[Added 6-28-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-024]
The purpose of this article is to create the administrative mechanisms needed for the execution of the Borough of High Bridge's responsibility to promote and oversee the provision of affordable housing pursuant to the Fair Housing Act of 1985.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The entity duly designated and responsible for administering the affordability controls on low- and moderate-income units created in the Borough of High Bridge to ensure that the restricted units are affirmatively marketed and sold or rented, as applicable, only to very-low-, low- and moderate-income households.
The municipal employee duly designated by the governing body with the responsibility for monitoring, reporting oversight and general administration of the affordable housing program for the Borough of High Bridge.
Establishment of position of Municipal Housing Liaison. There is hereby established the position of Municipal Housing Liaison for the Borough of High Bridge.
Subject to the approval of the Court, the Municipal Housing Liaison shall be appointed by the governing body and may be a full- or part-time municipal employee.
The Municipal Housing Liaison shall be responsible for monitoring, reporting, oversight and general administration of the affordable housing program for the Borough of High Bridge, including the following responsibilities which may not be contracted out to an administrative agent:
Serving as the Borough of High Bridge's primary point of contact for all inquiries from the state, affordable housing providers, administrative agents, and interested households;
Monitoring the status of all restricted units in the Borough of High Bridge's Housing Element and Fair Share Plan;
Compiling, verifying and publishing on the Borough's website all referenced monitoring reports as required by the Court;
Coordinating meetings with affordable housing providers and the administrative agent(s) as applicable; and
Attending continuing education programs as required to obtain and maintain certification as a Municipal Housing Liaison.
Subject to approval by the Court, the Borough of High Bridge may contract with or authorize a consultant, authority, government or any agency charged by the governing body, which entity shall have the responsibility of administering the affordable housing program of the Borough of High Bridge. If the Borough of High Bridge contracts with another entity to administer all or any part of the affordable housing program, including the affordability controls and affirmative marketing plan, the Municipal Housing Liaison shall supervise the contracting administrative agent.
Compensation. Compensation shall be fixed by the governing body at the time of the appointment of Municipal Housing Liaison.