An applicant for sanitation service or for a change in the amount or type of such service shall make request on forms provided by the District, and pay all fees prior to obtaining a permit from the administrative authority.
Applicants for sanitation service shall provide the following information:
Location of property from which sewage will flow;
Owner of property;
Strength of sewage to be discharged;
Duration of discharge;
Quantity of discharge;
Type of user (residential, commercial or industrial);
Nature of business if commercial or industrial; and
Plumbing plans of the proposed facility, commercial or industrial.
Applicants for sanitation service who propose to discharge into a collector sewer owned by the Maintenance District shall also make application to the Maintenance District and present satisfactory evidence to the District such application has been accepted or the requirements waived by the Maintenance District.
The General Manager shall review applications for sanitation service and determine which class of discharge applies to the applicant.
A non-residential discharger or applicant who contends the General Manager's determination of Class does not accurately reflect the quantity or quality of water reaching the sewer may request the General Manager to review the determination by presenting evidence to support such contention. The General Manager may change the classification assigned to the discharger if the discharger can show that the sewage differs significantly and substantially from the sewage for the Class.
Applicants for sanitation service shall pay the fees set forth in this Article as a condition for obtaining sanitation service.
An applicant for service to property or where sewage units are added to an existing lateral sewer which is already connected to the trunk sewer directly or through a collector sewer or otherwise, shall pay: (1) a sewage connection fee, (2) the miscellaneous fees, if any, and (3) make the deposits set forth below.
An applicant for service to property which fronts upon an existing collector or trunk sewer but which is not connected to the collector or trunk sewer shall pay: (1) annexation fees, if the property is not within an improvement district; (2) a pro rate share of the cost of the trunk sewer, if a main extension refund agreement exists with respect to such trunk sewer; (3) a sewage connection fee; (4) miscellaneous fees, if any; (5) make the deposits, all as set forth below, and (6) construct the necessary lateral sewer.
An applicant shall pay connection fees and the cost of sanitation system improvements necessary to serve the applicant's property, provided: if the sanitation system improvements are identified in the sewage system capital improvement plan, the improvements shall be constructed by the District using connection fees to pay for the cost of design and construction, including debt service. Sanitation system improvements are identified in the current sanitation system capital improvement plan, within the meaning of this section if the improvements are described in the plan or if the improvements are approved by the Board as a substitute for the improvements described in the plan.
If the applicant pays for the cost of a trunk sewer extension to serve the applicant's property, the applicant may enter into a sewer extension refund agreement.
Annexation fees to improvement districts, and terms and conditions of such annexation, are set annually by the Board.
Each property to be connected to the sewer system shall pay a sewer connection fee based upon the anticipated sewage flow to be contributed by the property as follows:
Single family residential dwelling shall be deemed to contribute one sewage unit.
Each dwelling unit of an apartment, condominium, town house, trailer park, mobile home park, or similar installation for permanent or semi-permanent residential service shall be deemed to contribute one sewage unit.
Commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, and other non-residential developments are deemed to have one sewage unit for each 25 plumbing fixture units, as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code, which discharge into the sewer system. Fractional amounts will be rounded to the next whole number.
[Amended by Res. 2522, 6-27-2017; Res. 2548, 3-12-2019]
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District No. U-1 and D shall pay a capacity fee per sewerage unit. Such sewer capacity fees are set forth in Section 7-1.109 of this Code.
U-1 and D sewer capacity fees shall be deposited in a separate capital facilities account to avoid commingling of the fees with other revenue and funds of the District, except for temporary investments and shall be expended solely for the purpose of reimbursing the District for the owner’s pro rata share of existing sewer system capacity.
U-1 and D sewer capacity fees shall be transferred from the U-1 and D deferred capacity fee account to the District sanitation replacement account when a certificate of occupancy is issued, or on the date of final inspection, whichever occurs first.
