Editor's Note: Subsections 2-11.1 through 2-11.3 regarding departmental organization were deleted by Ord. No. 2015-19.
[1991 Code § 8-1; Ord. No. 98-30 § 8-1; Ord. No. 2012-34 § 3]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-136, there is hereby created the position of the Township Administrator of the Township of Springfield.
[Ord. No. 98-30 § 8-2; Ord. No. 99-31 § 1[A]; Ord. No. 2005-04 § I]
The Township Administrator must be a New Jersey resident, and preference shall be given to persons living within Union County and contiguous counties.
The Township Administrator shall have the necessary executive and administrative abilities and qualifications, based upon relevant education, training and experience in municipal government. Minimum qualifications shall include the possession of an advanced (post-graduate) degree, or alternatively, a minimum of one year experience in a comparable position, preferably in a New Jersey municipality.
[Ord. No. 98-30 § 8-3; Ord. No. 2005-24 § I; amended 11-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-20]
The Township Administrator shall be appointed by a majority vote of the full membership of the Township Committee.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-137, the term of office of the Township Administrator shall be at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
The Township Administrator shall be removed from office only in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-138.
During periods of temporary absence that do not exceed 10 consecutive days (e.g., vacation, conference or minor illness), the Township Administrator shall appoint an acting administrator, and shall provide advance notice of such appointment to the Township Committee, which appointment shall terminate upon the return to work of the Township Administrator. However, the Township Committee may appoint an acting administrator of its own choosing whenever the Township Administrator is temporarily absent, disabled or disqualified, which appointment shall supersede any temporary appointment made under this subsection.
In the event of a temporary absence or disability of the Township Administrator which exceeds 10 days in length, the Township Committee may, by resolution, appoint an officer or employee of the Township of Springfield to perform the duties of the Township Administrator during such temporary absence, disability or disqualification.
[1991 Code § 8-8; Ord. No. 98-30 § 8-4; Ord. No. 99-31 § CII; amended 11-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-20]
The position of Township Administrator may be full-time or part-time, as shall be specified by resolution of the Township Committee at the time of hire, and the Township Administrator shall not be entitled to overtime or compensatory time without the express written, prior approval of the Township Committee. The Township Administrator may hold more than one employment title within the Township. The Township Administrator may hold outside employment, provided that the Township Administrator provides notice to the Township Committee of his/her intent to hold such outside employment; and such employment does not 1) interfere with the performance of the Township Administrator's duties; or 2) present a conflict of interest.
The salary of the Township Administrator shall be set from time to time by ordinance.
The Township Administrator shall not engage in any political activity within the Township of Springfield.
The Township Administrator shall be familiar with and abide by the New Jersey Local Government Ethics Law. The Administrator should also be guided by the principles set forth in the Code of Ethics promulgated by the International City/County Management Association, to the extent they do not conflict with the Township Code and New Jersey law.
[1996 Code § 2-12; Ord. No. 98-30; Ord. No. 99-31; Ord. No. 2002-21; Ord. No. 02-28 § (B); Ord. No. 2012-34 § 4; Ord. No. 2015-19; amended 11-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-20]
The Township Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Township and shall be responsible to the Township Committee for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Township; and shall be responsible for, and coordinate the implementation and enforcement of, all directives, policies and decrees established by the Township Committee. Except for the purposes of inquiry and the provision of information, the individual members of the Township Committee shall not give orders or directions to any department that is subordinate to the Township Administrator either publicly or privately. The Township Committee as a whole, by majority vote, may override the Township Administrator's decision and give direction to any such department.
The Township Administrator shall be responsible for future governmental and community planning, the recommendation of such to the Township Committee and the coordination of all efforts to institute same.
The Township Administrator shall gather information and present same to the Township Committee concerning pending state, county and other municipal legislation, effecting local government in general and the Township specifically.
The Township Administrator shall coordinate the activities of all municipal departments and shall secure from the various departments periodic reports on the operation of such departments, including but not limited to inventory, receipts, disbursements, personnel matters and general operations. Those department heads or Township officials, if any, who are now or hereafter required by statute to render periodic reports to the Township Committee shall file a copy of their reports with the Township Administrator. All municipal departments, except to the extent prohibited by law or the Township Code, shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the Township Administrator. To the extent that any questions arise concerning the respective authority of the Township Administrator, a department head or other Township official, then the affected parties shall immediately provide such question(s) in writing to the Township Committee's Administration Subcommittee and Township Attorney in writing. If the Subcommittee does not resolve the question(s) to the satisfaction of the affected individuals, then the issue shall be transmitted to the Township Committee as a whole for final and binding resolution.
The Township Administrator, in cooperation with all department heads, shall from time to time conduct studies of all activities and operations of the Township government and recommend to the Township Committee changes to increase efficiency, economy and effectiveness.
The Township Administrator shall serve as Personnel Officer of the Township, and as such shall consult with department heads relative to the hiring, suspension, discharge, promotion and advancement of all employees. The Township Administrator shall implement the appointment and removal of employees only as authorized by the Township Committee. The Township Administrator shall advise the Township Committee, as each situation warrants, regarding disciplinary action against any employee. The Township Administrator shall be responsible for the maintenance and enforcement of sound personnel policies and practices, consistent with all applicable collective negotiation agreements, and shall study and make recommendations with regards to the personnel organizations and policies of the Township and of its departments after consultation with department heads. The Township Administrator shall be responsible for the maintenance of an up-to-date table of organization of the Township and shall present same to the Township Committee upon request. The Township Administrator shall be responsible for performing periodic performance reviews on all department heads, and ensuring that period performance reviews are performed within all departments by the various department heads.
The Township Administrator shall act as coordinator for the submission to the Township Committee of budget requests of all departments. Department heads shall submit their proposed budgets to the Administrator and such additional supporting data as requested. The Township Administrator shall be assisted by the Township Chief Financial Officer in the preparation and submission to the Township Committee, on or before January 15th of each year, a proposed budget for the fiscal year, and shall prepare an explanatory budget message. The Township Administrator shall be responsible for the implementation of the programs contained in the budget.
