There is hereby created and established an organization known
as the "Anti-Bullying Advisory Board."
The Anti-Bullying Advisory Board shall function solely in an
advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council with regard to examining
and gathering valuable input in determining the best means to offer
awareness or possible training concerning the harassment, intimidation
or bullying of minors in the City of Camden.
Membership on the Anti-Bullying Advisory Board shall consist
of 12 members appointed by City Council as follows:
A. Four members shall consist of student members, one student member
from each ward.
B. Five members shall be adults who shall be members in one of the following
fields: Mental health provider, social worker, behavioral health therapist,
administrator-education, community stakeholder, business owner or
operator, juvenile officer, members of the faith-based community or
those participating in mentorship programs.
C. One member of Council to act as an advisor, who shall be a nonvoting
D. One member of the Mayor's Office designated by the Mayor to act as
an advisor, who shall be a nonvoting member.
E. One member of the Camden County Police Department designated by the
Chief of Police to act as an advisor, who shall be a nonvoting member.
F. By majority vote and on an annual basis, the Board shall appoint
a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board members. A
quorum shall be necessary to conduct Board business.
The Board may promulgate bylaws governing the procedure of the
Board meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's
Rules unless such rules are otherwise inconsistent with state law
or the Camden City Code.
Board meetings shall be subject to the Open Public Meetings
Members of the Anti-Bullying Advisory Board shall serve without