Fees, in amounts as established from time to time by resolution, are required upon initial submission of an application. The fee is to defray administrative, plan review and construction inspection costs incurred by the municipality.
Cost of all inspections will be billed to the applicant as inspections are completed, in an amount as established from time to time by resolution. Payments shall be made within 30 days and no occupancy permit will be issued until all payments have been made.
If the applicant has paid a fee under another Township ordinance which is applicable to the requirements of this chapter, such as Chapter 320, Subdivision and Land Development, the Township may waive any or all of the fees under this chapter as it determines to be equitable.
Additionally, the applicant shall be responsible for all legal fees for review of the plan, agreement and/or easement as well as for any legal services rendered with respect to a plan, the review of the same, including interpretation, enforcement or legal services and any related legal costs concerning the imposition, execution, and enforcement of the plan, agreement or any easements arising therefrom.
The applicant shall also be responsible for all fees and costs with respect to any consultant engaged by the municipality.
The applicant shall also be responsible for additional work required to monitor and enforce any provisions of this chapter, correct violations, and assure proper completion of stipulated remedial actions.
The fees required of the applicant by this chapter shall at a minimum cover:
Administrative costs;
The review of plans and calculations by the municipality, the Municipal Engineer and other municipal consultants;
Coordination and meetings with the applicant;
The inspection of erosion and sediment control measures, stormwater facilities, BMPs, conveyances and other related improvements during construction;
Review of project communications, reports, and additional supporting information;
Other site inspections;
The final inspection upon completion of the BMPs, conveyances, and other stormwater management facilities and related improvements presented in the SWM site plan; and
Review of final as-built plan submission and revised calculations, and inspections as needed.
The applicant shall also reimburse all expenses incurred by the municipality for any additional work or municipal consultant fees required to enforce any permit provisions regulated by this chapter, correct violations, and ensure proper completion of remedial actions.