As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
The Borough of Towanda, County of Bradford, Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
Failure of a permittee to complete the authorized or required
work under a permit or permit extension by the end of the six-month
expiration date of the permit or permit extension.
The Borough Engineer or other qualified person designated
by the Borough to authorize, inspect, or supervise a street opening,
street restoration, street maintenance, or other action by a permittee
under a permit, permit extension, or street maintenance permit.
The penetration of the surface of a street or stabilized
area causing disturbance of the substrata.
A license granted by the Borough to open a street or stabilized
area subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
A rider to a permit by which the expiration date of a permit
is extended for an additional six months.
A monetary payment to the Borough in an amount established
from time to time by resolution of Borough Council, due at the time
an application for a permit or permit extension is submitted, and
imposed to cover the cost of administering a permit.
The holder of a permit and the agents and subcontractors
of the permit holder.
An adult individual, corporation, company, firm, partnership,
or other legal entity formed under or recognized by law as the subject
of rights and duties, excluding the Borough and the Towanda Municipal
Authority, their administrators, and employees.
A part or section of either the width or length of a street.
Not publicly owned, operated, or controlled.
A public utility regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility
Any area previously or now covered with an applied manufactured
or natural surfacing material such as stone or gravel, including any
such previously surfaced area.
Any street, road, lane, cul-de-sac, alley, public way, public
parking area, public square, or paved area of Borough property, either
for or intended for public use, including the cartway, sidewalk, gutter,
and right-of-way area, whether or not the street or part of the street
is owned in fee by persons other than the Borough.
A rider to a previously issued permit authorizing the permittee
to perform required street maintenance work subject to the requirements
and performance standards of the original permit, with an expiration
date established by the Borough upon issuance.
A total or partial closing of a street, material alteration
of a street traffic pattern, or restriction of street parking necessary
to complete street opening work under a permit, as approved by the
Borough for good cause shown by a permittee.
The following requirements and performance standards are incorporated
in every permit:
A. A permittee shall comply with all applicable requirements of the
Pennsylvania One Call law (Act 50 of 2017, as amended) for both the
Design and Excavation - Level One phases of the street opening work.
B. All cuts into existing pavement shall be by saw or other method that
produces a square edge. Irregular or serrated cuts are not permitted.
Cuts shall be made to the full depth of any concrete or other solid
base course. All base course materials shall be removed in such manner
that a smooth, uniform and stable vertical face remains after removal
of such material.
C. All visible areas of alligatored or cracked pavement shall be cut
back to at least one foot from the edge of such area.
D. All excavated materials shall be removed from the street opening
worksite at the end of every workday. Storage of excavated material
on the street surface after the end of a workday is prohibited.
E. All excavation, trenching, shoring, and related construction work
shall comply with all requirements of the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), Department of Labor, safety and health
regulations for construction, specifically including the regulations
covering trenching and shoring set forth in OSHA Technical Manual,
Section V., Chapter 2, as amended.
F. Prior to installation of concrete or other final restoration materials
a permittee shall schedule a worksite inspection by a Borough inspector.
Final restoration work shall not begin until such inspection is made
and the Borough inspector has authorized the work to begin.
The following requirements and performance standards are incorporated
in every permit:
A. A street opened under a permit shall be restored by the permittee
prior to the expiration of the permit or permit extension. Street
restoration shall be performed as follows:
Wherever a street opening pavement cut longer than 10 feet or
wider than three feet has been made, the entire width of the street
traffic lane containing the cut area plus the area encompassed by
the perimeter of the cut area expanded by one foot on all sides shall
be milled, overlaid, and repaved.
Wherever two or more transverse street opening pavement cuts
have been made in the same traffic lane that is less than 100 feet
apart measured from center line to center line of the respective cut
areas, the entire width of the street traffic lane containing the
cut areas shall be milled, overlaid, and repaved, including any previously
paved street shoulder area.
Wherever three or more street opening pavement cuts that are
less than 100 feet apart have been made, whether or not in the same
street traffic lane, and whether under one or more permits, the entire
disturbed area shall be milled, overlaid, and repaved curb to curb,
or shoulder to shoulder where there is no curb.
Wherever a street opening pavement cut area is less than five
feet from any existing pavement repair patch, such patched area and
the street cut area shall be milled, overlaid, and repaved.
Wherever a test boring or other drilled hole three or more inches
in diameter has been made into a street to locate leaks, vent leaks,
or otherwise explore subsurface conditions such hole shall be restored
with flowable fill only. Any such test boring or drilled hole less
than three inches in diameter shall be restored by filling with No.
8 stone and AC 20 asphalt sealer.
Wherever a street opening has been made in the center of a street, repaving shall conform to the existing grade of the street and repaving shall extend from curb to curb or shoulder to shoulder where there is no curb. All asphalt surface restoration shall be made in accordance with asphaltic concrete restoration requirements contained in §
All pavement markings damaged or removed by a street opening
shall be restored using materials approved by a Borough inspector.
A public utility permittee shall install or replace a detectable
warning surface on every existing handicap ramp within the street
block where the permittee has made a street opening. In the absence
of a block defined by intersecting streets, such warning surfaces
shall be installed or replaced on every existing handicap ramp located
within 200 feet in either direction of the street opening area. The
public utility permittee shall maintain all such detectable warning
surfaces in good and serviceable condition for a period of three years
from the date of such installation or replacement, and shall during
such time repair or replace any such warning surface that becomes
unserviceable due to damage or deterioration.
B. A permittee shall maintain all street restoration areas in good and
serviceable condition for a period of three years from the date such
restoration was completed by the permittee (the "maintenance period").