The Township Administrator shall attend all meetings of the Township Committee; shall, upon request, attend all Township Committee subcommittee meetings, and may attend the meetings of all other municipal committees, with a right to take part in the discussion but not to vote. The Township Administrator shall receive notice of all regular and special meetings of the Township Committee and all advisory committees.
The Township Administrator shall assist the Township Clerk with the preparation of the agenda for each meeting of the Township Committee and shall supply records and information pertinent thereto to the Township Committee and its subcommittees.
The Township Administrator shall keep the Township Committee informed as to the conduct of all Township affairs and shall submit periodic reports, either in writing or orally, and on any other matters as the Township Committee shall request. The Township Administrator shall make such recommendations to the Township Committee as necessary and advisable for the welfare of the Township.
The Township Administrator shall see that the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Township are complied with by action of the proper municipal officials, and, upon knowledge of any violation or breach, call the same to the attention of the Township Committee.
Based upon a recommendation from a department head, or without, the Township Administrator may recommend to the Township Committee the employment of one or more experts or consultants to perform work and render advice on special matters or work projects in the Township.
The Township Administrator shall coordinate and administer the activities relating to the letting of contracts and the performance and faithful execution of the same, except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed upon some other Township officer or official by applicable law or the Township Code.
In conjunction with the Township's Chief Financial Officer and Purchasing Agent, the Township Administrator shall review the purchasing practices and policies of all departments for the purpose of ensuring that purchases are made in accordance with applicable law, the Township Code and sound purchasing practices.
The Township Administrator may require prompt receipt from the Township Clerk of copies of any general and official correspondence addressed to the Township or any member of the Township Committee.
All complaints regarding functions, obligations, services or personnel of the Township not specifically addressed to any other official or employee shall be referred to the office of the Township Administrator. The Township Administrator or a designee shall investigate and dispose of such complaints, and the Township Administrator shall keep a written record of such complaints and when and what action was taken in response thereto and provide to the Township Committee a copy thereof when requested to do so.
The Township Administrator, with the cooperation of the Township Chief Financial Officer and all Department Heads, shall maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of municipal services.
The Township Administrator shall actively pursue grants from and keep the members of the Township Committee informed about federal aid projects, state aid projects and any other aid programs for which the Township may qualify.
The Township Administrator shall promptly inform all department heads and other appropriate municipal employees and officials of all actions and directions from the Township Committee, and shall study, recommend, implement and enforce procedures and policies for the compiling, editing and prompt dissemination and release of public information upon the authorization of the Township Committee. The Township Administrator shall prepare an annual report of the affairs of the Township from the prior year, and upon review and approval by the Township Committee disseminate it to the residents of the Township as economically as possible.
The Township Administrator shall perform such other duties as may be, from time to time, specifically required by the Township Committee.
[Added 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-07]
Establishment of Position. There is hereby established within the Township of Springfield the position of "Assistant Administrator."
The position of Assistant Administrator shall be filled by recommendation of the Township Administrator and by appointment by the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield. The Assistant Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
The position of Assistant Administrator shall be full-time, confidential and non-supervisory. The Assistant Administrator may hold other appointed or statutory positions within the Township, and shall receive a salary as set by ordinance.
The Assistant Administrator shall report to the Township Administrator, and shall perform such duties as designated thereby, including but not limited to the following: Update and maintain job descriptions/postings; schedule and assist with department head meetings; provide grant writing assistance; schedule vendor presentations and employee trainings; track contracts and handle work orders, invoices and requisitions; oversee and assist the public information officer; administer indoor air quality standards, employee wellness and care programs, civic day, and maintenance of scanners and copiers; and such other duties within the Township's Administration Department as designated and assigned by the Township Administrator.
[Added 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-07]
The Township Committee may appoint a Deputy Clerk, who may hold other appointed or statutory positions within the Township, and who will receive a salary as set by ordinance. The Deputy Clerk shall report to the Township Clerk and perform such duties as designated thereby, and shall have such additional duties as may be assigned by the Township Committee. During the absence or disability of the Township Clerk, the Deputy Clerk shall have all the powers of the Township Clerk and shall perform the functions and duties of such office.
[Ord. No. 98-33 § 27-1]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133, the Township Committee shall appoint a Municipal Clerk to be known as the Township Clerk of the Township of Springfield (hereinafter, "Township Clerk"). The term of office, filling of a vacancy, tenure and removal from office shall be governed by Statute.
[Ord. No. 98-33 § 27-2]
The Township Clerk must be a New Jersey resident, and preference shall be given to persons living within Union County and contiguous counties.
The Township Clerk shall fulfill all statutory prerequisites and shall have the necessary abilities and qualifications, based upon relevant education, training and experience in municipal government within New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 98-33 § 27-3]
The Township Clerk shall perform the duties of the office subject to the sole and exclusive direction of the Township Committee, which duties may be amended or altered at the discretion of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 98-33 § 27-4]
The position of Township Clerk shall be full-time, and the Township Clerk shall not be entitled to overtime or compensatory time without the express, prior approval of the Township Committee, except as set forth herein. The Township Clerk shall not engage in any other occupation or employment, except as permitted by the Township Committee.
The salary of the Township Clerk shall be set from time to time by ordinance.
The Township Clerk shall not engage in any political activity within the Township of Springfield.
The Township Clerk shall be entitled to compensatory time, on a straight time basis, for attendance at official meetings during other than normal working hours, other than those of the Township Committee or any of its committees.
[Ord. No. 98-33 § 27-5; amended 11-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-20]
As secretary to the Township Committee, the Township Clerk shall, at the direction of the Township Committee and with the assistance of the Township Administrator, prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Township Committee, be present at all meetings of the Township Committee unless otherwise instructed by the Township Committee, keep a journal of all proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions, and record the minutes of all meetings of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 98-33 § 27-6; Ord. No. 2012-34 § 5; Ord. No. 2015-19]
The Township Clerk shall act as secretary of the municipal corporation and custodian of the municipal seal of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts, and archival records of the Township, unless otherwise provided by ordinance.
The Township Clerk shall serve as the administrative officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits, and the issuance of licenses and permits, unless otherwise provided by Statute or ordinance.
