The following permit requirements may apply to certain regulated
earth disturbance activities and must be met prior to commencement
of regulated earth disturbance activities, as applicable:
A. All regulated earth disturbance activities subject to permit requirements by PADEP under regulations at 25 Pa. Code Chapter
B. Work within natural drainageways subject to permit by PADEP under
25 Pa. Code Chapter 105.
C. Any stormwater management facility that would be located in or adjacent
to surface waters of the commonwealth, including wetlands, subject
to permit by PADEP under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 105.
D. Any stormwater management facility that would be located on or discharging
to a state highway right-of-way, or require access to or from a state
highway, shall be subject to approval by PennDOT.
E. Culverts, bridges, storm sewers, or any other facilities which must
pass or convey flows from the tributary area and any facility which
may constitute a dam, subject to permit by PADEP under 25 Pa. Code
Chapter 105.
The design of all regulated activities shall include the following
to minimize stormwater impacts to reduce the surface discharge of
stormwater, reduce the creation of unnecessary impervious surfaces,
prevent the degradation of waters of the commonwealth, and maintain
as much as possible the natural hydrologic regime of the site.
A. The applicant shall apply low impact development (LID) methods such
as those listed in Appendix E, provided that use of this method does not conflict with
other local codes.
B. The applicant shall demonstrate that the design process follows the
sequence noted below. The goal of the sequence is to minimize the
increases in stormwater runoff and impacts to water quality resulting
from the proposed regulated activity:
The following items in this subsection shall be addressed prior
to development of other stormwater management site plan design elements:
Prepare an existing resource and site analysis map (ERSAM) showing
environmentally sensitive areas, including, but not limited to, steep
slopes, ponds, lakes, streams, wetlands, hydric soils, vernal pools,
stream buffers, and hydrologic soil groups. Land development, any
existing recharge areas, and other requirements outlined in the municipal
SALDO shall also be included.
Establish a stream buffer according to §
Prepare a draft project layout avoiding sensitive areas identified in §
Identify site-specific existing conditions drainage areas, discharge
points, recharge areas, and hydrologic soil groups A and B (areas
conducive to infiltration).
Evaluate nonstructural stormwater management alternatives:
Minimize earth disturbance.
Minimize impervious surfaces.
Break up large impervious surfaces.
Determine into what management district the site falls (Appendix
A), and conduct an existing conditions runoff analysis.
The following items in this subsection may be addressed in any order, provided that all items in §
174-304B(1) have been completed.
Satisfy the infiltration objective (§
174-305) and provide for stormwater pretreatment prior to infiltration.
Provide for water quality protection in accordance with §
174-306, Water quality requirements.
Provide stream bank erosion protection in accordance with §
174-307, Stream bank erosion requirements.
Prepare final project design to maintain existing conditions
drainage areas and discharge points, to minimize earth disturbance
and impervious surfaces, and, to the maximum extent possible, to ensure
that the remaining site development has no surface or point discharge.
Conduct a proposed conditions runoff analysis based on the final design that meets the management district requirements (§
Manage any remaining runoff prior to discharge through detention,
bioretention, direct discharge, or other structural control.
The applicant shall comply with the following water quality
requirements of this article.
A. To control post-construction stormwater impacts from regulated activities
and conform to state water quality requirements, BMPs which replicate
predevelopment stormwater infiltration and runoff conditions must
be provided in the site design such that post-construction stormwater
discharges do not degrade the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics
of the receiving waters. The green infrastructure and low impact development
(LID) practices provided in the PA BMP Manual, as well as the guidance
on green infrastructure and LID provided in Appendix E shall be utilized for all regulated activities wherever
possible. This may be achieved by the following:
Infiltration: replication of preconstruction stormwater infiltration
Treatment: use of water quality treatment BMPs to provide filtering
of chemical and physical pollutants from the stormwater runoff; and
Stream bank and streambed protection: management of volume and
rate of post-construction stormwater discharges to prevent physical
degradation of receiving waters (e.g., from scouring).
B. Developed areas shall provide adequate storage and treatment facilities necessary to capture and treat stormwater runoff. The infiltration volume computed under §
174-305 may be a component of the water quality volume if the applicant chooses to manage both components in a single facility. If the calculated water quality volume (WQv) is greater than the volume required to be infiltrated as described in § 175-305C(2), then the difference between the two volumes shall be treated for water quality by an acceptable stormwater management practice(s). The required water quality volume (WQv) is the storage capacity needed to capture and treat a portion of stormwater runoff from the developed areas of the site. To achieve this requirement, the following criterion is established:
The post-construction total runoff volume shall not exceed the
predevelopment total runoff volume for all storms equal to or less
than the two-year, twenty-four-hour duration precipitation (design
storm). If the Municipal Engineer concurs that this criterion cannot
be met, a minimum of 0.5 inch of runoff from all regulated impervious
surfaces shall be managed. For modeling purposes, existing (predevelopment)
nonforested pervious areas must be considered meadow in good condition
or its equivalent, and 20% of existing impervious area, when present,
shall be considered meadow in good condition.
This volume requirement can be managed by the permanent volume
of a wet basin or the detained volume from other BMPs. Where appropriate,
wet basins shall be utilized for water quality control and shall follow
the guidelines of the PA BMP Manual referenced in Appendix G.
Release of water can begin at the start of the storm (i.e.,
the invert of the water quality orifice is at the invert of the facility).
The design of the facility shall provide for protection from clogging
and unwanted sedimentation.
C. The temperature of receiving waters shall be protected through the
use of BMPs that moderate temperature.
D. Evapotranspiration may be quantified and credited towards meeting
volume requirements according to the PADEP Post Construction Stormwater
Management (PCSM) Spreadsheet and Instructions (December 2020) or
the most recent guidance from PADEP.