Regulations for potable water service are set forth in this Title.
[Amended by Res. 2617, 1-17-2023]
This Title applies to potable water service from the District; rates, fees and deposits to cover the cost thereof; the time and manner of payment for services rendered; regulations regarding water usage; protection of the system from mechanical and health hazards; and rules and charges for extending mains and permitting connections to existing mains. This Title does not generally apply to recycled water service; however, specific provisions may apply as noted and referenced in other sections of the Code.
The definitions in this Article shall be used to interpret this Title, unless otherwise apparent from the context.
“Service” or “water service” means the delivery of potable water through a meter turned on by the District for which fees and charges have been paid. “Service” does not refer to the system of pipes and appurtenances to deliver water.
“Applicant” means a person applying for water service from the District.
"Class of Service" refers to the type of water service provided to a customer. There are four classes of service. "Single-Family Class" refers to service to one residential unit; or an individual unit within a multi-family dwelling complex served through a dedicated water meter. "Multi-family Class" refers to service to 2 or more combined residential units served by a single water meter. "Commercial Class" refers to service to business, institution or government agency. "Irrigation Class" refers to service solely for irrigation.
“Domestic Service” refers to the delivery of water for other than temporary service or fire protection service.
“Connection Fees” means fees levied by the District to recover the cost of facilities needed to provide water service, including: “Capacity Fees” to recover the cost of the potable water system delivering water (distribution pipeline) up to a lateral pipeline connecting the distribution pipeline to a customer’s meter; a “Conservation Fee” to pay for the cost of facilities to conserve potable water capacity; and “Meter Fees” to pay for the cost of the lateral pipeline from the distribution pipeline and the meter.
“Customer” means a person or persons receiving water service from the District.
“Service Fees” means the fees levied to recover costs incurred to operate and maintain the water system.
[Amended by Res. 2617, 1-17-2023]
District provides permanent, limited, temporary, private, fire, surplus, inactive or sealed water service.
“Permanent Service” means service to property meeting the frontage requirements.
“Limited Service” means service to property which does not otherwise meet the frontage requirements.
“Temporary Service” means service which does not qualify for permanent status. Temporary service connections will be discontinued and terminated 6 months after the installation unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the General Manager, or an agreement for service outside the District specifies some other period of time. Temporary service includes service to a subdivision, through a master meter, during its construction phase.
“Private Fire Service” means service for emergency fire protection only.
“Surplus Water Service” means service in excess of the current requirements of the District, its inhabitants to property outside the District boundaries.
“Inactive Service” refers to a meter turned-off by the District and for which all fees and deposits described herein have been paid.
“Sealed Service” refers to a service connection without a meter for which the fees, charges and deposits described herein are outstanding.
“Unit” means one hundred cubic feet or 748 gallons.
[Added by Res. 2617, 1-17-2023]
Certain symbols are used throughout the Code and are defined as follows:
The use of quotation marks (”) after a number, means (inch) or (inches).
The use of an apostrophe (’) after a number, means (foot) or (feet).
The use of $ means (dollar) or (dollars).
The use of % means (percent) or (percentage).
The use of # means (number).
The use of & means (and).