[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Charlton 5-14-1977 ATM by Art. 25. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this bylaw is to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the public through the preservation and protection of the distinctive characteristics of buildings and places significant in the history of the Town of Charlton or their architecture, and through the maintenance and improvement of settings for such buildings and places and the encouragement of designs compatible therewith.
[Amended 5-19-1997 ATM by Art. 40]
There is hereby established in the Town of Charlton, an historic district consisting of three segments to be known as 1) Northside Historic District-Central, 2) Northside Historic District-East, and 3) Northside Historic District-South, bounded as follows:
Northside Historic District-Central: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the Massachusetts Turnpike, it being the southwest corner of land of P. Dowgiert and the southeast corner of land of W. Eastman; thence N 62° 14' 48" E 75'; thence S 27° 45' 12" E25'; thence N 62° 14' 48" E 894' to a bound; thence easterly 512 feet on a radius of 10,050 feet on the northerly line of the Massachusetts Turnpike; thence N 6° 12' W 429.40' to the property of L. Adams: thence N 75° E 415'; thence N 15° W 82.5'; thence N 75° E 241'; thence N 23° W 480 feet more or less to the north line of Northside Turnpike, a.k.a. Stafford Street, these last five courses by old deed; thence by the Worcester Co. layout of Northside Turnpike S 57° 34' 55" W 985' by the north line of said street to the east line of Nugget Drive; thence N 21° 40' W 600'; thence crossing said drive S 65° 17' 24" W 800' to the property of J. Burlingame: thence S 21° 25' 51" E 480'; thence S 81° 25' 55" W 418'; thence N 8° 34' 05" W 1200'; thence S 81° 25' 55" W 1650' more or less or to a point 550 feet west of the west line of Cemetery Road; thence S 18° 55' 05" E 700'; thence N 88° 00' 18" W 900'; thence S 1° 59' 47" W 530' to the North line of Northside Turnpike; thence crossing said road on the same bearing 498'; thence S 88° 00' 13" E 1430 feet more or less to property of L. Adams; thence northeasterly by Massachusetts Turnpike plan bearing N 66° 20' E 515.44' on Adams south line to the west line of Northside Road; thence S 13° 37' 18" W 146.35'; thence S 15° 40' 18" W 120.86'; thence westerly by the #2 schoolhouse yard S 68° 16' 33" W 233.64'; thence S 8° 08' 47" E 43.71'; thence S 7° 26' 32" E 213.85"; thence S 72° 26' 32" E 155.5 feet more or less to the east line of Northside Road at property of C.W. Farr; thence S 16° W 20 feet more or less to property of W. Eastman; thence by magnetic bearings S 83° 57' E 183 feet; thence S 3° 43' W 25'; thence S 78° 01' E 394'; thence S 14° 07' W 57' to the point of beginning.
Northside Historic District-East: Starting at station 20 + 36.53 on the center line of Northside Turnpike, a.k.a. Stafford Street as shown on Sheet 2 of 5, 1960 layout of Worcester County Highway; thence S 34° 19' 40" W 611.12'; thence by radius of 1000.0 length 348.82'; thence S 54° 18' 50" W 265.48'; thence by radius of 1000.0 length 263.01'; thence S 69° 23' W 97.13"; thence by radius 5000, length 462.39'; thence S 64° 05' 05" W 237.19'; thence by radius 800.0 length 423.88'; thence S 34° 24' W 626.09'; thence by radius 720.0, length 77283'; thence N 84° 06' W 145.01'; thence N 5° 54' E 33.0'; thence N 32° 02' 21" W 315.45'; thence N 32° 02' 21" W 33.0 feet more or less across Tucker Road; thence N 32° 02' 21" W 439' more or less by an old way to the north line of Smith Road; thence by the north line of Smith Road 2,000 feet; thence N 2° 43' 42" W 250"; thence easterly parallel 250 feet to the north line of Smith Road to the property N/F Smith estate; thence S 12° 45' 23" E 25.85'; thence N 85° 57' 48" E 38.73; thence S 2° 43' 42" E 151.40'; thence S 8° 24' 10" E 72.75' to the north line of Smith Road; thence crossing said road 50 feet more or less to the wall; thence S 10° 31' 29" E 285.93; thence S 12° 40' 25" E 14.07'; thence southwesterly parallel 300 feet to the south line of Smith Road; thence N 86° 27' 57" E, 283'; thence S 88° 47' 41" E 387'; thence N 34° 24' E 419.59'; thence N 48° 55' 25" E 591.06'; thence N 64° 05' 05" E 237.19"; thence N 66° 44' 03" E 492.73; thence N 69° 23' E 97.13'; thence N 61° 50' 55" E 175.71'; thence N 54° 18' 50" E 265.48'; thence N 44° 19' 15" E 232.53'; thence N 34° 19' 40" E 611.12'; thence S 55° 40' 20" E 330' to the center line of Northside Turnpike, and the place of beginning.
