[Adopted 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 2176]
Editor's Note: This article, formerly Art. VIII, was redesignated 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2288.
There is hereby established a Human Relations Committee for the Borough of South Plainfield that shall consist of up to 10 members, plus up to four advisory members. The membership of the Commission shall include a member from each Borough agency as follows:
One member of the South Plainfield Cultural Arts Commission to be designated by the Chair of the Cultural Arts Commission;
One member of the South Plainfield Recreation Commission to be designated by the President of the Recreation Commission;
One member of the South Plainfield Business and Economic Development Advisory Group to be designated by the Chair of the Business and Economic Development Advisory Group;
One member of the South Plainfield Library Board of Trustees to be designated by the President of the Library Board of Trustees;
One member of the South Plainfield Housing and Community Development Committee to be designated by the Council Liaison of the Housing and Community Development Committee;
One member of the South Plainfield Public Celebrations Committee to be designated by the Chair of the Public Celebrations Committee;
One member of the South Plainfield Mayor's Wellness Committee to be designated by the Chair of the Mayor's Wellness Committee;
One member of the South Plainfield Board of Education to be designated by the President of the Board of Education;
One member of the Council of the Borough of South Plainfield who shall act as a liaison to be designated by the Mayor;
One member of the South Plainfield Police Department to be designated by the Chief of Police; and
Advisory members must be 18 years of age and residents of South Plainfield. They shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. Each member shall serve for a term of three years and until the appointment and qualification of their successor, except that the initial term of advisory members shall be as follows: two advisory members for a term of three years; one advisory member for a term of two years; and one advisory member for a term of one year. The initial appointment of advisory members shall be done at the annual reorganizational meeting of the Mayor and Council next following the adoption of this article.
Except for the initial appointment in the year of adoption of this Ordinance, all terms shall be from the day of appointment until December 31 of the year in which the appointment was made.
[Amended 12-21-2020 by Ord. No. 2189]
For the initial year the Committee is established, appointments shall be made by the respective Commissions, Committees, groups and individuals as referenced in § 17-44 by September 1 of each year to serve the remainder of the calendar year. For each year thereafter, appointments shall be made by February 15 of the calendar year. Upon each appointment being made, the person making such appointment shall notify the Borough Clerk of the appointment and provide the name and contact information to the Borough Clerk who shall maintain a record of same. No chair or President of a Committee shall appoint themselves as a member of the Human Relations Committee unless all members of the respected committee have declined to be appointed to the Human Relations Committee.
The Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
To establish, amend, and supplement its own bylaws to the extent not inconsistent with this article nor with any other municipal, state or federal regulation or law. The Committee shall meet regularly and at a minimum of bimonthly (every two months).
To foster, through community effort, good will, cooperation and conciliation among the groups and elements of the inhabitants of this Borough, and to make recommendations to the Mayor and Council for programs of formal and informal education that will aid in eliminating all types of discrimination based upon race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, sexual preference, marital status, or developmental, mental, or physical disabilities.
[Amended 12-21-2020 by Ord. No. 2189]
To investigate, mediate and attempt to resolve without resort to the judicial system or other form of adjudication any allegations of unlawful discrimination by residents of the Borough.
To make a written annual report in June of each year to the Mayor and Council detailing its activities for the previous year and to make presentations before the Mayor and Council at such time as the Council shall request.
[Amended 12-21-2020 by Ord. No. 2189]
The Human Relations Committee shall advise the Mayor and Borough Council on ways to promote social and cultural harmony throughout the Borough. The Committee shall propose educational and cultural programs to promote awareness and foster an inclusive sense of community within South Plainfield. It will also provide guidance to the Mayor and Council and other Borough Committees on ways to encourage kindness, cooperation, and unity among the multicultural residents of our town.
The Committee is dedicated to cultivating an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance in South Plainfield that ensures residents and visitors of all backgrounds and circumstances can feel safe and welcome here.
The Human Relations Committee shall be advisory in nature, it nor its members have the authority to contract, bind or act on behalf of the Borough of South Plainfield. Its sole function is to assist the Mayor, Council, Committees, Boards, agencies and administration of the Borough of South Plainfield in matters provided for above in the Borough of South Plainfield.
The Human Relations Committee shall, at its first meeting of each year, elect from those members described in § 17-44A(1) through (8) above a chairperson who shall preside over all meetings.[1]
Footnote: Former § 17-31, Rules and bylaws, was deleted 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2288.