The Township Clerk shall serve as coordinator and records manager responsible for implementing local archive and records retention programs as mandated by Statute, unless otherwise provided by Statute or ordinance.
The Township Clerk shall prepare all legal advertisements in connection with ordinances, contracts, resolutions requiring same, amendments to the budget, bond sales, bids, the capital budget, Open Public Meetings Act requirements and any other matter which shall require publication.
The Township Clerk shall, under the supervision of the Township Administrator, prepare and distribute to the appropriate Department Heads or other persons: ordinances, resolutions, other documents and correspondence relative to the actions taken by the Township Committee.
The Township Clerk shall certify the Township Budget and file with the appropriate State agency as required by Statute.
The Township Clerk shall receive and accept service of process of all Summonses, Complaints, Notices of Claim and other legal documents on behalf of the Township and direct them to the proper persons.
The Township Clerk shall administer the oath of office to all employees and officials of the Township, and shall keep accurate records of all such appointments. The Township Clerk shall also be responsible for obtaining, maintaining and appropriate filing of all forms as required by the Local Government Ethics Law.
The Township Clerk shall be responsible for the clerical administrative duties of the Administrative Department, and for overseeing the performance of all such functions.
The Township Clerk, under the direction of the Township Administrator, shall maintain all employee attendance records, including sick, compensatory and vacation time, and shall ensure that verification procedures concerning such records are established and maintained.
The Township Clerk shall represent the Township on all joint insurance funds of which Springfield is a member, unless otherwise designated by the Township Committee.
The Township Clerk shall maintain all certificates of ownership for Township-owned vehicles and shall maintain updated records.
The Township Clerk shall issue assessment searches and shall maintain a register of all multifamily dwellings within the Township.
The Township Clerk shall serve as the Chief Administrative Officer in all elections held within the Township, including but not limited to recall elections and initiative and referendum, and shall serve as the Chief Registrar of Voters within the Township, as well as perform such related duties as provided by Statute.
The Township Clerk shall maintain a record of all real property which is owned, leased, sold or acquired by the Township, and shall make such records available for inspection, as required by Statute.
The Township Clerk shall serve as the Secretary to the Springfield Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control and shall perform all the duties thereof pursuant to Statute and State regulation.
The Township Clerk shall perform such other duties as are now or hereafter may be imposed by State Statute or regulation, by municipal ordinance, resolution or regulation, or by direction or appointment of the Township Committee.
The Township Clerk, if appointed Local Registrar by the Board of Health, shall perform all the duties of that office.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 2015-19 deleted the Department of Finance and moved Subsection 2-15.10 to 2-16.7.
Editor's Note: For provisions relating to Tenure of Office for the Chief Financial Officer, see N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.8.
Section 5 of the Public Laws 1988, Chapter 110, amending Public Law of 1971, Chapter 13 and Public Law of 1977, Chapter 39 and supplementing Chapter 9 and Title 40A of the New Jersey Statutes mandates that each municipality establish the position of Chief Financial Officer to carry out the responsibilities set forth at N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-26 et seq.
[1991 Code § 114-3]
There is hereby created the position of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.4. The Chief Financial Officer shall be appointed by the Township Committee and shall have such powers and duties as provided by general law and Township ordinance.
The Chief Financial Officer shall be compensated as established by the Salary Ordinance.
The term of the position of Chief Financial Officer shall be four years, which shall run from January 1 in the year in which the Chief Financial Officer was appointed.
[New; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(A)]
The appointment of the Chief Financial Officer shall be consistent with the provisions of Public Laws of 1988, Chapter 110. No person shall be appointed as Chief Financial Officer unless such person holds a municipal officer certificate pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 2012-34 § 8; Ord. No. 2015-19; amended 2-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
In addition to those duties set forth in Subsection 2-16.1 above, the Chief Financial Officer shall be the head of the Department of Finance charged with responsibility for payroll, accounts payable, human resources and financial reporting. The Chief Financial Officer shall also serve as Treasurer of the Township and have, perform and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties of Treasurer as provided by general Law. In the event that the Chief Financial Officer possesses the requisite qualifications for the position, the Chief Financial Officer shall also serve as the Township’s Purchasing Agent pursuant to Section 2-33 of this Article, until such time as another individual is duly appointed to the position of Purchasing Agent.
[Ord. No. 96-15 § 1; Ord. No. 2015-19]
Establishment of Position. There is hereby established within the Township of Springfield the position of "Assistant Township Treasurer."
The position of Assistant Township Treasurer shall be filled by recommendation of the Township Treasurer and the Township Administrator and by appointment by the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield for a term which shall not exceed one year, but which will expire at the end of each calendar year, and such person shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
The position of Assistant Township Treasurer shall be for a twenty-five-hour work week, at a salary set by ordinance.
The Assistant Township Treasurer shall report to the Township Treasurer, and shall perform such duties as designated thereby, including but not limited to the following: Enter cash receipts; evaluate accounts for investments; prepare monthly reconciliations on all accounts; review and process payment vouchers; certify Township funds; prepare general ledgers for Township accounts in accordance with technical accounting directives from the State of New Jersey; filing of correspondence and general typing; and such other duties within the Office of the Treasurer as designated and assigned by the Township Treasurer.
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-07]
Establishment of position. There is hereby established within the Township of Springfield the position of "Assistant Chief Financial Officer."
The position of Assistant Chief Financial Officer shall be filled by recommendation of the Township's Chief Financial Officer and the Township Administrator and by appointment by the Township Committee for a term which shall not exceed one year, but which will expire at the end of each calendar year, and such person shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
The position of Assistant Chief Financial Officer shall be full-time, at a salary set by ordinance.
The Assistant Chief Financial Officer shall report to the Township's Chief Financial Officer and shall perform such duties as designated thereby, including, but not limited to, the following: enter cash receipts; evaluate accounts for investments; prepare monthly reconciliations on all accounts; review and process payment vouchers; certify Township funds; prepare general ledgers for Township accounts in accordance with technical accounting directives from the State of New Jersey, annual financial statements, supplemental debt statements, annual debt statements, internet report of contributions, quarterly tax returns, including Form 941 and Form NJ927 and Form WR30, best practice inventory listing, and annual report for Workers' Compensation Bureau; and such other duties within the Office of, and as may be designated and assigned by, the Chief Financial Officer.