Northside Village Historic District South: Beginning at a bound on the westerly side of Northside Road, being a corner of property of O. & W. Hultgren; thence N 65° 01' W 159.92'; thence north by the wall N. 24° 30' 15" E 717.12'; thence S 63° 52' E, 183.65' to the west line of the road; thence N 53° 09' 30" E 190 feet more or less; thence N 44° 13' 30" E 320 feet more or less; thence N 47° 59' 30" E 130 feet more or less; thence N 29° 51' E 124.87' more or less; thence N 30° 47' 30" E 106.56'; thence N 32° 32' E 103.53'; thence N 37° 01' 30" E 143.04'; thence N 41° 57' E 362.5' to a corner, the last eight courses being on the west line of said road; thence S 79° 34' 10" W 359' by land of S. Eastman and J.L. Cook; thence S 36° 45' W 951.43' to land of O. & W. Hultgren; thence S 6° 22' 30" W 276.21'; thence S 4° 38' W 174.03'; thence S 5° 39' W 225.57'; thence S 6° 41' W 224.40' to land of J. Ryder; thence S 4° 50' 50" W 166.83'; thence S 2° 01' 33" W 154.16'; thence S 0° 28' 15" W 279.10'; thence S 0° 20' 40" W 284.03' to a corner; thence N 64° 51' 11" E 1264.17' by land of Ryder and Soucy to the west line of Northside Road; thence N 22° 50' E 405' more or less to the bound first mentioned. Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Northside Road at the northwest corner of the present Northside Village Historic District - South, then continuing northeast on the westerly line of Northside Road 1,221.67 feet, more or less to a point, then crossing the road to the easterly side of said road, it being the northwesterly corner of parcel 4.1 on Map 24 Block A; thence S. 84° 11' 04" E. 310.04' to an iron pipe; thence N. 76° 46' 54" E. 74.58'; thence S. 64° 25' 40" E. 69.55' to a pipe; thence S. 88° 03' 00" E. 87.65'; thence S. 83° 38' 34" E. 71.23'; thence S. 87° 23' 04" E. 101.70'; thence S. 84° 58' 04" E. 230.28'; thence S. 85° 17' 34" E. 171.73'; thence S. 85° 11' 34" E. 117.24'; thence S. 85° 28' 04" E. 181.03' to a pipe; thence S. 85° 03' 04" E. 196.25' to a point; thence S. 86° 33' 04" E. 293.53' to iron pipe; thence, S. 19° 39.04" 540.81' to a corner of walls; thence S. 74° 11' 51" W. 1722' more or less to an iron pipe; thence N. 16° 18' 59" W. 208.64' to a pipe; thence S. 80° 01' 47" W. 101.22' to a pipe; thence S. 72° 07' 57" W. 45S.21' to a point in the northerly line of the present Historic District - South; thence S. 84° 51' 38" 338.77' by the northerly line of the Historic District - South; thence crossing Northside Road on the same bearing to the west line of said road, it being the northwest corner of the Northside Village Historic District - South and the point of beginning.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
A combination of materials having a roof and forming a shelter for persons, animals and property.
The building inspector for the Town of Charlton.
The Historic Districts Commission established by § 147-4.
Includes the words "built," "constructed," "reconstructed," "restored," "altered," "enlarged," and "moved."
The architectural style and general arrangement of such portion of the exterior of the building or structure as is designed to be open to view from a public street, way, or place, at any season.
Includes an individual, a corporate or unincorporated organization or association and the Town of Charlton.
Any man-made combination of materials, other than a building.
