The Town Council shall consist of a First Warden, a Second Warden, and three Town Councillors, all to be elected at large from the Town, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even numbered year, each to serve for a two year term or until his or her successor is elected and qualified. The names of all persons who have qualified to appear on the ballot for the offices of First Warden, Second Warden and Town Councillor, respectively, shall be arranged on the ballot so that each said name is opposite the title of the office for which said candidate qualified, and under the column heading of his or her party, if any. Each elector shall cast his or her vote for one candidate for the office of First Warden, for one candidate for the office of Second Warden, and for no more than three candidates for the office of Town Councillor. The candidate for First Warden receiving the highest number of votes, the candidate for Second Warden receiving the highest number of votes, and the three candidates for Town Councillor receiving the highest numbers of votes shall severally be declared elected.
Members of the Town Council shall be qualified electors and residents of the Town of New Shoreham, and shall not be eligible for appointment to the Block Island Land Trust, School Committee, or any board or commission of the Town appointed by Town Council, provided however, that the Town Council may make exceptions to this prohibition in individual cases as it deems best for the welfare of the Town. No Council Member shall hold any other paid employment in the service of the Town, nor be eligible to accept any such employment for a period of one year following the expiration of the term for which he or she was elected. The office of any Town Council member who ceases to meet the foregoing qualifications shall be deemed to have become vacant; and may be declared vacant by the Council if he or she shall have been absent from six consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the Council.
Vacancies in the membership of the Town Council, from whatever cause, shall be filled by the remaining members of the Council within forty-five days of the occurrence of such vacancy, provided however, that the Second Warden shall automatically succeed to the office of First Warden in the event of any vacancy in the said office. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Second Warden, such vacancy shall be filled by vote of the remaining members of the Council from among the three Councillors elected pursuant to Section 401 of this Article, and in the event of a vacancy in the office of one of the Councillors, such vacancy shall be filled by a qualified elector of the Town chosen by vote of the remaining members of the Council.
The first meeting of a newly elected Town Council shall be held on the first Monday in December following the certification of the election of a majority of its members by the Board of Canvassers. The First Warden shall preside if the election of a First Warden has been certified by the Board of Canvassers, and if no such certification has been received, the Second Warden shall preside. The First Warden shall be the presiding officer of the Council, and in his or her absence or disability, the Second Warden shall preside. The First Warden shall be vested with all responsibilities assigned under state law to council presidents and/or highest elected town officials. The Town Council shall determine the time and place of its regular meetings, but it must meet at least once each month.
The Town Council shall adopt rules and regulations regarding the conduct of its meetings. The rules shall include but not be limited to an opportunity for public comment at each regular meeting of the Town Council. A quorum for Council meetings shall be three members. In the event neither the First nor Second Warden is present, the others shall elect a temporary chairperson.
The First Warden or a majority of the Town Council may call a special meeting thereof in conformity with the provisions of the State open meetings law relating to the calling of such meetings, provided that individual notice in writing is given to all Council members and to the Town Manager no less than twenty-four hours before the time set for such meeting.
The compensation of the members of the Town Council shall be set by the Council and changed from time to time as the Council may deem appropriate, provided that any change in said compensation must be approved no less than six months prior to the next general election, to take effect following such general election.
All powers of the Town shall be vested in the Town Council except as otherwise provided by this Charter or by the Constitution and laws of the State. The Town Council shall provide for the exercise thereof and for the performance of all duties and obligations imposed on the Town by law, provided however, that the administration and management of the government of the Town shall be the responsibility of the Town Manager. Except for the purpose of inquiries or investigations as provided for in Subsection E of this Section, the Town Council or its members shall deal with town officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the Town Manager solely through the Town Manager, and neither the Town Council nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee either publicly or privately. Throughout this Charter, the term "advice and consent" of the Town Council shall mean the vote and approval thereof. Among its powers and duties the Council shall:
Serve as the policy making body of the Town;
Employ a Town Manager as provided in Section 502 of Article V;
Consider for confirmation all recommendations for employment by the Town Manager for which Council confirmation is required; the hiring of all department heads, including those within the Department of Public Works, shall require advice and consent of the Town Council;
Create, change and abolish town offices, departments and agencies not established by this Charter or by the Constitution and laws of the State;
Make investigations into the affairs of the Town and the conduct of any town department, office or agency when it deems such investigation necessary, and for this purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony and require the production of evidence;
Cause to be prepared and periodically revised a codification of the ordinances of the Town, and provide for the publication of the same, together with the text of the Charter of New Shoreham of 1672, the text of the Home Rule Charter of the Town and all amendments thereto, and all special acts which pertain to the Town;
Authorize that all contracts for goods or services to be supplied to the Town in excess of a dollar limit set by the Town Council, shall come before the Town Council before posting the bids; approve for signature any such contract prior to award;
Cause to be prepared all grant applications for the Town for Town Council approval and signature. Acceptances of grants to the Town shall come before the Town Council for approval and signature;
Authorize, as required, capital expenditures, grants, and expenditures over a certain dollar amount, as set by ordinance, after financial town meeting, and to oversee implementation of budget proposals;
Have the power to fill any vacancy in an elected or appointed office, board, or commission, unless otherwise provided;
Have the authority to establish criteria and specific guidelines for removal from office of any town official or employee for criminal acts, ethics violations, or any illegal activities;
Adopt by ordinance and review in consultation with the Town Manager, such personnel policies, and provide such rules, regulations and administrative arrangements for the implementation thereof, as it may deem appropriate, for the better governance of the Town and management of its affairs;
Take all actions and assume all responsibilities incumbent upon it to take or assume under the terms and provisions of this Charter.
The Town Council shall establish procedures that will promote access to information concerning vacancies that occur or are scheduled to occur on boards, commissions or committees to electors and Town residents, so that nominations (including self-nominations) may be submitted in time to be considered by the Town Council when an appointment is made to fill said vacancies.
All ordinances of the Town shall be enacted by the Council in accordance with the following procedures:
Any member of the Town Council or the Town Council as a whole may propose a new ordinance or amendment. The proposal shall be reviewed by the Council and thereafter submitted to the Town Solicitor for an opinion as to form and legality. Upon receipt of the review by the Solicitor, the proposed amendment or new ordinance shall be placed on the agenda for the next Town Council meeting. At that meeting, the Town Council shall vote to hold a public hearing on the proposed new ordinance or amendment. The vote shall include the date, time and place for the public hearing, not less than three weeks from the date of posting, and shall include directions to the Town Clerk to post a copy of the proposal in the Town Hall, on the Town’s website and at least two other places within the Town normally used for such postings, and to provide for any advertising required by law. In the event any such public hearing shall be continued to a later date, no further posting shall be required. In the event the proposal is amended at or after the public hearing, any legal requirements as to further public notification shall be followed. No action shall be taken by the Council on any ordinance prior to conduct of a public hearing thereon prescribed in this subsection. A copy of the ordinance shall be posted by the Town Clerk immediately following an affirmative vote of the Council following the public hearing, in the Town Hall and at least two other places within the Town normally used for such postings, indicating the date of enactment thereof, said posting to remain in place for not less than ten days. Unless otherwise provided for by state law or in its terms, every ordinance shall take effect seven days following the date of passage.
In the event of an emergency wherein the Town Council must enact an appropriate ordinance or ordinances, the Council may suspend the provisions of subsection A. of this Section by unanimous vote of the Council. Only action by ordinance clearly essential to deal with the emergency shall be taken under such suspension. An emergency shall be defined as a situation wherein the public health, safety and/or general welfare of the Town is imminently imperiled by an unusual or unforeseen circumstance.