Editor's Note: For provisions relating to tenure of the Tax Collector, see N.J.S.A. 40A:9-144.
[1991 Code § 111-1]
The Tax Collector shall be appointed by the Township Committee and shall hold office for a period of four years.
[1991 Code § 111-1; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(A); Ord. No. 2011-16 § 1A]
The Tax Collector shall possess all the powers and duties established by law. The Tax Collector shall:
Enter in suitable books to be kept for that purpose the sums received by the office each day for taxes, with the names of the persons on whose account the same have been paid;
Keep a record and account of the finances of the Township;
Within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year or when otherwise required by the Township Committee, make and furnish a report thereof, with a detailed and true statement of all moneys received by the office and disbursed therefrom and for what purposes from the commencement of the official year to the date of such report or for such period as the Township Committee may require, and a list of delinquent taxpayers for the previous year;
File the report, with two copies of the statement and list of delinquents, with the Clerk within the time hereinabove specified or when otherwise required by the Township Committee;
As necessary and as directed, arrange for sales of real estate for delinquent taxes;
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 54:5-54, the Tax Collector shall provide to any party entitled to redeem a tax sale certificate up to two calculations of the amount required for redemption within any calendar year at no cost. For each subsequent calculation requested, the requestor shall pay a fee in the amount hereinafter set forth, at the time of such request. All such requests shall be in writing to the Tax Collector.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-145.7, no person shall be appointed or reappointed as Tax Collector unless he holds a Tax Collector Certificate.
[Ord. No. 98-25 § 1 [111-2]]
The Township Committee may appoint a Deputy Tax Collector. The Deputy Tax Collector shall have sufficient education, experience or training to assist the Tax Collector in all aspects of the functioning of that office. In the absence of the Tax Collector, the Deputy Tax Collector shall perform all the duties of that office. The Township Committee may require the Deputy Tax Collector to be certified by the State of New Jersey as a Tax Collector, or to obtain certification by a date certain after the date of hiring.
[Ord. No. 2008-31 § I]
The Township Committee may, upon notification that the incumbent Tax Collector will become unavailable to perform the duties of that office due to retirement leave, appoint an Acting Tax Collector to serve as the Springfield Tax Collector in anticipation of and during that unavailability. The Acting Tax Collector shall have all of the qualifications of the Tax Collector, have all of the powers, duties, obligations and responsibilities of the Tax Collector, and subject to a probationary period to be established upon hiring, automatically assume the position of Tax Collector upon the final retirement of the incumbent Tax Collector.
[New; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(A)]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-146, the Township Committee shall appoint a Tax Assessor for a term of four years from the first day of July next following such appointment.
The Township Committee, by ordinance, shall determine the amount of compensation of the Assessor.
A Tax Assessor shall hold a Tax Assessor Certificate as required by N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.25 et seq.
The Tax Assessor shall have the duty of assessing property for the purpose of general taxation.
[Added 10-13-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-20]
Position Created. There is hereby established within the Township, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-146, the position of Deputy Tax Assessor.
Appointment and Compensation. The Township Committee shall, as it deems necessary, appoint a Deputy Tax Assessor, whose term shall be four years from the first day of July next following the appointment. The Township Committee, by ordinance, shall determine the amount of compensation of the Deputy Tax Assessor.
Qualifications and Duties. The Deputy Tax Assessor shall hold a tax assessor certificate and shall act under the direct supervision of, and assist, the Tax Assessor.
[Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2015-19 amended the title of § 2-19 to be Township Attorney.]
[1991 Code § 18-1; New; Ord. No. 2010-44; Ord. No. 2011-02]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-139, the Township Attorney shall be appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Township Attorney shall be an attorney-at-law of New Jersey, but need not be a resident of the Township.
[1991 Code § 18-2]
The Attorney shall give all legal counsel and advice required by the Township Committee or any member thereof and shall in general serve as the legal advisor to the Township Committee on all matters of Township business. He shall represent the Township in all judicial and administrative proceedings in which the Township or any of its officers or agencies not separately represented may be a party or have an interest. In furtherance of his general powers and duties, but without limiting them, the Attorney shall:
Draft or approve as to form and sufficiency all legal documents, contracts, deeds, ordinances and resolutions made, executed or adopted by or on behalf of the Township.
Conduct appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the Township.
With the approval of the Township Committee, compromise or settle litigation in which the Township is involved.
Render written opinions upon questions of law submitted to him by the Township Committee or any member thereof with respect to their official powers and duties.
Supervise and direct the work of other members of his firm and any additional attorneys and technical and professional assistants the Township Committee may authorize for special or regular employment in or for the Township.
[Ord. No. 2015-19]
The Township Attorney shall supervise the Prosecutor and any additional or alternate prosecutor as well as the Public Defender, any additional Public Defender and any replacement Public Defender. All said prosecutors and public defenders shall report directly to the Township Attorney.
[1991 Code § 86-1; Ord. No. 2007-26 § 11(C)]
There shall be a Prosecutor appointed annually by the Township Committee. There may also be appointed by the Township Committee, an Additional Prosecutor to prosecute matters before the Additional Judge. One person may serve in both capacities. Each shall have the qualifications required by law.
[1991 Code § 86-2; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(A); Ord. No. 2007-26 § II(D); Ord. No. 2012-34 § 10]
The Prosecutor shall have and exercise all powers and duties assigned to such office by the Statutes of the State of New Jersey and the rules governing the New Jersey courts and such other authority as may be granted by the Township Committee. The Prosecutor shall report directly to the head of the Department of Law, namely the Township Attorney.
[Ord. #2001-04; Ord. No. 2007-12 § I(A); Ord. No. 2007-19 § I]
The Township Committee may appoint one or more Alternate Prosecutors, each of whom shall be an attorney-at-law of the State of New Jersey, to serve in the absence or unavailability of the Prosecutor, each of whose term shall expire on December 31 of the year of appointment.
[Ord. No. 2007-19 § I]
An Alternate Prosecutor shall be paid a fee of $200 per regular or special court session. The Prosecutor shall be paid a fee of $200 per special court session.
