[Amended by Res. 2559, 7-23-2019]
This Title applies to District fees, penalties and deposits.
A person may obtain a connection to an existing District main by paying to the District the following installation charges based upon the size of meter which is required for the service:
Size of Meter
Installation Charge July 1, 2017
Installation Charge July 1, 2018
Installation Charge July 1, 2019
1-1/2” (or larger)
Actual Cost to District
Actual Cost to District
Actual Cost to District
[Amended by Res. 2635, 2-6-2024; Res. 2638, 5-21-2024]
An applicant for water service shall pay to the District the following capacity fee, based upon the size of the applicant's water meter:
Size of Meter
July 1, 2018 Capacity Fee
July 1, 2019 Capacity Fee
July 1, 2024 Capacity Fee
1 1/2”
[Amended by Res. 2638, 5-21-2024]
An applicant for water service shall pay to the District the following water conservation fee based upon the size of the applicant's water meter:
Size of Meter
2018 Conservation Fee
2019 Conservation Fee
2024 Conservation Fee
1 1/2”
[Amended by Res. 2584, 11-17-2020; Res. 2586, 1-19-2021; Res. 2613, 11-15-2022; Res. 2617, 1-17-2023; Res. 2631, 11-21-2023]
If the District takes steps to discontinue service for failure to comply with this Code, the customer shall pay the following additional charges before service is reinstated:
$115 for each trip to the property to deliver notice of disconnection of service.
$115 for each trip to the property during regular business hours at the request of the customer to reactivate water service previously disconnected for nonpayment.
$173 for each trip made to the property after regular business hours at the request of the customer.
Meters will not be set by the District if, upon removal of the temporary spacer, the customer valve moves appreciably out of alignment, or if any part of the service connection, including the meter box, has been moved or altered. In either of these cases, the District will leave the facilities where found, and will not again return to set the meter until the applicant has made corrections and paid a fee in the amount of $115 per extra trip.
Any person who receives water without prior authorization shall pay two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first offense within one year, three hundred ($300.00) dollars for the second offense within one year, and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each subsequent offense within one year.
The District will shop-test a water meter in the presence of the customer at the request of the customer if the prescribed fee of $115 to cover the cost of testing is tendered.
If a backflow prevention device is required to protect against contamination by other than recycled water served by the District, the customer shall pay an annual inspection fee of $135.00. Any device that is found to be inoperable or defective may be repaired or replaced by the District following notification to the account owner. Actual cost to the District shall be reimbursed by the account holder plus a $25 administrative fee.
If the review of a landscape plan under the Water Conservation in Landscaping Act is not reimbursed by the jurisdiction which adopted the regulations, the applicant shall pay a landscape plan check fee in the amount of $51.
The following fees shall apply when a customer opts out of the automatic meter reading program:
Fee Description
Monthly manual meter reading
Initial set up and installation of manual read meter.
Return trip fee
The following user fees shall also apply:
Fee Description
Backflow Prevention Device Installation
Backflow Testing
Board Room Rental (office hours)
Board Room Rental (after hours)
$155 per hour
Compost Loading Fees
$8 / cu. yd.
Complex Plan Check/Inspection Installation/New Service
Actual Cost
Fire Flow Certification
Fire Flow Testing
Service Initiation Fee
Temporary Meter Relocation Fee
Water Audits
Water Meter Testing
Water Audit Cancellation Fee
The General Manager is authorized to waive the compost loading fees, as set forth in subsection (h) of this section, when: (1) the Cure Building is filled to capacity and (2) the supply of compost exceeds the demand for compost in bulk sales and in District-sponsored compost-giveaway program.
A deposit shall be made by customers who have received a final notice five or more times within a two-year period, and from every customer whose service is disconnected for nonpayment of water charges. The deposit for the first disconnection for non-payment of water charges is $100.00.
[Amended by Res. 2613, 11-15-2022; Res. 2631, 11-21-2023]
A temporary meter installation fee of $127 for ¾” & 1” meters, $144 for 1 ½” – 4” meters, or $173 for 6” – 10” meters shall be paid prior to installation of a temporary meter by district staff.
A meter deposit of $290 for a meter up to 2 ½” or $580 for a meter 2 ½” and above shall be required prior to installation of the meter. Such deposit will be refunded, net any costs incurred by the district relative to the temporary meter.
