Nomination and election of federal and state officers, state senators and representatives, judge of probate, registrars of voters, justices of the peace and such elective municipal officers, boards and commissions as are provided for in the Charter shall be conducted in the manner prescribed for in the Constitution and General Statutes. The registrars of voters shall prepare lists of registered voters. A meeting of registered voters of the Town for the election of municipal officers shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 1985, and biennially thereafter. The number of members of any one political party who may be elected to any elective board shall not exceed the number prescribed by the General Statutes.
All officers of the Town who are chosen by election shall be elected at large. The Council may, from time to time, by ordinance, divide the Town into voting districts with the establishment of voting places therein.
When any municipal election conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Charter results in a tie, with the consent of the tied candidates, the tie may be broken by a single toss of a coin by a third party agreeable to the tied candidates. Otherwise, when any municipal election or referendum conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Charter results in a tie, an adjourned election or referendum shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes to determine who shall be elected or, in the case of a question at referendum, whether it shall be accepted or rejected. Said adjourned election or referendum shall be held on the seventh day after the election or referendum which resulted in a tie and shall be confined to the tied candidates or issues. Any voting machine, the returns from which are not subject to disagreement, may be unlocked and used in said special election. If voting machines are not available in sufficient number, paper ballots may be used in place of, or in conjunction with, voting machines.
Unless otherwise required by General Statutes any vacancy in an elective Town office, for whatever cause arising, shall be filled by appointment by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term or until the next biennial election, whichever is sooner. The Council shall fill by appointment a vacancy in any elective office within 60 days from the time that the office becomes vacant with the exception of the Town Council that must be filled within 30 days. If a person vacating an elective office was elected as a member of a political party, the vacancy shall be filled by a member of the same party. If there shall be a biennial election before the expiration of the term of any office in which a vacancy occurs, such office shall be filled until said election by appointment, as provided herein, and subsequently by the election of a person to fill that office for the remaining portion of the term. Such person shall take office the Tuesday following that election.
No person shall be eligible for election to any Town office who is not, at the time of that election, a registered voter of the Town, and any person ceasing to be a registered voter of the Town shall thereupon cease to hold elective office.
Minority representation on all elected offices shall be in accord with Section 9-167a of the General Statutes.