[1991 Code § 86-3; Ord. No. 2007-26 § II(F)]
There shall be a Public Defender appointed annually by the Township Committee. There may also be appointed by the Township Committee, an Additional Public Defender to serve before the Additional Judge. One person may serve in both capacities. Each shall have the qualifications required by law.
[1991 Code § 86-4; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(A); Ord. No. 2007-26 § II(G); Ord. No. 2012-34 § 11]
Each Public Defender shall have and exercise all powers and duties assigned to such office by the Statutes of the State of New Jersey and the rules governing the courts of New Jersey and such other authority as may be granted by the Township Committee. Public Defenders shall report directly to the head of the Department of Law, namely the Township Attorney.
[1991 Code § 86-5]
The salary to be paid the Public Defender shall be as set by ordinance.
[1991 Code § 86-6; Ord. No. 94-2; Ord. No. 98-1 § 1]
Any person applying for representation by the Municipal Public Defender shall be required to pay an application fee of not more than $200, and not to exceed an amount necessary to pay the actual costs of Municipal Public Defender's services. In accordance with guidelines promulgated by the New Jersey Supreme Court, the Municipal Court may waive any such application fee, in whole or in part, if the court determines, in its discretion, upon a clear and convincing showing by the applicant that the application fee represents an unreasonable burden on the person seeking representation. The Municipal Court may permit any person to pay the application fee over a period of time not to exceed four months.
[Ord. No. 98-1 § 1; Ord. No. 2008-05 § I]
If the regular Municipal Public Defender cannot defend any person entitled to such representation for whatever reason pursuant to law, there may be appointed a temporary replacement Public Defender who shall be paid a fee of $150 per court session (either a single morning, afternoon or evening court session).
[1991 Code §§ 33-1 and 33-2; 1991 Code § 77-14; Ord. No. 2001-29; Ord. No. 07-20 § I; Ord. No. 02-28 §§ I(A), (C); New; Ord. No. 2012-34 § 12; Ord. No. 2015-19; amended 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-24]
The Township Committee shall appoint a Construction Official to serve for a term of four years, who shall be the chief administrator of the Construction Bureau within the Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement and who shall, prior to the appointment, be qualified by training and experience in the duties of a construction official, and as otherwise required by the State Uniform Construction Code Act (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq.) and the regulations promulgated thereunder. The Construction Official position may be filled by way of shared services consistent with New Jersey law.
The Construction Official shall have the following powers and duties in addition to duties specifically assigned and those set forth elsewhere within the Township Code, to the extent that such powers and duties are not inconsistent with the State Uniform Construction Code Act (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq.) and the regulations promulgated thereunder.
Enforce the provisions of the State Uniform Construction Code and of all other ordinances of the Township and laws of the State relative to the construction, maintenance, use or demolition of buildings and appurtenances thereto.
Report to the Township Committee at the regular meeting thereof each month the number and nature of all permits issued during the preceding month. The report shall be in writing and shall include an itemized statement of all fees received during the preceding month and delivered to the Township Treasurer, and receipts therefor.
Promptly examine all applications for permits and all plans, drawings and specifications submitted in connection therewith and, upon payment of the required fee, promptly issue all permits for work supposed to be done and shown to comply with all applicable codes, ordinances, regulations and State laws.
Inspect all work being done under any permit issued and revoke any such permit when the work covered thereby shall not be prosecuted in accordance with the terms of the permit and the approved plans and specifications, and shall likewise revoke forthwith any permit issued when the work is prosecuted in violation of any of the terms or provisions of the Building Code or any other regulation of the Township or in violation of the laws of the State of New Jersey. Revocation shall be subject to appeal.
As is necessary, inspect any building or structure of any kind whatsoever, the safety of which may appear to be doubtful or the continued use of which may appear to be dangerous to persons using or occupying the same, and require the owner of such building or structure to make such changes and take such precautions in and about the same as may be required by law or by ordinance or as deemed advisable for the safety of persons using or occupying same; and where deemed necessary in the interest of such buildings or structures, direct further action by the owner of such building.
Keep safely and in an orderly manner all applications for permits, together with all plans and specifications accompanying the same, and copies of all permits and notices issued. All such applications, plans, specifications and copies of permits and notices shall be open to public inspection during established business hours pursuant to State law.
There is hereby established within the Construction Bureau of the Township of Springfield the position of Construction Control Person.
The Construction Control Person shall perform the following duties under the general supervision of the Construction Official:
Perform administrative duties for the Building Subcode Official, Plumbing Inspector, Fire Subcode Officials, Electrical Inspector, Zoning Officer/Property Maintenance Official and Multihousing Inspector.
Maintain central files by block and lot containing all permit activities as required by State Statutes and local ordinances and any other applicable governmental regulations.
Maintain local files by address in order to keep current records of correspondence received and sent.
Perform bookkeeping duties as required to maintain records in accordance with State Statutes, local requirements and any other governmental regulations.
Perform such duties as are necessary and required by the State of New Jersey for multihousing inspections.
Order and maintain supplies for the Building Subcode Official, Plumbing Inspector, Fire Subcode Officials, Electrical Inspector, Zoning Officer/Property Maintenance Official and Multihousing Inspector.
Perform such other tasks as are reasonably requested by the aforementioned Inspectors.
Determine what categories of work the proposed construction shall fall into, using the following guidelines:
Major work: all jobs that do not fit into the categories of minor work or small jobs.
Small job: total cost of job is under $5,000, does not require prior approvals, involves two or more trades and may or may not require plan review.
Minor work: involves one trade (or subcode) and does not require prior approvals or plan reviews.
Determine what prior approvals and plan reviews are required for the proposed work.
Collect the appropriate fees.
Assist the applicant in properly completing forms.
Monitor the plan review deadlines.
Perform technical section fee calculations for minor work or applications not requiring plan review.
Perform fee calculations for all applications.
Maintain accurate logs and records of permits issued and fees collected.
Perform all duties required of a construction control person pursuant to regulations and guidelines adopted by the State.
Perform such other duties and responsibilities under the supervision of, and as required by, the Director of the Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement to assist in the efficient operation of that Department, comparable to the duties set forth within this Subsection 2-22.10, provided that such duties and responsibilities do not interfere with the efficient operation of the Construction Bureau.
