No excavation or fill shall be made with an exposed face steeper in slope than three horizontal to one vertical, except under one or more of the following conditions:
The material in which the excavation or fill is to be made is sufficiently stable to sustain a slope of steeper than three horizontal to one vertical, and a written statement to that effect by a licensed professional engineer experienced in erosion control is submitted and approved by the Township Engineer. The statement shall certify that the site has been inspected and that the deviation from the slope specified will not result in injury to persons or damage to property or increased erosion and resulting sedimentation.
When a retaining wall is provided to support the face of the excavation or fill, it shall not exceed a maximum height of three feet or a stepped level or terraced retaining wall system with a combined maximum wall height of six feet.
The Township Engineer may require a flatter slope when it is found that the material in which the excavating is to be made is unusually subject to erosion or if other conditions exist which make such a shallower slope necessary for stability and safety.
The top or bottom edge of slopes shall be located at least five feet from property lines or from any ultimate right-of-way, whichever is more restrictive, in order to permit a gradual rounding of the edge without encroaching onto the abutting property. At property lines where resulting slopes are steeper than three horizontal to one vertical or a retaining wall system is three feet or more in height, a protective fence shall be located on top of the slope or retaining wall system. The fence shall be a minimum of four feet in height.
Excavation shall not exceed below the angle of repose or natural slope of the soil under the nearest point of any footing or foundation or any existing building or structure unless such footing or foundation is first properly underpinned or protected against settlement.
Grading shall not redirect or concentrate surface water onto an adjacent property.
During grading operations, necessary measures for dust control to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne shall be followed. These measures shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
A tire cleaning area shall be provided at each point of egress from the development areas;
Use, where possible, of water or other method approved by the Township Engineer for control of dust during any land disturbance activity; and
Prompt removal of earth or other material from paved streets.
Grading equipment shall not be allowed to cross permanent or intermittent streams without first obtaining appropriate permits from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
No applicant shall engage in land disturbance activities that endanger any adjoining property, public street, sidewalk, alley or other property from settling, cracking or other damage which might result from such land disturbance. If, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, the land disturbance would create a hazard to life or property unless adequately safeguarded, the applicant shall construct walls, fences, guard rails, or other structures to safeguard the adjoining property, public street, sidewalk, alley, or other property and persons.
Excavations or fills shall not encroach on natural watercourses, floodplain areas, constructed channels, or wetlands without the necessary state and federal permits. Excavations or fills located adjacent to natural watercourses or constructed channels shall have suitable protection against erosion. Excavation and fill shall comply with the maximum disturbance standards contained in § 370-29 of Chapter 370, Zoning.
All fill shall be compacted to provide stability of material and to prevent undesirable settlements. The fill shall be spread in a series of layers, not exceeding 12 inches in thickness, and be compacted by a sheepsfoot roller or other approved method after each layer is spread. The Township Engineer may require compaction tests and reports.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent surface waters from damaging the cut face of an excavation or the sloping surface or a fill within the area of a proposed subdivision or land development. Slopes of more than 10 feet in vertical height shall be separated by level berms of at least four feet in width within which ditches shall be constructed where necessary to prevent erosion and as a safe place to deposit and receive such water. The Township Engineer may require such drainage structures or pipes to be constructed or installed which are perceived necessary to prevent erosion damage and to satisfactorily carry off surface waters.
When excavation or fill is proposed, all retaining walls, cribbing, drainage structures, fences or other protective devices shall be maintained in good condition and repair.
All lots, tracts or parcels shall be graded to provide property drainage away from buildings, and to dispose of water without ponding. All land within a development shall be graded to drain and dispose of surface water without ponding, except where ponding, as in the case of detention basins, is part of the stormwater management system for the proposed subdivision or land development.
All drainage provisions shall be of such design to adequately handle the surface runoff and carry it to the nearest suitable outlet. Where drainage swales are used to direct surface waters away from buildings, they shall be sodded or planted as required.
If load-bearing fill is proposed, a soils investigation report shall be submitted which shall consist of test borings, laboratory testings and engineering analysis to correlate surface and subsurface conditions with the proposed grading plan. The results of the investigation shall include data regarding the nature, distribution and supporting ability of existing soils and rocks on the site; conclusions and recommendations to ensure stable soil conditions, and groundwater control, as applicable. The Township may require such supplemental reports and data as is deemed necessary by the Township Board of Supervisors or its designated official.
Fills toeing out on natural slopes steeper than three horizontal to one vertical shall not be made unless approved by the Township Engineer after receipt of a report by a registered professional engineer, qualified in soils analysis, certifying that he has investigated the property, made soil tests and that, in his opinion, such steeper slopes will safely support the proposed fill. The Township Engineer need not approve such fills if there is reason to believe, e.g., due to a report from a similarly qualified registered professional engineer, that such steeper slopes will not safely support the proposed fill.
Natural and/or existing slopes exceeding five horizontal to one vertical shall be benched or continuously stepped into competent materials, as determined by the Township Engineer, prior to placing all classes of fill.
Initial construction on the subdivision site shall consist of stripping and stockpiling of topsoil from all areas to be disturbed. Upon completion of other construction, the entire amount of topsoil stripped shall be replaced on the subdivision site.
No topsoil shall be disposed of, by sale or otherwise, off the site of the subdivision or land development.
Subsoil may be disposed of at the option of the applicant or applicant's agent.
Topsoil and subsoil shall be piled separately and not intermixed.