Building-, roof- and ground-mounted solar photovoltaic systems.
A building permit shall be required for the installation of all roof- and building-mounted SPSs and ground-mounted systems for small-scale residential use.
All review and permitting for roof-, building- and ground-mounted systems shall be the responsibility of the Town of Marilla Code Enforcement Officer.
Any post-construction changes to any small-scale roof-, building- or ground-mounted SPS require review and approval by the Town of Marilla Code Enforcement Officer.
Utility-scale solar photovoltaic systems.
All utility-scale SPSs shall require the issuance of a special use permit and site plan approval from the Marilla Town Board.
The Town Board shall refer all special use permit applications to the Planning Board for review and recommendations prior to the issuance of site plan approval and the special use permit. (See § 640-7 of this chapter.)
Applicability. Two types of ground-mounted SPSs are addressed herein:
SPS Type 1: a utility- (large-) scale system designed for the generation of power supplied for commercial use and/or to the public utility grid by way of a net metering agreement.
SPS Type 2: a small-scale system designed to generate power for a single residence or property owner. A Type 2 system shall be permitted to supply power to the local utility grid, on a limited basis, by way of a net metering agreement at no greater than 110% of anticipated on-site demand.
Permitted use and locations.
Any SPS shall be considered and regulated as an accessory use/structure in all zoning districts where permitted.
Type 1 SPSs shall be permitted in the A Agricultural District only. Type 2 SPSs shall be permitted in all districts within the Town.
A building-mounted SPS shall be integrated into the design of the building and shall not obstruct any window, door or other architectural feature of the building.
A building-mounted SPS shall not extend more than three feet from the building facade to which it is affixed.
A roof-mounted SPS shall not be located closer than three feet to any roof edge or building wall, and in no instance shall any part of the system extend beyond the roof line or parapet wall.
When affixed to a pitched or peaked roof, an SPS should generally follow the slope of the roof. The highest part of a roof-mounted SPS shall not be more than three feet higher than the finished roof to which it is attached.
The Town of Marilla Code Enforcement Officer shall require a minimum three-foot center walkway between panels or arrays for safety access purposes for any roof-mounted SPS.
Minimum lot requirements.
The minimum lot size for Type 1 SPS is five acres. The density of any solar farm shall not be greater than 50% of the size of the lot and shall not, in any event, exceed 50 acres.
The required front yard setback for Type 1 and Type 2 ground-mounted SPSs shall be 100 feet. Side yard setbacks shall be 30 feet as measured from the parcel line to the nearest part of the system. Where Type 1 SPSs are adjacent to residential uses, public parks or schools, side yard setbacks shall be 60 feet as measured from the parcel line to the nearest part of the system. Any road or driveway for ingress and egress existing or to be installed shall be 30 feet as measured from the nearest property line.
No part of any SPS shall extend into the required setbacks, including any movement as a result of a tracking system or other adjustment of SPS-related equipment or parts.
A Type 2 ground-mounted SPS shall be permitted in the side yard or rear yard of any residential or business property but shall not extend beyond the front building line of the property.
The orientation of any SPS shall not be directed at any adjacent or adjoining residential dwelling.
Height restrictions.
The maximum overall height for Type 1 and Type 2 ground-mounted systems is 20 feet from finished grade.
The highest part of a roof-mounted SPS shall not be more than three feet higher than the finished roof to which it is attached.
Roof-mounted SPSs shall be mounted a minimum of 18 inches off the roof.
The maximum height of a building-mounted SPS shall be 18 feet, as measured from the lowest point where the system is affixed to the vertical facade of a building.
All SPSs existing on the effective date of this chapter shall be allowed to continue usage as they presently exist. Routine maintenance (including replacement with a new system of like construction and size) shall be permitted on such existing systems. New construction, other than routine maintenance, shall comply fully with the requirements of this chapter.
No SPS shall hereafter be used, erected, moved, reconstructed, changed or otherwise altered except in conformity with these regulations.
Any applications, including applications for variances, pending for an SPS on the effective date of this chapter shall be subject to the provisions contained herein.
All SPSs shall be installed by a qualified solar installer, as defined by this chapter.