There shall also be established the position of Assistant Construction Control Person, who shall perform some or all of the duties as enumerated herein, under the general supervision of the Construction Official and, where applicable pursuant to Subsection 2-22.10b17, under the supervision of the Director of the Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement.
There is hereby established within the Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement the position of Zoning Official who shall enforce the Municipal Land Use Law, Zoning and Land Use Ordinances and the Property Maintenance Code of the Township and such other ordinances and laws as New Jersey Statutes and the Revised General Ordinances of the Township may provide. The Zoning Official shall have appropriate training and/or experience and shall be appointed by the Township Committee at a salary set by ordinance.
[Added 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-24]
There is hereby created within the Township of Springfield a Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement. The Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement shall oversee the engineering, planning, zoning, construction services, affordable housing and code enforcement functions of the Township; and shall also provide administrative services to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Environmental Commission. The Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement shall include within it a Construction Bureau as set forth in Chapter XII of the Township Code at Subsections 12-1.2 through 12-1.8, which Bureau shall continue to be headed by the Township's Construction Official.
The Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement shall be headed by a full-time Director who shall be appointed by the Township Committee and shall oversee the operations of the Department. The Director of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement may be, but is not required to be, the Township Engineer, as determined by the Township Committee. The Director shall not undertake any actions, responsibilities or tasks which are the statutory and regulatory responsibility of the Construction Official, but shall oversee the operations of the Construction Bureau to the extent permitted by law, and shall coordinate with the Construction Official in matters that impact the Construction Bureau.
The Director shall have the following minimum qualifications: bachelor's degree in civil engineering from an accredited college or university; five years' experience in the municipal engineering field (without PE license) or three years' experience in the municipal engineering field (with PE license); municipal engineering construction inspector certificate; EIT certificate; possession of PE license is preferred, but is not required; fundamental knowledge of GIS systems; demonstrated leadership ability and familiarity with municipal engineering matters including but not limited to road and drainage improvements, stormwater management, sewers, planning, zoning, development and redevelopment, construction, property maintenance, and related matters or equivalent experience as determined by the Township Committee upon appointment.
The Director, in consultation with the Township Administrator and consistent with all applicable collective negotiation agreements, shall assign and/or reassign appropriate administrative staff employed within the Township's Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement to efficiently and effectively discharge all of the functions, responsibilities and obligations of the Department, and meet the staffing needs of the Department.
Nothing in this Subsection 2-22A shall be deemed to override and/or supersede any statutory authority of, or powers vested in, the Construction Official, the Township Engineer, and the Construction Bureau.
[1991 Code § 48-1; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(A); Ord. No. 2008-01 § I]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140, there shall be a Township Engineer, who shall be appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year and who shall be a duly licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey.
[1991 Code § 48-2; Ord. No. 02-28 §§ I(A), (D); Ord. No. 2015-19]
The Engineer shall perform the duties prescribed by general law and ordinance, and shall:
Prepare or cause to be prepared plans, designs and specifications for public works and improvements undertaken by the Township either on force account or by public contract.
Provide and maintain surveys, maps, plans, specifications and control records with respect to public works and facilities owned or operated by the Township.
Provide technical supervision with respect to operation, maintenance and repair of the Township storm sewer system.
Provide technical and engineering device and assistance to Township departments as needed.
[Amended 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-24]
Serve within of the Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement.
[Amended 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-24]
Serve as a member of the Multiple Dwelling Emergency Committee.
[1991 Code § 48-3; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(A)]
Upon the termination of service with the Township, the Engineer shall surrender all papers, documents, memoranda, reports and other materials relating to the administration of all engineering duties.
[Ord. No. 95-7 § 1; amended 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-24]
There is hereby established within the Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement of the Township of Springfield the position of "Engineering Technician."
[Ord. No. 95-7 § 2; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(D)]
The position of Engineering Technician shall be filled by recommendation of the Township Engineer and by appointment by the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield, and such person shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 95-7 § 3; amended 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-24]
The position of engineering technician shall be a part-time position of less than hours per week, without benefits, with compensation to be determined by the Township Committee in accordance with Township's salary ordinance at the time of appointment.
[Ord. No. 95-7 § 4; amended 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-24]
The Engineering Technician shall report to the Director of the Department of Engineering, Construction Services and Code Enforcement and the Township Engineer, and shall perform such duties as designated thereby, including but not limited to the following: Creation and maintenance of an effective filing system for engineering projects; filing of site plan, final plat building plans and other documents; revise all maps maintained and used by all departments of the Township; inventory and create reproducible mylars of all maps of Township properties; perform field inspections as instructed.
[Ord. No. 2015-19]
There is hereby established the position of Supervisor of Public Works who shall be appointed by the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2015-19]
The Supervisor of Public Works shall be the Head of the Department of Public Works which Department shall be charged with supervision, function and maintenance of Roads, Parks and Trees, Buildings and Grounds, Sewers, Recycling and Vehicle maintenance.
[1991 Code § 73-1]
Pursuant to the authority granted by law, there is hereby created the position of mechanic in the Department of Public Works in the Township.
[1991 Code § 73-2]
In accordance with existing or future needs of the Township, the Township Committee may appoint one or more mechanics to fill the position and job title herein created.
[1991 Code § 73-3]
Any person appointed as a mechanic shall be employed subject to all terms and conditions prevailing for other persons employed by the Township in the Department of Public Works. Compensation shall be paid to the mechanics in accordance with the Salary Ordinance as exists or may be amended. The duties of this position shall be in accordance with a job description adopted by the Township Committee.
[1991 Code § 73-4]
There is hereby created the position of bookkeeper.
[1991 Code § 73-5; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(D)]
The bookkeeper shall be appointed by the Township Committee.
[1991 Code § 73-6]
The bookkeeper shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee for a term which shall not exceed one year but will expire at the end of each calendar year. The salary and hours of employment of the bookkeeper shall be fixed and determined by the Township Committee. Any vacancy existing in the office of the bookkeeper may be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by the Township Committee.
[1991 Code § 73-7]
The person appointed shall report to the Treasurer and function under the supervision of the Treasurer. Generally, the bookkeeper will perform the following functions: accounts receivable, accounts payable, processing of insurance claims and payments, processing of tax payments to the State and Federal governments, payroll, pension reports, billings, processing pension application and payments, bank account reconciliations, assisting the Treasurer in preparation of monthly reports and such other duties as may be assigned by the Treasurer or the Township Committee.
[1991 Code § 73-8]
The person appointed may, at the discretion of the Township Committee, be required to take such courses as are necessary to receive a certificate as a municipal finance officer, as provided by statute and regulations. The cost of such course shall be at the expense of the employee. Failure to continue education or achieve certification in a timely fashion may disqualify the person from employment in the position of bookkeeper.
[1991 Code § 77-15A; Ord. No. 2002-06; amended 11-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-20; 5-23-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-12]
There shall be, within the Department of Public Works, an Office of Recycling Coordinator. The Recycling Coordinator shall be appointed by the Township Committee. The duties of that Office, as hereinafter set forth, shall be performed by the Recycling Coordinator and Assistant Recycling Coordinator, with assistance, if necessary, from those other persons within the department as designated by the Township Administrator in consultation with the Supervisor of Public Works. The duties of the Office may be performed by one or more persons, and need not be the only duties of such person.
[1991 Code § 77-15B]
The Recycling Coordinator shall perform the following duties, which shall include publicity, management and clerical:
Publicity. The recycling concept must be sold to the single-family resident, multi-unit residents and commercial and business properties. This shall include education of the public.
Management. A plan of action shall be developed and followed, bringing Springfield into compliance with the State-mandated recycling quotas. As a manager, the Recycling Coordinator shall be the coordinator of all recycling in the Township and oversee the operation of the County collection.
Clerical. Records of all forms of recycling shall be maintained in an orderly fashion and reported to the County and State as required. Federal, State and local grant applications will be prepared by the Coordinator and filed as authorized by the Township Committee.
Office. The Coordinator will be in charge of the office, oversee the moneys collected and maintain regular office hours.
[Added 5-23-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-12]
Position Created; Duties. There is hereby established the position of Assistant Recycling Coordinator within the Office of Recycling Coordinator at the Department of Public Works. The Assistant Recycling Coordinator shall report to the Recycling Coordinator, and shall assist with the duties of the Office as designated thereby.
Appointment; Compensation. The position of Assistant Recycling Coordinator shall be filled by recommendation of the Supervisor of Public Works and by appointment by the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield. The Assistant Recycling Coordinator may hold other appointed or statutory positions within the Township unless the concurrent holding of such positions is deemed incompatible, and shall receive compensation as set by ordinance.
[Ord. No. 97-01 § 1; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(B)]
There is hereby established within the Recreation Department of the Township of Springfield the position of "General Parks and Recreation Worker."
The position of General Parks and Recreation Worker shall be filled by recommendation of the Recreation Director and by appointment by the Township Committee. There shall be a six-month probationary period.
The General Parks and Recreation Worker shall report to the Recreation Director and shall perform such duties as designated thereby as set forth in the formal job description, including but not limited to the following: maintain general cleanliness for all recreation facilities and be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all parks and recreation sites within Springfield; at Sarah Bailey Civic Center, be responsible for maintaining and cleaning the building, both inside and out, setting up and taking down meeting rooms as necessary, performing minor repairs, maintaining the grounds, including snow removal, and assist in the office as needed; concerning parks, remove garbage and debris on a daily basis, assist in mowing of lawns and preparation of fields, small construction projects involving maintenance of buildings and playground equipment, painting and other minor maintenance projects; perform any and all other jobs as deemed necessary and required by the Recreation Director.
The qualifications for this position shall include: at least 18 years of age, a valid New Jersey driver's license (CDL preferred), capable of working with heavy equipment, and a knowledge of park maintenance.
[Ord. No. 98-26 § 1; Ord. No. 02-28 § I(B); Ord. No. 2007-12 § I(B)]
There is hereby established within the Township the part-time position of Park and Ride Administrator. The general duties of the position shall be to administer and coordinate, on a daily basis, the functioning of the Township of Springfield park and ride bus service to New Jersey Transit trains. Such position shall entail approximately 15 hours per week and include availability for emergency telephone calls. This position shall be within the Administrative Department of the Township of Springfield, and shall report directly to the Township Administrator. If the duties of this position are performed by a full-time municipal employee, no additional stipend shall be paid to such employee.
[Added 2-11-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-02]
Position Created. There is hereby established the position of Building/Grounds Technician within the Department of Public Works for the Township of Springfield.
Appointment. The position of Building/Grounds Technician shall be filled by recommendation of the Supervisor of Public Works and by appointment by the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield. The Township Committee may appoint one individual to fill the position and job title herein created.
Probation. There shall be a six-month-to-one-year probationary period for the position of Building/Grounds Technician, the length of which period shall be at the discretion of the Supervisor of Public Works upon hiring or promotion.
Term; Compensation; Duties. Any person appointed as a Building/Grounds Technician shall be employed subject to all terms and conditions prevailing for other persons employed by the Township in the Department of Public Works, subject to any applicable collective negotiation agreements, the Township Code and applicable law. Compensation shall be paid in accordance with the Salary Ordinance as exists or as may be amended. The duties of this position shall be in accordance with a job description adopted by the Township Committee.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection 2-31.3, Emergency Management Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance Nos. 2005-29 and 2009-23, was repealed by Ordinance No. 2010-07. See § 2-32 for Emergency Management Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator.
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
Establishment of Position. There is hereby established within the Township of Springfield the position of "Confidential Administrative Assistant."
The position of Assistant Administrator shall be filled by recommendation of the Township Administrator and by appointment via resolution of the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield. A Confidential Administrative Assistant shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
The position of Confidential Administrative Assistant may be full-time or part-time, and is a confidential managerial position. A Confidential Administrative Assistant may hold other appointed or statutory positions within the Township, and shall receive a salary as set by ordinance.
A Confidential Administrative Assistant shall report to either the Township Administrator, a designated Department Head or Township official, to be determined by the Township Committee as set forth in the resolution of appointment.