If a check or electronic funds transfer transaction is refused for payment by the Bank, the writer, upon notification, will be required to redeem the payment in cash at the District’s office within 24 hours and pay a redemption fee in the amount of $20.00.
[Amended by Res. 2635, 2-6-2024]
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District No. U-1 and D shall pay a capacity fee per sewerage unit based on the following:
Services Commencing After July 1, 2018 and prior to July 1, 2019
Services Commencing After July 1, 2019
Services Commencing After July 1, 2024
$11,669 / unit
$12,645 / unit
$15,336 / unit
[Amended by Res. 2635, 2-6-2024]
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District U-2 shall pay a sewer capacity fee per sewerage unit based on the following:
Services Commencing After July 1, 2018 and prior to July 1, 2019
Services Commencing After July 1, 2019
Services Commencing After July 1, 2024
$11,669 / unit
$12,645 / unit
$15,336 / unit
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District No. U-3 shall pay a connection fee of $3,900 per sewerage unit.
The owner of lands within Sanitation Improvement District No. B shall pay a connection fee of $3,900 per sewerage unit.
[Amended by Res. 2601, 11-16-2021; Res. 2617, 1-17-2023; Res. 2619, 3-21-2023; Res. 2622, 4-18-2023]
Water use exceeding twice a customer’s water budget, for potable and recycled water accounts, shall be subject to escalating administrative penalties, except during implementation of Stage 3 or Stage 4 of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan, as follows:
For the second penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $2.50 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 200% (2.0 times) a customer’s water budget.
For the third penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $5.00 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 200% (2.0 times) a customer’s water budget.
For the fourth and for each subsequent penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $7.50 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 200% (2.0 times) a customer’s water budget.
For the fifth and for each subsequent penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $10 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 200% (2.0 times) a customer’s water budget.
Water use exceeding 150% (1.5 times) a customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 3 of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan or 120% (1.2 times) a customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 4 of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan, shall be subject to escalating administrative penalties as follows:
For the second penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $2.50 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 150% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 3 and 120% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 4.
For the third penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $5.00 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 150% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 3 and 120% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 4.
For the fourth penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $7.50 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 150% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 3 and 120% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 4.
For the fifth penalty, and for each subsequent penalty that a customer receives for a property, the amount shall be $10.00 for each billing unit, or portion thereof, of water use exceeding 150% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 3 and 120% of the customer’s water budget during implementation of Stage 4.
[Amended by Res. 2617, 1-17-2023]
Customers who violate Chapter 3-4, Article 4 or Chapter 4-4, Article 2 of this Code for a second time within a twelve-month period have committed an infraction punishable by a fine of up to $100.
Customers who violate Chapter 3-4, Article 4 or Chapter 4-4, Article 2 of this Code for a third time within a twelve-month period have committed an infraction punishable by a fine of up to $200.
Customers who violate Chapter 3-4, Article 4 or Chapter 4-4, Article 2 of this Code for a fourth and each subsequent time within a twelve-month period have committed an infraction punishable by a fine of up to $500.
The aforementioned fees shall be double (twice) the amounts stated for the duration of activation of Stage 4 of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan.
[Amended by Res. 2584, 11-17-2020]
The following penalties shall apply:
Fee Description
Broken Meter Seal or Lock
Credit Card Chargeback Fee
DC Unauthorized Use
Disconnect Deposit Requirement
$100 minimum
Disconnect Notice (door tag)
Disconnect/Reconnect Water Service
$100 / $150
Illegal Water Consumption
Late Fees
5% of Bill Balance
Rejected ACH Transaction
Rejected CC Transaction
Returned Checks
Un-Notified Fire Service Testing
Failure to Pay Door Tag
Installation/Removal of Flow Restrictor
In the event any deposit required under this Code is insufficient to pay the actual costs incurred by the District for the applicable work, an invoice for the balance will be sent to the applicant for service and must be paid by the applicant before service will be initiated. All work will stop until such payment is received.
In the event any deposit required under this Code exceeds the actual costs incurred by the District for the applicable work, a refund of the excess deposit shall be made to the current applicant of record upon completion of work by the District.
In the event of any conflict between this Section 7-1.115, or any portion thereof, and any other section of this Code, the terms of such other Code section shall prevail.