Any building-, roof- or ground-mounted SPS shall be fully accessible to all emergency service vehicles and personnel.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit collective solar installations or the sale of excess power through net billing or net metering arrangements in accordance with New York State Public Service Law § 66-j or similar New York State or federal laws and regulations.
All SPSs shall adhere to all applicable federal, state, county and Town of Marilla laws and regulations, including building, plumbing, electrical, and fire codes.
The Town of Marilla Code Enforcement Officer shall notify the Marilla Fire Department upon the approval of any approved solar installations.
Design and installation standards.
All structures and devices used to support SPSs shall be nonreflective and/or painted a subtle or earth tone color.
The design, construction, operation and maintenance of any SPS shall prevent the misdirection and/or reflection, glare or glint of solar rays onto neighboring properties, businesses, public roads, public parks and other public facilities in excess of that which already exists. Should this occur, proper action shall be taken to correct the problem within 30 days upon notification of the Town of Marilla Code Enforcement Officer.
Artificial lighting of any SPS shall be limited to lighting required for safety and operational purposes and shall be dark sky compliant and shielded from all neighboring properties and public roads.
When solar storage batteries are included as a part of any SPS, they shall be placed in secure containers or enclosures that meet the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code when in use. When no longer used, solar storage batteries must be disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws of New York State and Erie County regulations.
Disconnect and other emergency shutoff information must be clearly displayed at/on the meter location of a Type 1 SPS for emergency personnel, as well as twenty-four-hour emergency contact information. (See § 640-7E of this chapter.)
The power supply cutoff device for any Type 2 roof- or building-mounted SPS shall be located on the outside of the structures that support such systems, in close proximity to where the power supply enters the facility, along with twenty-four-hour emergency contact information, where it can be easily accessed by emergency personnel.
All wiring must be designed and installed to comply with the National Electrical Code (NEC).
All interconnecting cables between the SPS and accessory or servicing structures shall be installed underground or within the structure they are mounted upon.
A minimum seven-foot-high fence shall be used to fully enclose the any Type 1 SPS to prevent unauthorized access to the site. [See § 640-7D(2).]
The SPS system must be designed and constructed to comply with the most recent fire code, as amended and adopted by the State of New York.
Compliance with Building Code.
Building permit applications shall be accompanied by standard drawings of structural components of the SPS, including support structures, base and footings. Drawings shall be stamped, and any necessary calculations shall be certified, in writing, by a licensed New York State professional engineer or architect to indicate that the system complies with the current New York State Building Code.
Where the installation or structural components vary from the standard design or specifications, proposed modifications shall be certified by a licensed New York State professional engineer for compliance with the seismic and structural design provisions of the New York State Building Code.
Compliance with Electrical Code.
Building permit applications shall be accompanied by a line drawing identifying the electrical components of the SPS to be installed in sufficient detail to allow for a determination that the manner of installation conforms to the Electrical Code. The application shall include a statement from a New York State licensed professional engineer or architect indicating that the electrical system conforms to sound engineering practices and complies with the National Electrical Code (NEC). This certification would normally be supplied by the manufacturer. All equipment and materials shall be used or installed in accordance with such drawings and diagrams.
Where the electrical components of an installation vary from the standard design or specifications, the proposed modifications shall be reviewed and certified by a New York State licensed professional engineer for compliance with the requirements of the NEC and sound engineering practices.
Maintenance and repair records.
An SPS shall be maintained in operational condition at all times, subject to reasonable maintenance and repair outages. "Operational condition" includes meeting all approval requirements and conditions.
The SPS shall be kept free from hazards, including, but not limited to, faulty wiring, loose fastenings, and creation of an unsafe condition or detriment to public health, safety or general welfare.
Owners and operators of Type 1 SPSs shall be required to keep all records of maintenance activities. The Town of Marilla Code Enforcement Officer shall have the right to request documentation from the owner/operator of an SPS regarding the system's usage and maintenance at any time.
The owner/operator of a Type 1 SPS shall be required to fully inspect the system on an annual basis. A copy of the inspection report shall be provided to the Marilla Building Department as part of the renewal of the special use permit. (See § 640-7 of this chapter.)
The inspection of SPSs shall comply with all requirements of the New York State Building Code.
Abatement and removal.