Qualifications. To be appointed to the position of Confidential Administrative Assistant, an individual must meet the following requirements:
Have the ability to recognize conditions which require administrative action or attention and to perform the work necessary to carry out the required administrative action;
To perform whatever duties are necessary pertaining to matters of a confidential nature between the Administrator, Department Heads and other elected officials, appointed officers and employees;
Possess the ability to understand, remember and carry out oral and written directions;
Possess the ability to perform work expeditiously under a variety of circumstances, to be courteous at all times and to perform the clerical work required by the position;
Possess the ability to read, write, speak, understand and otherwise communicate in English.
[Added 2-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
Establishment of Position. There is hereby established within the Township of Springfield the position of "Health Program Coordinator."
Appointment; Term. The position of Health Program Coordinator shall be filled by recommendation of the Board of Health and by appointment via resolution of the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield. The Health Program Coordinator shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
Hours; Compensation. The position of Health Program Coordinator shall be a part-time position. The Health Program Coordinator may hold other appointed or statutory positions within the Township, and shall receive compensation as set by ordinance.
Duties. The Health Program Coordinator shall coordinate mental health programs and other health-related programming for the Township on behalf of the Board of Health, and in conjunction with the Township's Health Officer, as well as other assigned duties, and shall report to the Board of Health and, as requested from time-to-time, Township Committee.
[Added 5-23-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-12]
Establishment of Position. There is hereby established within the Township of Springfield the position of "Clean Communities Coordinator."
Appointment; Term. The position of Clean Communities Coordinator shall be filled by recommendation of the Director of the Department of Public Works and by appointment via resolution of the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield. The Clean Communities Coordinator shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
Hours; Compensation. The position of Clean Communities Coordinator shall be a part-time position. The Clean Communities Coordinator may hold other appointed or statutory positions within the Township unless the concurrent holding of such positions is deemed incompatible, and shall receive compensation as set by ordinance.
Duties. The Clean Communities Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating the hosting of clean communities events and educational programs, preparing, filing and administering grant applications and grants under the Clean Communities Program of the State of New Jersey, as well as other assigned duties. The Clean Communities Coordinator shall report to the Director of the Department of Public Works and, as requested from time-to-time, to the Township Committee.
[Added 10-24-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-24]
Establishment of Position. There is hereby established within the Township of Springfield the position of "Forester."
Appointment; Term. The position of Forester shall be filled by recommendation of the Supervisor of the Department of Public Works and by appointment via resolution of the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield. The Forester shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
Hours; Compensation. The position of Forester shall be a part-time position, and shall work no more than an average of 29.75 hours per week. The Forester may hold other appointed or statutory positions within the Township unless the concurrent holding of such positions is deemed incompatible. The Forester shall receive compensation as set by the Township Committee consistent with Township ordinance.
Duties. The Forester shall report to the Supervisor of Public Works, and shall be responsible for: reviewing and responding to tree removal permit applications; supervising, coordinating and overseeing tree removals and replacements; monitoring and inspecting trees and tree-related hazards and supervising such activities; investigating and enforcing violations of the Township Code provisions governing shade trees; preparing a community forestry management plan and associated reports in accordance with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection standards; and other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor of Public Works.
Qualifications. To be appointed to the position of Forester, an individual must have a minimum of three years arboricultural experience, and also possess and maintains a minimum of two of the following licenses/certifications:
New Jersey Approved Forester.
New Jersey Licensed Tree Expert.
International Society of Arboriculture Approved Arborist.
[Ord. No. 2010-07; Ord. No. 2012-30 § 2; amended 2-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40 et seq., the Mayor shall appoint, from among the residents of the municipality, an Emergency Management Coordinator at a salary set by ordinance, who shall serve a term of three years. The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Emergency Management Coordinator shall be as follows:
The Emergency Management Coordinator is directed to create an organization for emergency management utilizing, to the fullest extent, the existing agencies within this Township.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be well-versed and trained in planning operation involving the activities of many different agencies which will operate to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Township in the event of a disaster.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be empowered to proclaim a state of local emergency and to issue and enforce orders necessary to protect the life and property of the Township residents after first conferring with the Mayor.
The Emergency Management Coordinator must be a resident of the Township and have completed any and all necessary courses in civil defense and the professional development series from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The Emergency Management Coordinator must comply with all Federal, State, County or municipal training guidelines.
No more than three (3) Deputy Emergency Management Coordinators may be appointed by the Emergency Management Coordinator with the consent of the Mayor. The Deputies’ term will run coextensive with that of the Emergency Management Coordinator. Wherever possible, the Deputies shall be appointed from among salaried officers of the Township.
The Emergency Management Coordinator and Deputy Emergency Management Coordinators shall be subject, in the performance of their duties, only to the rules, regulations and orders of the Township Committee.
Nothing in this section shall override and/or supersede any statutory authority or powers with regard to the implementation of the Emergency Operations Plan required by Statute.
[Added 4-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08; amended 2-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
There is hereby created the position of Purchasing Agent for the Township of Springfield.
The Purchasing Agent shall be appointed by the Township Committee.
The Purchasing Agent is required to possess a valid Qualified Purchasing Agent certificate, as issued by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs.
The Purchasing Agent shall have, on behalf of the Mayor and Municipal Council of the Township of Springfield, the authority, responsibility and accountability for the purchasing activity pursuant to Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.); to prepare public advertising for and to receive bids and requests for proposals for the provision or performance of goods, services and construction contracts; to award contracts pursuant to New Jersey law in accordance with the regulations, forms and procedures promulgated by state regulatory agencies and Springfield Township; and conduct any activities as may be necessary or appropriate to the purchasing function of the Township of Springfield.
In the event the Township’s Chief Financial Officer possesses the qualifications for the position set forth within this Section 2-33, and in the absence of any other action by the Township Committee to appoint a Purchasing Agent pursuant to this Section 2-33, then the Chief Financial Officer shall serve as the Township’s Purchasing Agent until such time as another individual is duly appointed to the position, in which case the Chief Financial Officer shall be entitled to additional compensation for said position as set forth in the then-current salary ordinance.