The Board shall, as part of the annual budget approval/adoption process, and from time to time, approve positions necessary to provide for the performance of the District’s work. Such budget document shall identify positions by job title.
The Board shall, as part of the annual budgeting process, approve wages for each authorized position and as otherwise needed from time to time.
Terms of employments are set forth in Memoranda of Understanding approved by the Board.
Terms of employment for positions or offices not covered by a memorandum of understand shall be set forth in contracts approved by the Board.
Harassment of an applicant or employee by a supervisor, management employee or co-worker on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex or age is against the law and will not be tolerated.
The General Manager shall promulgate work place regulations, consistent with State and Federal law, to insure harassment does not occur. The General Manager shall meet and confer with recognized employee organizations concerning changes in the harassment policy and shall lodge copies of changes with the Board within 30 days of adoption.
No employee will be intimidated, restricted, coerced, or discriminated against for filing a written complaint with the District alleging gross mismanagement, significant waste of funds, abuse of authority or substantial and specific danger to public health or safety. No disciplinary action shall be imposed against an employee for filing such a complaint.
The General Manager shall promulgate work place regulations, consistent with State and Federal law, to protect the rights of whistleblowers. The General Manager shall meet and confer with recognized employee organizations concerning changes in the whistleblower policy and shall lodge copies of changes with the Board within 30 days of adoption.
The District’s function is to build, operate and maintain water distribution, water treatment, waste water collection, and waste water treatment systems safely, dependably and efficiently.
The General Manager shall promulgate work place regulations, consistent with State and Federal law, to avoid substance abuse. The General Manager shall meet and confer with recognized employee organizations concerning changes in the substance abuse policy and shall lodge copies of changes with the Board within 30 days of adoption.
The District restricts the hiring or employment of relatives of officers or employees.
The General Manager shall promulgate work place regulations, consistent with State and Federal law, to avoid nepotism. The General Manager shall meet and confer with recognized employee organizations concerning changes in the nepotism policy and shall lodge copies of changes with the Board within 30 days of adoption.
This Article establishes policies and procedures for the administration of employer-employee relations in accordance with state and federal law. The provisions of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act are hereby incorporated by this reference.
A petition for certification as recognized employee organization of employees in a proposed unit may be filed by an employee organization with the General Manager.
The General Manager shall determine whether the proposed unit is appropriate by considering the following factors, among others:
The community of interest of the employees.
The history of employment relations in the unit.
The effect of the unit on the efficient operation of the public service and sound employee relations.
The effect upon existing classification structure.
In establishing units, Managerial, Supervisorial, Professional and Confidential employees shall not be included in a unit with non-professional employees unless a majority of such Managerial, Supervisorial, Professional and Confidential employees vote for inclusion.
The General Manager shall conduct a hearing on each unit after giving interested employee organizations notice thereof.
The General Manager shall determine any dispute concerning the relationship between existing units involving the addition or the deletion of the classification.
Following establishment of an appropriate representational unit, the Board shall conduct a secret ballot election to determine whether the employees within the unit wish to be represented by an employee organization and if they wish to be represented what their choice of representation is.
If a majority of the employees within a unit vote in favor of a particular employee organization representing them, then such organization shall be designated as the recognized employee organization.
A petition alleging that a recognized employee organization is no longer the majority representatives of the employees in the unit, may be filed with the Board by any employee, group of employees or their representatives. Said petition may be filed any time after completion of the recognized employee organization’s first year of recognition. If the Board determines that the allegations in the petition are true, then it may order another election.
If management representatives and the representatives of a recognized employee organization reach an impasse, the matter may be submitted by either party to the Board for impasse resolution.
If the Board determines that there has been insufficient effort to resolve the impasse, it may deny the request for impasse resolution and remand the matter to the parties for further consideration.
If the Board determines that further consideration will not result in settlement, it may, in its discretion, refer the matter for mediation or fact-finding, or it may determine the matter itself.
The General Manager shall promulgate regulations, consistent with State and Federal law, to implement this article. The General Manager shall meet and confer with recognized employee organizations concerning changes in this article and shall lodge copies of changes with the Board within 30 days of adoption.