Upon written request, the sewer capacity fee to be paid by a public agency for service to tax exempt property shall be reduced by the amount of the fee attributable to the cost of capital facilities.
[Amended by Res. 2522, 6-27-2017; Res. 2548, 3-12-2019]
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District U-2 shall pay a sewer capacity fee per sewerage unit. Such sewer capacity fees are set forth in Section 7-1.110 of this Code.
U-2 sewer capacity fees shall be deposited in a separate capital facilities account to avoid commingling of the fees with other revenue and funds of the District, except for temporary investments and shall be expended solely for the purpose of planning, designing and constructing the sanitation facilities described in the sanitation system capital improvement plan for the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District - Triunfo Sanitation District Joint Venture designated to serve Sanitation Improvement District U-2; and for the purpose of acquiring capacity in the sewage system operated by the City of Los Angeles, and conducting sewage to the point of discharge to the City.
U-2 sewer capacity fee shall be transferred from the U-2 deferred capacity fees account to the District sanitation replacement account when the above-described funds are appropriated to perform the work, the work is performed, when a certificate of occupancy is issued, or on the date of final inspection, whichever occurs first.
Upon written request, the sewer capacity fee to be paid by a public agency for service to tax exempt property shall be reduced by the amount of the fee attributable to the cost of capital facilities.
[Amended by Res. 2548, 3-12-2019]
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District No. U-3 shall pay a connection fee set forth in Section 7-1.111(a) of this Code.
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District No. B shall pay a connection fee set forth in Section 7-1.111(b) of this Code.
U-3 connection fees shall be deposited in a separate capital facilities account, entitled "U-3 connection fee account", to avoid commingling of the fees with other revenue and funds of the District, except for temporary investments and shall be expended solely for the purpose of planning, designing and constructing the sanitation facilities described in the sanitation system capital improvement plan for Sanitation Improvement District No. U-3.
ID-B connection fees shall be deposited in a separate capital facilities account, entitled ID-B connection fee account", to avoid commingling of the fees with other revenue and funds of the District, except for temporary investments and shall be expended solely for the purpose of planning, designing and constructing the sanitation facilities described in the sanitation system capital improvement plan and for Sanitation Improvement District No. B.
U-3 and ID-B connection fees shall be transferred from the U-3 and ID-B connection fee account to the construction fund when the above-described work funds are appropriated to perform the work, the work is performed, when a certificate of occupancy is issued or on the date of final inspection, whichever occurs first.
Sewer service to owners of land within Sanitation Improvement District Nos. U-3 and B is provided through the City of Los Angeles. The applicant for such service shall obtain the consent of the City of Los Angeles for a District outlet to the City of Los Angeles sanitation system and pay a connection fee deposit as shown herein for each sewerage unit depending upon the sanitation improvement District within which the property is located.
Upon written request, the sewer connection fees to be paid by a public agency for service to tax exempt property shall be reduced by the amount of the fee attributable to the cost of capital facilities.
When the number of sewage units connected to a particular lateral permanently increases, the property owner shall pay an additional sewage connection fee based upon the number of ERU's added to the system.
Upon discovery of an unauthorized sewer connection by the District, the property owner shall pay a sewage connection fee at the rate existing as of the date of the connection. Unless the property owner presents clear and convincing evidence as to the date of the unauthorized connection, it shall be presumed that the connection was made as of the date of discovery.
From time to time, interim agreements are entered into between the City of Los Angeles and the District to provide for sewage disposal from certain areas within Sanitation Improvement Districts U-3 and B. The District cannot approve sewer plans for property within Sanitation Improvements Districts U-3 or B until an outlet is assured. The applicant shall obtain the consent of the City of Los Angeles for a District outlet and when such assurances have been obtained, the applicant shall pay the connection charge to the District for each sewerage unit sought to be connected.
