This Title applies to potable water service, recycled water service and sanitation service.
The General Manager may refuse to approve service to a person who has violated this Code. The applicant shall, upon request, be provided with a written statement setting forth the reasons for such refusal.
An applicant or customer, as the case may be, may appeal any decision of the General Manager to the Board by filing a written request for the Board to review the General Manager's action. The request shall set forth the reasons why the applicant contends the General Manager's action is not warranted.
The Board shall consider requests for review filed pursuant to this section. The Board may act upon the request on the basis of the applicant's submittal or the Board may hold a public hearing, which will be conducted, as near as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of the California Administrative Procedures Act.
Upon presentation of official identification, agents of the District shall be allowed free access at reasonable hours to inspect or perform duties relating to District facilities on premises supplied with District potable or recycled water or receiving sanitation service. The General Manager may terminate service where a customer refuses reasonable admittance to, or hinders or prevents inspection of District facilities by an authorized agent of the District.
[Amended by Res. 2568, 1-7-2020; Res. 2580, 8-4-2020; Res. 2582, 11-3-2020]
When a non-residential customer has failed to comply with the rules and regulations governing water service, other than the payment of charges, deposits or penalties, the General Manager, or designee, shall notify the customer that a flow restriction device will be installed or the service will be terminated unless the customer forthwith complies with such rules and regulations or presents an adequate reason for failure to do so.
Such notice shall be in substantially the following form:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a water flow restriction device will be installed or your water service will be shut off after two (2) business days from the date of this notice unless you (list violation to be cured). Prior to the flow restriction device installation or termination date, if you believe that such installation or termination is not justified, you may present your position, orally or in writing, to the District's General Manager, or designee, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, at the District's headquarters located at 4232 Las Virgenes Road, Calabasas, California. If you request the opportunity to present your position, your request will be reviewed and the District will either cancel or confirm the installation of the flow restriction device or termination of water service.
A flow restriction device shall be installed or service terminated as specified in the Notice of Installation of Flow Restriction Device or Termination of Water Service unless the information presented by the non-residential customer indicates that installation of a flow restriction device or termination of service is inappropriate. A flow restriction device shall not be installed and service shall not be terminated earlier than two (2) business days after the aforementioned Notice of Installation of Flow Restriction Device or Service Termination is left at the residence.
A flow restriction device may be installed or service may be terminated for nonpayment of a delinquent account only if notice of the delinquency and the impending installation of a flow restriction device or service termination is mailed to the non-residential customer at least 20 calendar days after the bill is rendered and at least 15 business days prior to the proposed installation or termination date and a reasonable good faith effort is made to contact an adult person residing at the premises by telephone at least five (5) business days prior and by door tag at least two (2) business days prior to the flow restriction device installation or service termination.
The notice of installation of flow restriction or service termination shall include the following:
Name and address of delinquent customer.
The amount of delinquency.
The date by which payment or arrangement for payment is required to avoid the installation of a water flow restriction device or service termination.
The procedure for the customer to initiate a complaint or investigate service or charges.
The procedure to request amortization of unpaid charges.
The procedure to obtain information on the availability of financial assistance.
The telephone number of a District representative who can provide added information.
A non-residential customer may initiate a complaint or request an investigation within five (5) calendar days of receipt of a disputed bill or request an extension of time to pay a bill within thirteen (13) calendar days of mailing of the termination notice. The General Manager, or his designee, shall review the complaint or request and determine whether the customer shall be permitted to amortize the unpaid balance over a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 12 months.
A flow restriction device shall not be installed and/or water service shall not be terminated for nonpayment:
During the pendency of an investigation by the General Manager of a non-residential customer dispute or complaint.
When the non-residential customer has been granted an extension; or
When a licensed physician certifies that termination of service will be life threatening to the customers;
When the non-residential customer is financially unable to pay for service within the normal payment period and the customer is willing to enter into an agreement to amortize payment of the delinquency over a period not to exceed 12 months.
Delinquent charges or penalties for water service accumulated by a tenant in the tenant's name shall be collected from the tenant and not from any subsequent tenant. If a tenant fails to pay such charges or penalties the District may refuse to provide service to a subsequent tenant. The General Manager may require the property owner be the customer on subsequent accounts.
The General Manager may terminate sanitation service and/or potable water service to a sanitation customer who violates Title 5 provided the procedures set forth in this Chapter are followed with respect to such termination.
The General Manager may disconnect the user or subdivision sewer system from the sewer mains within the District. Upon disconnection, the General Manager shall estimate the cost of disconnection and reconnection. Such user shall deposit delinquent charges payable to the District, and the estimated cost of reconnection, prior to reconnection to the system. The District shall refund any part of the deposit remaining after payment of the charges and costs of reconnection.
Recycled water service may be terminated for failure to follow rules and regulations set forth in this Code and by reason of circumstances beyond the control of the District, and in order to protect facilities of the District, or for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and property of the District.
The District may suspend recycled water service if the District's reclamation plant does not produce recycled water meeting the requirements of regulatory agencies, including those prescribed by the Title 22 of the California Code of Regulation. In such case, service will be renewed when recycled water again meets the requirements of regulatory agencies.
When sanitation, potable water for non-residential customers, or recycled service is terminated for failure to comply with rules and regulations of this code (other than payment fees and charges) service shall not be restored to the former customer or to the property of the former customer until the assurances satisfactory to the General Manager are provided that compliance with rules and regulations will occur and the District is reimbursed for costs incurred to terminate and restore service.
When sanitation, potable water for non-residential customers, or recycled water service is terminated for failure to pay rates, fees or charges, service shall not be restored to the former customer unless arrearages which resulted in termination and costs incurred to terminate and restore service are paid to the District.
The District may invoke the civil remedies in addition to the administrative and penal remedies set forth in this Code.
When authorized by the Board, District Counsel shall commence an action to collect delinquent fees and charges. When so authorized, Counsel shall record a lien against the customer's property in accordance with the Municipal Water District Act of 1911.
Use of District water, recycled water or sanitation service contrary to this Code is unlawful and a public nuisance. The Board may order the District Counsel to commence actions or proceedings for the abatement of the nuisance.
Violation of Chapter 5-4, Articles 2 and 3 of this Code shall be punishable by a civil fine of not more than $25,000.00 per day. Any other violations of Title 5 are found, determined and declared to be an infraction. Every person convicted of an infraction shall be punished as follows:
Upon first conviction by a fine not exceeding $100.00;
Upon second conviction within a period of one year by a fine not exceeding $200.00;
Upon a third or any subsequent conviction within a period of one year by a fine not exceeding $500.
Infractions under this Code shall be enforced by District Counsel.