[Adopted as Ch. 2, Art. III, Div. 8, § 2-191, of the 1988 Revised General Bylaws]
[Amended 11-19-2012 STM by Art. 18; 5-20-2013 ATM by Art. 40; 5-16-2022 ATM by Art. 36]
A Soil Conservation Board is hereby established in the Town of Swansea for the purpose of exercising the powers and duties of such Boards under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including MGL c. 40, § 21(17), as well as Chapter 150 of these General Bylaws.
Appointment. The members of the Soil Conservation Board shall consist of two members to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen, both of which must be residents of the Town, one member of the Planning Board, one member of the Board of Health, and one member of the Conservation Commission. Whenever any of these multi-member bodies lacks a required representative on the Soil Conservation Board, it shall appoint said representative by a majority vote of said multi-member body at any meeting of the same at which a quorum is present. If a member of the Soil Conservation Board ceases to be a member, for whatever reason, of the multi-member body that appointed him to the Soil Conservation Board, then he concurrently shall cease to be a member of the Soil Conservation Board.
Conflicts of interest. No person who engages in commercial activities relating to the importation, manufacturing, processing, removal or disturbance of earth minerals and soils shall be eligible to serve on the Soil Conservation Board.
Removal. The appointment of a representative to the Soil Conservation Board may be revoked in the same manner that said appointment was made.
Other appointments. The Soil Conservation Board may appoint a secretary and an inspector, neither of whom shall be a member of said Board. The inspector shall carry out such duties as may be assigned to him by the Soil Conservation Board or Chapter 150 of these General Bylaws, or as may be provided by statute.
Rulemaking. To the extent that it is expressly authorized by Chapter 150 of these General Bylaws, the Soil Conservation Board may promulgate Rules and Regulations in order to supplement the provisions of said chapter.