These regulations are intended to protect the District’s
potable water supply and are not intended for protection of users
from the hazards of cross-connections within their own premises.
The District shall provide backflow prevention devices on the
potable water service to the premises. Such devices shall be owned
and maintained by the District and located on the premises of the
property served and shall not be on the District’s portion of
the system.
The District shall inspect backflow prevention devices at least
once a year, or more often in those instances where successive inspections
indicate repeated failure. All inspections and testing shall be performed
by a tester certified by the local health department. These devices
shall be repaired, overhauled, or replaced at the expense of the water
user whenever they are found to be defective. Records of all such
tests, repairs and overhauls shall be maintained by a list and made
available to the local health department. Northing contained herein
shall relieve a potable water customer from the duty to install and
maintain backflow prevention devices under Title 3 of this Code.
Where the premises contain dual or multiple water systems and
piping, the exposed portions for recycled water pipelines shall be
painted, banded or marked at sufficient intervals. All outlets from
secondary or other potentially contaminated systems shall be posted
as being contaminated and unsafe for drinking purposes.
The District, which in turn will notify the local and State
Water Resources Control Board, shall be kept informed of the identity
of the person responsible for the water piping on all premises concerned
with these regulations. At each premise where it is necessary in the
opinion of the regulatory agency and/or the District, a Water Supervisor
shall be designated. This Water Supervisor shall be responsible for
the installation and the use of pipelines and equipment and for the
prevention of cross-connections.
In the event of contamination or pollution of the drinking water
system due to a cross-connection on the premises, the local health
officer and the District shall be promptly advised by the person responsible
for the water system so that appropriate measures may be taken to
overcome the contamination or pollution.