There is hereby established in the Town of Charlton an Historic Districts Commission consisting of five unpaid members who shall be residents of the Town of Charlton, to be appointed by the Selectmen of the Town as follows: two from four candidates nominated by the Charlton Historical Society, one from two candidates nominated by the Charlton Historical Commission, and two members, residents residing in the historic district. Initially the terms shall be as follows: one member for one year, two members for two years, and two members for three years. Thereafter each term shall be for a period of three years.
The Selectmen shall appoint from the nominees four associate members. In case of absence, inability to act, or disinterest on the part of a member of the Commission, his place shall be taken by an associate member designated by the Chairman of the Commission. In case of vacancy on said Commission, the Chairman may designate an associate member to serve as a member of the Commission until said vacancy is filled.
Every member and associate member shall continue in office after the expiration of his term until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. Any member or associate member may be removed for cause by the appointing authority upon written charges and a public hearing. The Commission shall elect a chairman and a secretary from its membership. In case of absence of the Chairman from any meeting, the Commission shall elect a chairman pro-tempore for such a meeting.
Except as provided in § 147-7; no building or structure within an historic district shall be constructed or altered in any way that affects exterior architectural features unless the Commission shall first have issued a certificate of appropriateness, a certificate of nonapplicability or a certificate of hardship, with respect to such construction or alteration.
Any person who desires to obtain a certificate from the Commission shall file with the Commission an application for a certificate of appropriateness, a certificate of nonapplicability, or a certificate of hardship, as the case may be, in such form as the Commission may reasonably determine, together with such plans, elevations specifications, material and other information, including in the case of demolition or removal, a statement of the proposed condition and appearance of the property thereafter, as may be reasonably deemed necessary by the Commission to enable it to make a determination on the application.
No building permit for construction of a building or structure or for alteration of an exterior architectural feature within an historic district and no demolition permit for demolition or removal of a building or structure within an historic district shall be issued until the certificate required by this section has been issued by the Commission.
In passing upon matters before it the Commission shall consider, among other things, the historic and architectural value and significance of the side, buildings or structures, the general design, arrangement texture and materials of the features involved, and the relation of such features to similar features of buildings and structures in the surrounding area. In the case of new construction or additions to existing buildings or structures, the Commission shall consider the appropriateness of the size and shape of the buildings or structures both in relation to the land area upon which the buildings or structures are situated and to the buildings and structures in the vicinity, and the Commission may, in appropriate cases, impose dimensional and setback requirements in addition to those required by applicable ordinance or bylaw. The Commission shall not consider interior arrangements or architectural features not subject to public view.
The Commission shall not make any recommendations or requirements except for the purpose of preventing developments incongruous to the historic aspects or architectural characteristics of the surroundings and of the historic district.
The authority of the Commission shall not extend to the review of the following categories of buildings and structures, or exterior architectural features in the historic districts, and the Commission shall issue a certificate of nonapplicability with respect to construction or alteration in any category not subject to review:
Temporary structures or signs; subject, however, to such conditions as to duration of use, location, shall reasonably specify.
Terraces, walks, driveways, sidewalks and similar structures, provided that any such structure is substantially at grade level.
Walls and fences.
Storm doors and windows, screens, window air conditioners, lighting fixtures, antennae and similar appurtenances.
The color of paint.
The color of material used on roofs.
Signs of not more than two square feet in area in connection with use of a residence for a customary home occupation or for professional purposes.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance, repair or replacement of any exterior architectural feature within an historic district which does not involve a change in design, material or outward appearance thereof, nor to prevent landscaping with plants, trees, or shrubs, nor construed to prevent the meeting of requirements for public safety because of an unsafe or dangerous condition.
In any and all cases the powers and duties of the commission shall be governed by Chapter 40C of the General Laws of the Commonwealth, as most recently amended.
This bylaw shall become effective upon the filing by the Historic Districts Commission of a map or maps setting forth the boundaries of the historical districts created by § 147-2 of this bylaw with the Town Clerk and upon recording by the Historic Districts Commission of said map or maps with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds.
Severability of provisions. The provisions of this bylaw shall be deemed to be severable and in case any section, paragraph, or part of this bylaw shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair the validity of any other sections, paragraphs, or parts of this bylaw.