If an SPS poses a safety hazard, as determined by the Town of Marilla Code Enforcement Officer, the owner or operator shall take immediate action to remedy the hazard. The Code Enforcement Officer shall have the authority to cause the abatement of any hazardous situation. If the Town of Marilla determines that the SPS poses a safety hazard, a notice of violation shall be issued and the SPS shall be made nonoperational until such hazard has been remedied to the satisfaction of the Town of Marilla Building Department.
If the use of an approved SPS is discontinued, the owner or operator shall notify the Town of Marilla Building Department within 30 days of such discontinuance. If the SPS is to be retained and reused, the owner or operator shall further inform the Town of this, in writing, at such time and obtain any necessary approvals within one year. Otherwise, the SPS shall be deemed automatically abandoned.
If the SPS has been nonoperational or abandoned for a period of one year or more, the system shall be removed within 45 days' of written notice from the Town of Marilla to the property owner or operator of the system.
Any proposal to place, construct or modify a Type 1 utility-scale solar photovoltaic system in the Town of Marilla requires the issuance of a special use permit and site plan approval by the Marilla Town Board.
All special use permit applications for an SPS shall be submitted to the Town of Marilla Building Department.
All special use permit applications shall include the following information:
Completed special use permit application and checklist.
Completed site development plan application and checklist.
An accurate real property survey.
Engineered drawings certified by a licensed professional engineer or architect.
Design elevations that illustrate the potential views and height of proposed structures.
Aerial site plan showing the location of relevant utility poles and lines, trees and structures, and the names of all adjacent property owners.
Clearing, grading, stormwater drainage and/or erosion control plans, as required.
Soils map that illustrates the location of all prime farm soils on the subject property, which factor shall be given great weight in the approval process.
Local utility provider interconnection documentation.
SPS manufacturer information.
Maintenance and removal plan.
Preconstruction soil testing plan to form a baseline for restoration.
Decommissioning and restoration plan.
SEQR environmental assessment form.
Visual impact assessment form.
Screening, visibility and access.
Type 1 SPSs are required to submit a screening and landscaping plan, showing adequate measures to screen the site through landscaping, grading or other means so that the visibility of solar panels/arrays and other equipment is minimized from roadways and neighboring properties. The screening and landscaping plan should include the locations, elevations, height, plant species, and/or materials that will be used to screen and/or mitigate any adverse aesthetic effects of the system. Berms to be installed shall be a minimum of eight feet in height. Deer-resistant evergreens of at least eight feet in height shall be acceptable for these purposes unless natural existing vegetation meets or exceeds these requirements.
A safety plan must be submitted that specifies the measures that will be used to prevent public access to unsafe areas, and to provide for emergency response, including but not limited to the location, height, materials, and colors of fencing and other barriers to public access. A standard red universal fire lock box shall be installed to allow emergency on-site access. Emergency response personnel shall be given the opportunity for a final walk-through prior to issuance of final approval of the construction.
Documentation shall be provided to confirm that no element of an SPS will reflect glint or glare that could be disruptive to passing aircraft (as defined by the FAA).
Signage and/or graphic content.
No signage or graphic content may be displayed on any Type 1 SPS system except the manufacturer's badge, safety information and equipment specification information. Said information shall be depicted within an area no more than 36 square inches in size.
The locations, size and text of any safety signage that will be used for any Type 1 SPS to prohibit public access to unsafe areas shall be included with the site plan.
Type 1 systems and sites may not be used for displaying advertising except for reasonable identification of the owner/operator and shall comply with all signage restrictions.
Operations and maintenance plan.
To include mowing, landscaping and screening maintenance and replacement; frequency of SPS equipment inspection and maintenance; anticipated time frame for significant maintenance and/or replacement of equipment as required and provisions for notifying the Town of any change of operations and/or ownership.
A bond and/or surety or other form of security, acceptable to the Town Attorney, shall be required for all Type 1 projects of at least 125% of the estimated cost of SPS removal and site restoration with an annual escalation of 2% throughout the SPS's anticipated existence. Said proof or bond or security shall be filed with the Town prior to construction and shall remain in force for the life of the SPS. All such expense for the establishment of a bond and/or surety and maintaining the same shall be borne by the applicant.