Street restoration maintenance shall be performed as follows:
From time to time during the maintenance period the Borough
shall inspect the integrity of any street restoration performed by
the permittee under a permit. If after such inspection the Borough
inspector reasonably determines that such restoration is in need of
repair or replacement, the Borough shall give to the permittee a written
request to make such repair or replacement within 60 days of the date
of the request, or within such later time specified by the Borough.
The permittee shall obtain a street maintenance permit from the Borough
prior to beginning such maintenance work.
If a permittee fails to timely perform the maintenance work requested by the Borough pursuant to Subsection
B(1) above, the Borough shall instruct the permittee's maintenance bonding agent to cause the requested maintenance work to be done.
C. Upon recommendation of a Borough inspector, the Borough may alter
the restoration requirements of a permit, permit extension, or street
maintenance permit to accommodate the Borough's street maintenance
schedule, the Towanda Municipal Authority's sewer or waterline
maintenance or replacement schedule, and the condition of the affected
The following requirements and performance standards are incorporated
in every permit:
A. A permittee shall not begin or carry on restoration backfilling of
a street opening until a Borough inspector has inspected the street
opening site, authorized backfilling to begin, and is present throughout
the backfilling process. When the permittee is prepared to begin such
backfilling work, the permittee shall contact the Borough Secretary
and request the presence of an inspector, and the Borough shall dispatch
a Borough inspector to the worksite as expeditiously as possible.
Should the permittee begin or carry on such backfilling without the
authorization and in the presence of a Borough inspector, and upon
subsequent inspection the inspector is unable to verify that such
backfilling or backfilling compaction was done in accordance with
the requirements and performance standards of this section, the permittee,
at the direction of the inspector, shall remove all such backfill
and replace it.
B. Street restoration backfilling shall be performed as follows:
Prior to beginning restoration backfilling, a permittee shall
select a qualified compaction testing agency and, after approval of
the agency by the Borough, retain, and pay for the services of such
agency to verify that backfilling compaction is performed in accordance
with the requirements and performance standards of this section.
Compaction of backfilling shall be done with vibrating compactors
or mechanical tampers, and manual tamping shall be done around utilities,
where appropriate. Compaction shall be done to maximum (100%) density
with flowable fill, and to 95% density with granular materials in
accordance with ASTM D1557. Soil that exceeds liquid limits shall
not be used for backfilling.
On a street that has not been paved within the last seven years
or that is heavily traveled as determined by a Borough inspector,
only flowable fill or virgin materials (No. 2RC aggregate material
or No. 57 clean coarse aggregate) shall be used for backfilling. The
Borough shall indicate on a permit when issued whether the requirements
of this subsection apply to the street to be opened under the permit.
On a street that has been paved within the last seven years
or that is heavily travelled as determined by a Borough inspector,
only Penn-DOT approved Type A flowable fill shall be used for backfilling.
Unless otherwise required by this section, only Penn-DOT certified
2A or 2RC aggregate as specified by Penn-DOT Form 408, latest revision,
Sections 703.2 and 703.3 shall be used for backfilling. These materials
shall be placed in six-inch lifts and raised to one foot below the
elevation of the street substratum.
After granular backfilling material has been compacted to the degree required by Subsection
B(2) above, a bituminous concrete base course shall be installed.
C. Depending on the condition of a street subsurface, the Borough's
inspector may adjust the requirements and performance standards for
backfilling a street opening, including materials to be used, application
methods, and compaction standards and methods.
The following requirements and performance standards are incorporated
in every permit:
A. All asphaltic materials used for street opening restoration shall
consist of Penn-DOT certified materials as described in Penn-DOT Publication
408, latest edition, Section 300 pertaining to base and binder courses,
and Section 400 pertaining to wearing courses. All asphalt applications
shall be made with Penn-DOT Superpave Hot Mix Asphalt.
B. Asphaltic restoration shall be performed as follows:
A base of 25-millimeter bituminous concrete base course material
shall be applied to a thickness of not less than 4 1/2 inches
after compaction over which a topping of nine-and-one-half-millimeter
wearing course material shall be applied to a thickness of not less
than 1 1/2 inches thick after compaction. The top level of the
wearing course shall coincide with the level of the existing street
All edges of the repaved area shall be sealed with PG-22 asphalt
sealer applied to a width of six inches along the interior and the
exterior of the edge lines to form a continuous twelve-inch-wide seal
around the street-cut seam.
All surfaces in contact with pavement except the stone subbase
shall be tack coated with asphaltic material described in Penn-DOT
Publication 408, latest edition, Section 460.
The following requirements and performance standards are incorporated
in every permit:
A. When performing street opening restoration, asphalt or bituminous coatings shall not be applied whenever the base surface temperature is less than 40° F. or when the surface is wet or frozen. When street restoration is performed during the time of year when all local asphalt pug mills are closed, or if weather conditions do not permit application of restoration materials as required by §
264-31.4 above, a temporary bituminous cold patch shall be applied to a thickness of not less than three inches after compaction. Within 60 days of the date when local asphalt pug mills reopen, or when weather conditions permit, all temporary cold patch restorations shall be removed and replaced with hot mix applications as required by §
264-31.4 above.
B. Where necessary, steel plates may be used over a street opening between
October 31 and April 1 of each year.
The following requirement is incorporated in every permit:
A. A permittee shall, at the permittee's expense and to the satisfaction
of a Borough inspector, repair and restore to its previous condition
any street surface area damaged or otherwise disturbed by the permittee
in the course of a street opening or restoration.