for the Town of Tolland. The fund shall be known as the "Affordable Housing Trust Fund," hereinafter the "fund." Such fund shall not lapse at the end of the municipal fiscal year.
In addition to such sums as may be directly appropriated by the Town for deposit into said fund (if any), the Town is authorized to and shall deposit all other monies received by it for the purposes of affordable housing from whatever source such monies are received (the "sources"). The sources may include, but are not limited to, inclusionary zoning fees, monetary gifts, grants, loans, and monies received from state and federal agencies.
Said fund shall be in the custody of the Town of Tolland. All or any part of the monies in said fund may be invested in any securities in which public funds may be lawfully invested. All income derived from such investment shall be placed into the fund and become a part thereof. The monies so invested shall at all times be subject to withdrawal for use as hereinafter set forth.
No sums contained in said fund, including interest and dividends earned, shall be transferred to any other account within the Town budget. However, in the event that work is performed by departments of the Town of Tolland pursuant to this chapter, the cost of said work may be reimbursed from the fund under § 1D-3B (Expenditures from fund). No expenditures shall be made from said fund except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. No expenditures shall be made from the fund in excess of the available balance in the fund.
The continuation of the fund shall be perpetual, notwithstanding that from time to time said fund may be unfunded.
Expenditures shall be made from the fund only in accordance with the following procedures and requirements:
Said expenditures shall be made exclusively for the costs associated with the investigation, appraisal, acquisition, constructing, rehabilitating, repairing, administration, fees and maintenance costs relating to parcels of land, both improved and unimproved, or development rights, easements, deed restrictions, options, interests or rights therein, the use of which shall be limited to retention or designation of parcels for their long-term use in providing affordable housing within the meaning of C.G.S. § 8-30g.
Recommendations for any and all proposed expenditures from the fund shall be submitted to the Affordable Housing Committee (AHC), which shall consist of the Town Manager, Director of Planning and Development, Director of Human Services, one Town Council member, and one Planning and Zoning Commissioner. Recommendations from the AHC for expenditures from the fund shall be submitted, including the sum to be expended, to the Town Council for approval.