[Amended by Res. 2522, 6-27-2017; Res. 2529, 11-14-2017]
Sewer connection fees may be changed at any time in accordance with this Code and state law. An applicant shall pay the connection fees existent when service commences regardless of when the connection fees are deposited or paid, except those connection fees paid after June 22, 1978 and before March 26, 1990. As used herein, "service commences" for a new or additional ERU when the applicant's property can be connected to the trunk or collector sewer and monthly sewage service charges are paid. Notwithstanding the “service commencement” provisions of this section, customers who made a pre-paid deposit for service prior to June 30, 2017 will have until June 30, 2018 to commence service and pay the connection fee in effect as of June 30, 2017.” Notwithstanding the “service commencement” provisions of this section, existing water only customers who made a pre-paid deposit for service prior to June 30, 2018 will have until June 30, 2018 to commence service and pay the connection fee in effect as of June 30, 2017.
When an applicant desires assurances that sanitation service will be provided by the District at a future date, such assurances will be given only if the applicant agrees to be bound by District regulations, including regulations for the payment of connection fees, existent when service commences and the applicant makes financial arrangements to pay connection fees in the future by depositing cash with the District and entering into a deposit agreement.
If the number of sewage units applicable to the temporary facilities is more than the number of sewage units applicable to the permanent facilities, then no additional sewage connection fees shall be assessed and connection charges applicable to such excess sewage fees shall be refunded to the property owner at the rate existent as of the date of connection to the temporary facilities.
When the right to service is transferred from temporary to permanent facilities and the number of sewage units applicable to the temporary facilities is less than the number of sewage units to be provided to the permanent facility, then the property owner shall, in addition to the other fees and charges set forth herein, pay an additional sewage connection fee(s) based upon the number of additional sewage units, or portions thereof, at the rate existent as of the date of the transfer.
A property owner who has the right to receive sanitation service for temporary facilities on a particular parcel of land may transfer that right to permanent facilities located on another parcel of land, if the following are met:
The property owner has paid fees and charges for service to the temporary facilities.
The property owner has paid expenses incurred by the District in providing service to the new site including but not limited to expenses incurred in providing additional materials, inspection or coring, if required.
The property owner demonstrates service to the temporary facilities has been discontinued, sealed and capped and later service to the temporary site will not occur unless a subsequent application for service is made and applicable rates, fees and charges are paid.
An applicant shall also pay the following miscellaneous fees:
If a collector sewer is constructed pursuant to a “private contract" or pursuant to the ordinances and regulations of the Maintenance District, the project proponent shall pay to the District the cost of reviewing the plans and specifications for the sewer improvements.
Sewer connection installation and inspection charges shall be paid whenever a connection to a collector or trunk sewer is required.
The District's testing costs, if any, of industrial waste which must be tested prior to discharge,
The anticipated amount of the miscellaneous fees described above shall be deposited prior to commencement of work by the District. Refund of any excess deposit shall be made upon completion of the work.
An applicant who does not desire or is not required to make a cash deposit for capacity fees, shall enter into a deposit agreement. The General Manager shall present a form of the deposit agreement to the Board for approval. The deposit agreement shall be recorded and constitutes a lien against the property for which service is sought unless the applicant provided an irrevocable letter of credit of bond in an amount equal to the fees paid.
The General Manager shall establish the amount of deposit by estimating the District's cost of providing the materials, equipment or services for which the deposit is made. The deposit shall be tendered to the District before work is undertaken by the District. The amount of deposit may be increased by the General Manger if it appears the deposit is inadequate. If the applicant fails to increase the amount of deposit when requested by the General Manager in writing to do so, work shall cease. At the conclusion of the project, the General Manager shall refund any amounts deposited in excess of costs incurred.
If the applicant abandons the construction of the improvements, or the recording of a subdivision for which installation and connection charges were paid, the installation and connection charges shall be refunded, with interest, to the applicant upon the applicant's written request. If the facilities necessary to serve the applicant's property have been installed or direct expenses incurred by the District toward such service installation, the refund permitted under this Section shall be reduced by the amount of such expenditure.