This Article deals with officers who report to the Board.
The General Manager, Auditor, Secretary, Treasurer, and General Counsel ultimately report to the Board. The Auditor and General Counsel shall deal with the Board through the General Manager. Directors are encouraged to deal with these officers through the General Manager but the Board may deal directly with these officers as the need arises.
Directors shall not deal with other officers or employees except for brief inquiry or as authorized by the General Manager and Board.
General Manager: The General Manager shall be appointed by the Board as the chief administrative officer, and shall be responsible directly to the Board. He shall have full charge and control of the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the water, recycled water and sanitation facilities, and the administration of the business affairs of the District within the program and policies established by the Board.
Planning and Design: The General Manager is responsible to the Board for the planning and design of all District water, recycled water and sanitation facilities and beneficial recycling to ensure that the District systems and facilities are adequate to meet the expected needs. The use of consulting engineers will be recommended by the General Manager to the Board, as required.
Construction, Operation and Maintenance: The General Manager has full responsibility to the Board of Directors for the construction, operation and maintenance of water, recycled water and sanitation facilities and beneficial recycling to ensure conformance with the programs and policies approved by the Board.
Administration of Business Affairs of the District: The General Manager shall have full power and authority to administer the business affairs of the District within the programs and policies established by the Board, including: purchasing; customer service (billing and collection); accounting; employing promoting, demoting, transferring and discharging employees, and fixing their compensation in accordance with the salary policies and schedules approved by the Board.
Personnel Rules and Regulations: The General Manager shall submit recommended personnel rules and regulations, including salary recommendations, from time to time, to the Board for approval. Such recommendations may be in the form of amendments to Memoranda of Understanding for represented employee groups or new provisions of a Management Handbook for Executive, Managerial, Supervisorial, Professional and Confidential employees. Such recommendations, when approved, shall supersede this title. Current policies, procedures, rules and regulations are as contained in Memoranda of Understanding between the District and the office and General Units of employees and as contained in the Management Handbook which is applicable to Executive, Managerial, Supervisorial, Professional and Confidential Employees and will remain so, until said document is next modified.
Emergency Powers: If an emergency arises which would ordinarily be brought to the attention of the Board but insufficient time exists within which to give notice as required by law, the General Manager is authorized, in his discretion, to take emergency action as he deems appropriate and reasonable.
Agreement and Authorizations: The General Manager may bind this District by contract relating to the following subject matters:
Limited Service.
Pressure Limits.
Main Extension.
Temporary Service.
Extraterritorial Service.
Interties with other water utilities or suppliers.
Recycled Water Improvement (to a maximum of $25,000 per agreement).
Deposit Agreements.
Title Page Acknowledgements: The General Manager may accept the conveyance of real property on behalf of the District by affixing a certificate of acceptance on the deed, map or other instrument of conveyance if the property to be conveyed is to be used in connection with the construction, operation or maintenance of facilities owned or to be acquired by the District as authorized by the Board.
Collection of Delinquent Accounts: The General Manager is authorized to engage a collection agency to collect all accounts delinquent over three months where District collection efforts have proven unsuccessful.
The Treasurer shall perform the duties set forth in the Municipal Water District Law of 1911 and other similar duties assigned by law or the Board. The Treasurer shall serve as the in-office auditor of the Board, provided this auditor is not responsible for the outside, independent audit.
The Secretary shall be elected by the Board and is responsible for the accuracy and availability of the records of the District.
General Counsel shall be appointed by the Board, and is responsible to the Board. Counsel shall provide legal advice as requested by the Board, and shall assist the General Manager and department heads on legal problems arising in the administration of their respective duties. Counsel will recommend appointment of special counsel for litigation as required. The Board will set the compensation of general and special counsel.
The General Manager may engage consultants as from time-to-time necessary, in accordance with purchasing procedures.
An independent auditor, also known as an “outside” auditor, shall be appointed by the Board to perform an independent annual audit of the District’s financial statements.