Service will be provided to property to existing recycled water distribution lines. Service will be provided to property not contiguous to existing distribution lines if the distribution line is extended to the applicant’s property as provided below.
Recycled water may be used for residential and common area landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, industrial process water, dual-plumbed buildings and recreational impoundment. Each use must be approved by the District on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. The District may impose conditions and prior approval from regulatory agencies.
Recycled water may be used for residential irrigation if: The design and construction of the irrigation system is approved by the District and
Recycled water may be used for common area landscape irrigation if the use is controlled by the District, or another party other than the customer, through a surveillance program of areas under irrigation, and the design and construction of the irrigation system is approved by the District.
Customers shall accept such conditions of pressure and service as are provided by the distribution system at the location of the service connection and to hold the District harmless from damage arising from low pressure or high pressure conditions or from interruptions of service.
The District shall determine the size of the service lines, the service connections, and the meters and determine the kind and size of backflow protection devices. The service lines shall be installed to a curb or property line of the customer’s property, abutting upon a public street, highway, alley, easement, lane or road (other than a freeway) in which is the installed recycled water mains of the District.
A service connection shall not be used to supply adjoining property of a different owner without the permission of the District.
When property with a service connection is subdivided, such connection shall serve the lot or parcel it directly or first enters. Additional mains or recycled water service lines will be required for other parcels in the subdivided area.
Recycled water must pass through a meter.
Every service installed by the District shall be equipped with a curb stop or wheel valve on the inlet side of the meter; such valve or curb stop being intended exclusively for the use of the District in controlling the recycled water supply through the service line. If the curb stop or wheel valve is damaged by the customer’s use to an extent requiring replacement, such replacement shall be at the customer’s expense.
Should a service line installed be of the wrong size or installed at a wrong location, the cost of relocation shall be paid by the customer. Services provided prior to final street improvements are temporary and the costs for repairs or changes shall be paid by the customer.
The General Manager may control and schedule the use of recycled water as necessary for the maintenance of an acceptable working pressure and providing for reasonable safeguards to public health.
The General Manager may approve a temporary connection to the potable water system. If an emergency exists and recycled water is not available.
The classes of service for water delivered by the District are:
Las Virgenes Valley Zone, which includes all recycled water customers receiving water that does not require pumping above a hydraulic gradient of 795’. As used in this Title, Hydraulic Gradient, or H.G., shall mean the maximum water elevation represented by the pressure in a water system, or the maximum surface elevation of the water in the reservoir serving the system.
Western Zone, which includes all recycled water customers receiving water that requires pumping to elevation 1225’.
Calabasas Zone, which includes recycled water customers receiving water that requires pumping to elevation 1525’.
Off-site and on-site recycled water facilities shall be designed and constructed according to the standards as adopted and revised by the Board from time to time. The recycled water system shall be separate and independent of any potable water system.
On-site recycled water facility shall be provided by the property owner who shall retain title to such facilities.
Plans and specifications for on-site facilities shall be submitted to the District for approval prior to construction.
Prior to commencement of service record drawings shall be provided and approved and the installed system shall be tested under active conditions to ensure the operation in accordance with this Title.
If the District has determined that recycled water will be supplied in the future, on-site facilities shall nevertheless be designed to use recycled water. Provisions shall be made to allow for connection to the District’s off-site recycled water facilities when available. In the interim, potable domestic water will be supplied to the on-site facilities through a temporary connection.
Plans and specifications for off-site facilities shall be submitted to and approved by the District in advance of construction. Off-site recycled water distribution facilities required to serve the customer’s property shall be provided by property owner unless the District determines it is a District benefit to construct these capital facilities.
The District may require the construction of off-site facilities including reservoirs, pumping facilities, and treatment capacity, within the area described in the application for service or outside of such area, larger than the size determined by the District to be required for providing adequate service to the property described in the application submitted to the District. In such cases, the District will reimbursement the property owner on a pro rata basis for the difference between the cost of the required facilities and the cost of the facilities to serve the property described in the application for service. The terms, extent, and provisions of such reimbursement agreement shall be determined from time to time by the District in its discretion.
Interest shall not be paid on the reimbursement. The period of time in which reimbursement will be made will be determined by the District, based on the amount necessary to be advanced by the property owner in addition to other normal charges, the probability of receipt of payment and of the anticipated course of development of the particular portion of the District in which the facilities are proposed to be constructed. The amount advanced for facilities available to lands outside the area described in the application for service shall be taken into account when development occurs for which such facilities are constructed and the District may impose and charge additional connection charges, initial charges, and costs, if necessary, to cause equitable reimbursement in any such instances.
The District shall provide recycled water to the point of connection of the off-site facilities to on-site facility when title to all facilities in the required systems and any necessary easements have been conveyed to the District.
Where an existing water system is converted to a recycled water facility, the facilities to be converted shall be investigated and measures necessary to bring the system into full compliance with this Title shall be installed before recycled water service commences. No existing potable water facilities shall be connected to or incorporated into the recycled water system without District approval.