Decommissioning and restoration. The applicant shall include the following information with the special use permit application regarding decommissioning of the SPS and restoration of the site:
The anticipated life of the SPS.
The estimated decommissioning costs in current dollars based upon a New York State licensed professional engineer's written opinion.
The method and schedule for updating the costs of decommissioning and restoration.
A method of ensuring that funds will be available for decommissioning and restoration.
The anticipated manner in which the SPS will be decommissioned, and the site restored, including but not limited to the removal of all structures and foundations associated with the SPS system; restoration of all ground surfaces, including topsoil and seeding as necessary; removal of all buried cables and wires associated with the system; and a specific plan to dispose of solar panels in an environmentally sound manner.
Such other and reasonable requirements as determined by the Town of Marilla.
Additional requirements.
In addition to the requirements set forth in this chapter, the issuance of a special use permit shall be subject to any other requirements outlined in §§ 700-27 and 700-28 of the Zoning Law.
The applicant is required to obtain all necessary regulatory permits and approvals from all federal, state and county agencies having jurisdiction as related to the completion of the Type 1 SPS.
After completion of the Type 1 SPS, the applicant shall provide post-construction certification from a licensed New York State professional engineer that indicates that the project complies with all applicable codes and industry practices and has been constructed and is operating in accordance with the approved design plans.
After the granting of the special use permit for the Type 1 SPS, concurrent with site plan approval, the building permit shall be obtained within six months and construction of the project completed within 12 months. If the project is not constructed and operational within 12 months of the issue date for the special use permit, the permit and site plan approval shall lapse, and the project owner/operator will be required to seek new approval from the Town Board unless otherwise determined by the Code Enforcement Officer that the project may be continued. In such case, the project must be more than 90% constructed and near completion, in which case a three-month extension could be granted.
Up until the time that final site plan approval has been granted by the Marilla Town Board and permits have been issued by any and all governmental agencies involved with the Type 1 SPS project, the Town Board may impose additional conditions or restrictions, as it may deem necessary, prior to approving the request for a special use permit.
Any post-construction changes or alterations to a Type 1 SPS shall be undertaken only by amendment to the special use permit (and site plan approval, if required), subject to all requirements of this chapter.
Special use permits for a Type 1 SPS are assignable or transferable as long as they are in full compliance with all requirements of this chapter and all conditions of the permit, and the Marilla Code Enforcement Officer is notified of said change, in writing, no less than 15 days' prior thereto.
A special use permit for a Type 1 SPS must be renewed on an annual basis. A copy of the annual maintenance and inspection report must be submitted along with the application for renewal.
The applicant shall pay an initial application fee of $2,500, or such other amount as the Town Board may, from time to time, determine by resolution as appropriate, upon filing application for a special use permit and site plan approval. This fee shall be appropriate to cover the costs of processing and reviewing the application. Applicants for Type 1 SPS systems shall also establish an escrow account in the minimum amount of $5,000 for costs associated with Town review of the application, including usage of outside consultants.
An applicant for any Type 2 SPS shall pay a building permit fee of $50 or such other amount as the Town Board may, from time to time, determine by resolution as appropriate for this action.
The applicant shall pay the standard fee for the filing of a site plan application for Type 1 SPS, as determined from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
In addition to any special permit or site plan application fees, an applicant shall also pay the required building permit application fee.
All special use permits must be renewed on an annual basis. The renewal fee for a special use permit is $100 or such other amount as the Town Board may determine, from time to time, by resolution as appropriate.
Applicants for any Type 1 SPS shall pay an additional 3% of the estimated project cost to the Town for an open space and farmland protection program fund to be held by the Town.
Violations of any of the conditions of the special use permit, site plan approval or any other local, state or federal laws, rules or regulations shall be grounds for the revocation of the special use permit or site plan approval. Revocation may occur after the applicant is notified, in writing, of the violations and the Town of Marilla Town Board holds a hearing on same.
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare. It is not intended to interfere with, abrogate or annul other rules, regulations or laws, provided that whenever the requirements of this chapter are at a variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted regulations, rules or laws, the most restrictive, or those which impose the highest standards, shall govern.
If any section, subsection, phrase, sentence or other portion of the chapter is for any reason held invalid, void, unconstitutional or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof.