The following activities may require permits or other regulatory
approvals. Any necessary permit or approval shall be met prior to
final approval by the municipality of the SWM site plan and prior
to commencement of any regulated activity, as applicable:
A. All regulated activity subject to permit or regulatory requirements
by PADEP under regulations at 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102, or erosion
and sediment control requirements of the municipality;
B. Work within a watercourse subject to a permit by PADEP under 25 Pa.
Code Chapter 105;
C. Any BMP or conveyance located in or adjacent to surface waters of
the commonwealth, including wetlands (PADEP under Title 25 Pa. Code
Chapter 105);
D. Any BMP or conveyance located on, or discharging to, or requiring
access to or from, a state highway right-of-way (PennDOT under Title
67 highway occupancy permit); and
E. Culverts, bridges, storm sewers, or any other facilities which must
pass or convey flows from the tributary area and any facility which
may constitute a dam (PADEP under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 105).
The applicant shall design the site to minimize the disturbances to land, site hydrology, and natural resources, and to maintain the natural hydrologic regime, drainage patterns and flow conditions. The applicant shall demonstrate in its SWM site plan (as required in §
194-313) that the design sequence, objectives and techniques described below were applied to the maximum extent practicable in the site design of the regulated activity while complying with all other requirements of this chapter. The site design shall:
A. First, identify and delineate all existing natural resources and natural and man-made hydrologic features listed in §
194-313C that are located within the site, or receive discharge from, or may be impacted by, the proposed regulated activity.
B. Second, provide a prioritized listing of these resources and features
to identify:
Those to be incorporated into the site design in a manner that
provides protection from any disturbance or impact from the proposed
regulated activity;
Those to be protected from further disturbance or impact but
for which the proposed regulated activity will provide improvement
to existing conditions;
Those that can be incorporated into and utilized as components
of the overall site design in a manner that protects or improves their
existing conditions while utilizing their hydrologic function within
the limits of their available capacity (e.g., for infiltration, evapotranspiration,
or reducing pollutant loads, runoff volume or peak discharge rates,
etc.) to reduce the need for or size of constructed BMPs; and
Those that may be considered for alteration, disturbance or
C. Third, develop the site design to achieve the following:
Recognize and incorporate the priorities identified in §
194-304B as the basis for the proposed site layout, grading, construction, and permanent ground cover design;
Minimize earth disturbance (both surface and subsurface);
Maximize protection of or improvement to natural resources and
special management areas;
Minimize the disturbance of natural site hydrology, in particular
natural drainage features and patterns, discharge points and flow
characteristics, natural infiltration patterns and characteristics,
and natural channel and floodplain conveyance capacity;
Incorporate natural hydrologic features and functions identified in §
194-304B into the site design to protect and utilize those features and their hydrologic functions to reduce the need for or size of constructed BMPs;
Maximize infiltration and the use of natural site infiltration
features, patterns and conditions, and evapotranspiration features;
Apply selective grading design methods to provide final grading
patterns or preserve existing topography in order to evenly distribute
runoff and minimize concentrated flows;
Minimize the cumulative area to be covered by impervious surfaces
Minimize the size of individual impervious surfaces;
Separate large impervious surfaces into smaller components;
Disconnect runoff from one impervious surface to another; and
Utilize porous materials in place of impervious wherever practicable;
Minimize the volume and peak discharge rates of stormwater generated;
Avoid or minimize stormwater runoff pollutant loads and receiving
stream channel erosion;
Locate infiltration and other BMPs:
At or as near to the source of generation as possible; and
At depths that are as shallow as possible;
Prioritize the selection and design of BMPs as follows:
Nonstructural and vegetation BMPs; then
Structural (surface and subsurface) BMPs;
For flow volumes requiring conveyance from the source of generation
to a BMP for management, give preference to open channel conveyance
techniques that provide infiltration and water quality benefits, and
landscaped-based management in common open space areas, where practicable;
Consider additional guidance for incorporating natural hydrology into the site and BMP designs, methods and techniques that support the objectives of §
194-304B and
C. Appendix B presents additional discussion of conservation design
and low-impact development.
D. The procedures set forth above shall be utilized to the maximum extent practicable for the overall site design and selection, location and design of features and BMPs to be used to comply with the requirements of §§
194-306 and
For regulated activity involving new development with one or
more acres of earth disturbance, the applicant shall comply with the
following stream channel protection requirements to minimize stream
channel erosion and associated water quality impacts to the receiving
A. The peak flow rate of the post-construction two-year, twenty-four-hour
design storm shall be reduced to the predevelopment peak flow rate
of the one-year, twenty-four-hour-duration precipitation, using the
NRCS Type II distribution.
B. To the maximum extent practicable, and unless otherwise approved
by the Municipal Engineer, the post-construction one-year, twenty-four-hour
storm flow shall be detained for a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum
not to exceed 72 hours from a point in time when the maximum volume
of water from the one-year, twenty-four-hour storm is stored in a
proposed BMP (i.e., when the maximum water surface elevation is achieved
in the facility). Release of water can begin at the start of the storm
(i.e., the invert of the orifice is at the invert of the proposed
C. For modeling purposes, the predevelopment ground cover conditions shall be determined using the corresponding ground cover assumptions presented in §
194-307D of this chapter.
D. The minimum orifice size in the outlet structure to the BMP shall
be three inches in diameter unless otherwise approved by the Municipal
Engineer, and a trash rack shall be installed to prevent clogging.
For sites with small drainage areas contributing to the BMP that do
not provide enough runoff volume to allow a twenty-four-hour attenuation
with the three-inch orifice, the calculations shall be submitted showing
this condition.
E. When the calculated orifice size is below three inches, gravel filters
(or other methods) are recommended to discharge low-flow rates subject
to the Municipal Engineer's satisfaction. When filters are utilized,
maintenance provisions shall be provided to ensure filters meet the
design function.
F. All proposed stormwater management facilities shall make use of measures
to extend the flow path and increase the travel time of flows in the
G. When a regulated activity contains or is divided by multiple drainage
areas, the peak flow rate control shall be separately addressed for
each drainage area.
Providing for infiltration consistent with the natural hydrologic
regime is required to compensate for the reduction in the recharge
that occurs when the ground surface is disturbed or impervious surface
is created or expanded. The applicant shall achieve the following
infiltration requirements:
A. Infiltration devices shall be selected based on suitability of soils
and site conditions. Measures may include porous pavement with underground
infiltration beds, vegetated infiltration beds, swales and trenches,
or other seepage structures as proposed in the Pennsylvania Stormwater
Best Management Practices Manual, as amended, or other sources acceptable
to the Municipal Engineer.
B. For regulated activity involving both new development and redevelopment, infiltration shall be designed to accommodate the entire water quality and runoff volume required in §
194-305A(1). Infiltration BMPs should be consistent with the design and infiltration period guidelines included in the PA BMP Manual or other PA DEP design guidance. If the runoff volume required by §
194-305 cannot be infiltrated, then alternative methods consistent with the PA BMP Manual (as amended) or other PA DEP guidance, such as the Managed Release Concept, may be used to manage this volume with approval from the Municipal Engineer.
C. If site conditions preclude capture of runoff from portions of the
impervious surfaces, the infiltration volume for the remaining area
shall be increased an equivalent amount to offset the loss.
D. When a project contains or is divided by multiple watersheds, the
infiltration volume shall be separately addressed for each watershed.
E. Existing impervious surfaces located in areas outside of the site
(i.e., outside of the regulated activity) may be excluded from the
calculation of the required infiltration volume.
F. A detailed soils evaluation of the site shall be conducted by a qualified
professional and at a minimum shall address soil permeability, depth
to bedrock, and subgrade stability. The general process for designing
the infiltration BMP shall be conducted by a qualified licensed professional
and shall be consistent with the PA BMP Manual (as amended) (or other
guidance acceptable to the Municipal Engineer) and in general shall:
Analyze hydrologic soil groups as well as natural and man-made
features within the site to determine general areas of suitability
for infiltration practices. In areas where development on fill material
is under consideration, conduct geotechnical investigations of subgrade
stability; infiltration may not be ruled out without conducting these
Provide field tests such as double ring infiltrometer or other
hydraulic conductivity tests (at the elevation of the proposed infiltration
surface) to determine the appropriate hydraulic conductivity rate.
Standard septic/sewage percolation tests are not acceptable for design
Design the infiltration facility for the required retention
(infiltration) volume based on field-determined infiltration capacity
(and apply safety factor as per applicable design guidelines) at the
elevation of the proposed infiltration surface.
On-lot infiltration features are encouraged; however, it shall
be demonstrated to the Municipal Engineer that the soils are conducive
to infiltration on the identified lots.
G. Infiltration BMPs shall be selected based on suitability of soils
and site conditions and shall be constructed on soils that have the
following characteristics:
A minimum depth of 24 inches between the bottom of the BMP and
the top of the limiting zone.
An infiltration rate sufficient to accept the additional stormwater
volume and drain completely as determined by field tests conducted
by the applicant.
The infiltration facility shall completely drain the retention
(infiltration) volume within three days (72 hours) from the end of
the design storm.
H. All infiltration practices shall:
Be selected and designed to meet the criteria of §
194-304C that are applicable to infiltration;
Be set back at least 25 feet from all buildings and features
with subgrade elements (e.g., basements, foundation walls, etc.),
unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Engineer;
For any infiltration practice that collects runoff from shared
or multiple features and that is located within 50 feet of a building
or feature with subgrade elements (e.g., basements, foundation walls,
etc.), the bottom elevation shall be set below the elevation of the
subgrade element.
I. Infiltration facilities shall, to the maximum extent practicable,
be located to avoid introducing contaminants to groundwater:
When a hotspot is located in the area draining to a proposed
infiltration facility, an evaluation of the potential of groundwater
contamination from the proposed infiltration facility shall be performed,
including a hydrogeologic investigation (if necessary) by a qualified
licensed professional to determine what, if any, pretreatment or additional
design considerations are needed to protect groundwater quality.
When located within a wellhead protection area of a public water
supply well, infiltration practices shall be in conformance with the
applicable approved source water protection assessment or source water
protection plan.
The applicant shall provide appropriate safeguards against groundwater
contamination for land uses that may cause groundwater contamination
should there be a mishap or spill.
J. During site construction, all infiltration practice components shall
be protected from compaction due to heavy equipment operation or storage
of fill or construction material. Infiltration areas shall also be
protected from sedimentation. Areas that are accidentally compacted
or graded shall be remediated to restore soil composition and porosity.
Adequate documentation to this effect shall be submitted to the Municipal
Engineer for review. All areas designated for infiltration shall not
receive runoff until the contributory drainage area has achieved final
K. Where sediment or debris transport in the stormwater runoff is anticipated
to reach the infiltration system, appropriate permanent measures,
as determined by the Municipal Engineer, to prevent or collect sediment
shall be installed prior to discharge to the infiltration system.
Measures may include settlement or filtration devices.
L. Where roof drains are designed to discharge to infiltration practices,
they shall have appropriate measures to prevent clogging by unwanted
debris (for example, silt, leaves and vegetation). Such measures shall
include but are not limited to leaf traps, gutter guards and cleanouts.
Whenever possible, roof drains shall discharge to vegetated areas
that drain overland to infiltration practices.
M. All underground infiltration practices shall have appropriate positive
overflow controls to prevent storage within one foot of the finish
surface or grade.
N. No sand, salt or other particulate matter may be applied to a porous
surface material for winter ice conditions.
O. The following procedures and materials shall be required during the
construction of all subsurface facilities.
Excavation for the infiltration facility shall be performed
with equipment which will not compact the bottom of the seepage bed/trench,
or like facility.
The bottom of the bed and/or trench shall be scarified prior
to the placement of aggregate.
Only clean aggregate, free of fines, shall be allowed.
The top, bottom and sides of all seepage beds, trenches, or
like facilities shall be covered with drainage filtration fabric.
Fabric shall meet the specifications of PennDOT Publication 408, Section
735, Construction Class 1.
Perforated distribution pipes connected to centralized catch basins and/or manholes with provision for the collection of debris shall be provided in all facilities. The perforated pipes shall distribute stormwater throughout the entire seepage bed/trench, or like facility. All distribution pipes shall be a material which meets the 100-year life expectancy criteria of PennDOT as referenced in §
P. All infiltration facilities which service more than one lot and are
considered a common facility shall have an easement provided to the
Township for future access if necessary.
For any regulated activity, unless exempt per the provisions of §
A. Preparation and implementation of an approved SWM site plan is required.
B. No regulated activity shall commence until the municipality issues
written approval of a SWM site plan which demonstrates compliance
with the requirements of this chapter and, if required, a letter of
adequacy has been issued by the Conservation District for an erosion
and sediment control plan.
C. The preliminary or final approval of subdivision and/or land development
plans, and the issuance of any building or occupancy permit, shall
not proceed until the applicant has received written approval of a
SWM site plan from the municipality.
D. The SWM site plan approved by the municipality shall be on site throughout
the duration of the regulated activity.
E. The SWM site plan shall consist of a general description of the project
including calculations, maps, and plans.
F. A note on the maps shall refer to the associated computations and
erosion and sediment control plan by title and date.
G. The cover sheet of the computations and erosion and sediment control
plan shall refer to the associated maps by title and date.
H. All SWM site plan materials shall be submitted to the municipality
in a format that is clear, concise, legible, neat, and well organized;
otherwise, the SWM site plan shall not be accepted for review and
shall be returned to the applicant.
I. When a regulated activity is not part of a subdivision or land development
proposal and is less than one acre of earth disturbance, at the discretion
of the Township Engineer, reduced provisions may be established from
those listed below in order to show compliance with the requirements
of this chapter.
The stormwater management site plan shall consist of a narrative
report, design drawings, calculations, supporting text and documentation.
The report shall describe the project and its compliance with the
applicable sections of this chapter, and a map or maps describing
the topography of the area, proposed alterations, and the location
and description of permanent stormwater management measures and facilities.
The following elements shall be included in the stormwater management
site plan:
A. The written narrative report summary of the project shall include:
General description of the project, including:
Description of how the proposed project complies with all requirements
of federal, state, county and Township agencies with regard to stormwater
Description of existing and proposed man-made features, including
planned temporary and permanent stormwater management and soil erosion
control measures on site.
Plans and specifications of the stormwater management and soil
erosion measures and facilities.
The overall stormwater management design concept for the project, both during and after construction, and how the site design achieves the requirements of §§
194-301 through
194-317 of Article
Date the project is to begin and expected date final stabilization
will be completed;
A suitable map of the total watershed (a USGS quadrangle map
is sufficient);
General description of on-site stormwater flows and their effect
on neighboring properties;
A table of contents for the stormwater management report and
complete design calculations. All report pages shall be numbered and
referenced in the table of contents;
Seal and signature of the registered professional responsible
for preparation of the plan and report;
Existing features, conditions, natural resources, hydrologic features, and special management areas (as listed in §
How the site design achieves the requirements of §
194-304, and, if applicable, where they could not be achieved and why;
Proposed features and conditions, proposed erosion and sediment
control features, proposed BMPs, conveyances, and any other stormwater
A description of the effect of the project (in terms of flow
alteration and runoff volumes, water quality and peak flows, etc.)
on existing natural resources, hydrologic features and special management
areas, adjacent and downgradient properties, and any existing municipal
or other stormwater conveyance system(s), that may be affected by
or receive runoff from the regulated activity (whether located within
or outside of the area of the regulated activity), and specifics of
how erosion, water quality and flow impacts will be avoided or otherwise
Proposed nonpoint source pollution controls and justification
and confirmation that the proposed project will not result in any
increased pollutant loadings to any existing stream or stream impairment
identified by PADEP, or to any receiving water body;
Description of construction stages or project phases, if so
B. Design information. As part of the stormwater management site plan
and stormwater design report, complete design calculations and analysis,
as well as supplemental information, shall be submitted. The information
shall show compliance with applicable federal, state, county and Township
standards and regulations. The information shall include, but is not
limited to, the following:
Analysis of the percentage of all predevelopment and post-development
stormwater that is recharged to groundwater, and all supporting material.
A design drawing of the berm embankment and outlet structure
indicating the embankment top elevation, embankment side slopes, top
width embankment emergency spillway elevation, perforated riser dimensions,
pipe barrel dimensions, and dimensions and spacing of anti-seep collars.
Design computations for the pipe barrel and riser.
A plot of the stage-storage (acre-feet vs. elevations) and all
supporting computations.
Flood routing computations for before, during, and after development.
A detailed plan of the trash rack.
Design computations for energy dissipater devices located at
pipe outfalls.
Storm sewer and storm inlet design, capacity, efficient and
other related calculations.
Design computations for all swales, waterways, channels or diversions.
C. Mapping or plan sheet information. Maps or plan sheets showing the locations of all stormwater management system components shall be submitted. Details must be shown to define each and every proposed component of the stormwater management design. Details shall show dimensions, locations, specifications and other information as required by the Township Engineer to facilitate proper construction. Map(s) or plan sheets of the site shall be submitted on minimum twenty-four-inch-by-thirty-six-inch sheets and shall be prepared in a form that meets the requirements for recording at the Chester County Office of the Recorder of Deeds and the requirements of the operation and maintenance (O&M) plan and O&M agreement (Article
VII). If the SALDO has additional or more stringent criteria than this chapter, then the SALDO criteria shall also apply. Unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Engineer, the contents of the maps or plan sheets shall include, but not be limited to:
A listing of all regulatory approvals required for the proposed
project and the status of the review and approval process for each.
Final approval or adequacy letters must be submitted to the municipality
prior to (or as a condition of) the municipality's issuing final approval
of the SWM site plan. Proof of application or documentation of required
permit(s) or approvals for the programs listed below shall be part
of the SWM site plan, if applicable:
NPDES permit for stormwater discharges associated with construction
PADEP permits as needed:
PADEP joint permit application;
Chapter 105 (Dam Safety and Waterway Management);
Chapter 106 (Floodplain Management);
PennDOT highway occupancy permit;
Erosion and sediment control plan letter of adequacy; and
Any other permit under applicable state or federal regulations.
A statement on the plan, signed by the applicant, acknowledging
that any revision to the approved SWM site plan shall be submitted
to and approved by the municipality, and that a revised erosion and
sediment control plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the
Conservation District or municipality (as applicable) for a determination
of adequacy prior to construction of the revised features.
The following signature block, on the plan, signed and sealed
by the qualified licensed professional responsible for the preparation
of the SWM site plan:
"I (name), on this date (date of signature), hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that the SWM site plan meets all design standards and criteria of the North Coventry Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter
194, Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control; Stormwater Management. [Note: Include signature, name, discipline of professional license, and license stamp or seal here.]
The following signature block for the municipality:
"On behalf of the North Coventry Township, (municipal official or designee), on this date [signature date], has reviewed and hereby certifies to the best of my knowledge that the SWM site plan meets all design standards and criteria of the North Coventry Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter
194, Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control; Stormwater Management."
A location map, with a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet or
greater, showing the site location relative to highways, municipal
boundaries, or other identifiable landmarks.
The name of the project, tax parcel number(s), and the names,
addresses and phone numbers of the owner of the property, the applicant,
and firm preparing the plan.
The date of SWM site plan submission and revision dates, as
applicable. The signature and seal of the qualified licensed professional(s)
responsible for preparation of the maps and plan sheets.
A graphic and written scale of one inch equals no more than
50 feet. The signature and seal of the qualified licensed professional(s)
responsible for preparation of the maps and plan sheets.
Legal property boundaries, including:
The total project property boundary and size with distances
marked to the nearest foot and bearings to the nearest degree.
Boundaries, size and description of purpose of all existing
easements and deed-restricted areas of the project property, with
distances marked to the nearest foot and bearings to the nearest degree.
Existing natural resources and natural or man-made hydrologic
features that are located within the site or receiving discharge from,
or that may otherwise be impacted by, the proposed regulated activity,
including but not limited to:
All existing natural resources, hydrologic features and drainage
patterns including natural waterways, water bodies, wetlands, streams
(intermittent and perennial), ponds, lakes, vernal pools, etc., natural
infiltration areas and patterns, areas of significant natural evapotranspiration,
and other water features and aquatic resources.
Any existing man-made drainage features, BMPs, conveyances,
facilities, open channels, swales, drainage patterns, or other flood,
stormwater or drainage control features.
For the site, discharge points and locations of concentrated
flows and their drainage areas.
For named waters, show names and their watershed boundaries
within the site.
For the water bodies, streams and wetlands identified in §
194-313C(11), label or otherwise show the following attributes, if applicable:
[1] The designated use as determined by PADEP (25 Pa.
Code Chapter 93);
[2] Impairments listed on the PADEP "Integrated List"
(as updated) and the listed source and cause of impairment;
[3] Name, date, and target pollutant(s) for any approved
total maximum daily load (TMDL); and
[4] Drainages to water supply reservoirs.
Areas that are part of the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory
(PNDI) and a list of potential impacts and clearances received (for
regulated activity involving one acre or more of proposed earth disturbance).
Woods, vegetated riparian buffers and other areas of natural
Topography using contours (with elevations based on established
bench marks) at intervals of two feet. The datum used and the location
and elevation of any bench marks used shall be shown.
Areas classified by the municipality as steep slopes.
Soil names and boundaries, general type of soils with hydrologic
soil group noted, and in particular note areas most conducive to infiltration
BMPs, such as groups A and B, etc., estimated permeabilities in inches
per hour, and location and other results of all soil tests and borings.
If present, areas with underlying carbonate geologic units,
existing sinkholes, subsidence or other karst features, and any associated
groundwater recharge areas with increased vulnerability to contamination.
Any contaminated surface or subsurface areas of the site.
Water supply wells.
[1] Location of existing well(s) on the project property
and delineation of the recharge area(s) (if known), or a fifty-foot-diameter
assumed recharge area;
[2] Location of existing well(s) within 50 feet beyond
the boundary of the project property boundary (if public water supply
is proposed for the regulated activity).
Current FEMA 100-year floodplain boundaries, elevations, and
floodway boundaries for any special flood hazard areas on or within
100 feet of the property, as required by the Township Zoning Ordinance.
Boundaries of riparian buffer(s) as required by the Township
Zoning Ordinance.
Boundaries of all-natural resources as defined by §
370-29, Natural Resource Conservation Overlay District, of the Township Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to steep slopes, watercourses/riparian buffers, wetlands, wetland margins, woodlands and specimen trees.
Location of the proposed regulated activity, limits of earth disturbance (disturbed area), and BMPs and conveyances relative to the location of existing natural resources and hydrologic features and special management areas resulting from the site design process of §
Description of existing and proposed ground cover and land use
including the type and total area.
Existing and proposed man-made features, including roads, paved
areas, buildings, and other impervious and pervious surfaces on the
project property (or an appropriate portion of the property as determined
in consultation with the Municipal Engineer) and within the proposed
disturbed area, and including the type and total area of the following:
Existing impervious surfaces (must differentiate existing impervious
surfaces installed after April 12, 2014);
Existing impervious surfaces proposed to be replaced;
Existing impervious surfaces to be permanently removed and replaced
with pervious ground cover;
New or additional impervious surfaces; and
Percent of the site covered by impervious surfaces for both
the existing and proposed post-construction conditions.
The total extent of the upstream area draining through the site.
All BMPs, conveyances and other stormwater management facilities
shall be located on the plan sheets, including design drawings, profile
drawings, construction details, materials to be used, description
of function, etc.
Complete delineation of the flow paths used for calculating
the time of concentration for the predevelopment and post-construction
conditions shall be included.
The locations of all existing and proposed utilities, sanitary
sewers, on-lot wastewater facilities (including subsurface tanks and
leach fields), and water supply lines within the site and within 50
feet beyond the proposed limits of earth disturbance.
A grading plan, including all areas of proposed earth disturbance
and the proposed regulated activity and delineating the boundary or
limits of earth disturbance of the site. The total disturbed area
of the site shall be noted in square feet and acres.
Proposed final grade elevations and contours at intervals of
two feet.
For each proposed BMP and conveyance included in the SWM site
plan (including any to be located on any property other than the property
being developed by the applicant), the following shall be included
on the SWM site plan map or plan sheets:
Identification of the person responsible for ongoing inspections,
operation, repair, and maintenance of the BMP or conveyance after
completion of construction.
Delineation of the land area, structures, impervious surfaces,
and conveyances draining to and from the BMP or conveyance.
Easements, as per the requirements of Article
VIII, that shall include:
[1] Boundaries labeled with distances shown in feet
and bearings to the nearest degree;
[2] Notes or other documentation, as needed, to grant
the municipality the right of access to all BMPs and conveyances for
the purposes of inspection and enforcement of the requirements of
this chapter, and any applicable O&M plans and O&M agreements;
[3] Notes or other documentation, as needed, to grant
the municipality the right of access to all roadways necessary to
access all BMPs and conveyances, where roadways are not to be dedicated
to the municipality;
[4] Notes or other documentation as needed to grant
the owner of any BMP or conveyance the right of access for the purpose
of inspection, operation, maintenance, and repair of the BMP or conveyance
that is to be owned, operated and maintained by a person other than
the municipality, and other than the owner of the property on which
the BMP or conveyance is located;
[5] A minimum twenty-foot perimeter (or other width
as determined in consultation with the Municipal Engineer) around
all BMPs and conveyances;
[6] Sufficient vehicular ingress to and egress from
a public right-of-way or roadway, as determined in consultation with
the Municipal Engineer; and
[7] Accompanying notes or other documentation as needed, and in accordance with Article
VIII, describing the type, purpose and total area of easements, who the easement is granted to, and the rights, duties and obligations of the parties with respect to every BMP or conveyance.
Boundaries of land areas (if any) for which deed restrictions
are required for the purpose of protecting and prohibiting disturbance
to a BMP or conveyance, indicating the area to which the restriction
applies with distances shown in feet and bearings to the nearest degree,
and a written description of the type, purpose and nature of the restriction.
Other items that may be needed to comply with all other requirements of Article
D. A detailed site evaluation conducted by a qualified licensed professional for projects proposed environmentally sensitive areas, such as contaminated sites and brownfields, as described in §
194-302O of this chapter.
E. Inspections, operation and maintenance requirements. The following documents shall be prepared and submitted to the municipality for review and approval as part of the SWM site plan, in accordance with the requirements of Article
VIII, for each BMP and conveyance included in the SWM site plan (including any to be located on any property other than the property being developed by the applicant):
Any easement agreements that are needed to ensure access, inspection,
maintenance, operation, repair and permanent protection of any permanent
BMP(s) and conveyances associated with the regulated activity;
Any written deed, deed amendment or equivalent document (if
needed) to be recorded against a subject property, as shown on the
SWM site plan maps or plan sheets, or recorded plan sheets for the
purpose of protecting and prohibiting disturbance to a BMP or conveyance;
Written approval, easement agreements, or other documentation for discharges to adjacent or downgradient properties when required to comply with §
194-302G and Article
VIII of this chapter.
F. Stormwater runoff design computations and documentation, such as
hydrologic, hydraulic, and structural computations, assumptions, BMP
loading ratios, etc., consistent with the guidelines and criteria
presented in the PA BMP Manual (as amended) or other guidance acceptable
to the Municipal Engineer, and used in the design of the BMPs, conveyances
and other features proposed to be utilized for stormwater management,
or as otherwise necessary to demonstrate that the requirements of
this chapter have been met.
G. A highway occupancy permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
(PennDOT) District Office must be submitted to the municipality prior
to (or as a condition of) the municipality's final approval of the
SWM site plan when utilization of a PennDOT storm drainage system
is proposed.
H. An erosion and sediment control plan, where applicable, as prepared
for and submitted to the Chester County Conservation District and/or
municipality. A letter of adequacy from the Conservation District,
if applicable, must be submitted to the municipality prior to (or
as a condition of) the municipality's final approval of the SWM site
A complete SWM site plan that complies with all applicable provisions of §
194-313 shall be submitted to the municipality for review and approval, as follows:
A. The SWM site plan shall be coordinated with the applicable state
and federal permit process and the municipal SALDO review process.
All permit approvals or letters of adequacy not yet received by the
applicant at the time of submittal of the SWM site plan to the municipality
must be submitted to the municipality prior to (or as a condition
of) the municipality's final approval of the SWM site plan.
B. For projects that require SALDO approval, the SWM site plan shall
be submitted by the applicant as part of the preliminary plan submission
where applicable for the regulated activity.
C. For regulated activities that do not require SALDO approval, the
SWM site plan shall be submitted by the applicant for review in accordance
with instructions from the municipality.
D. The number of copies of the SWM site plan to be submitted by the
applicant for review shall be in accordance with instructions from
the municipality.
E. The corresponding review fee shall be submitted to the municipality
simultaneously with the SWM site plan, per the municipality's fee
F. Any submissions to the municipality that are found to be incomplete
shall not be accepted for review and shall be returned to the applicant
within 10 business days of the application date with a notification,
in writing, of the specific manner in which the submission is incomplete.
G. Financial security, per the requirements of §
194-112, shall be submitted to the municipality prior to approval of the SWM site plan.
Any SWM site plan deemed inconsistent or noncompliant may be revised and resubmitted with the revisions addressing the Municipal Engineer's concerns documented in writing. The submission shall be addressed to the municipality in accordance with §
194-314 of this chapter, distributed accordingly, and be subject to review as specified in §
194-315 of this chapter. The applicable municipal review fee shall accompany a resubmission of a SWM site plan previously determined to be inconsistent or noncompliant.