Traffic control signals shall be installed and operated at the intersection of those streets described in Schedule I (§ 237-35), said schedule made a part of this chapter.
The locations described in Schedule II (§ 237-36), made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as crosswalks for pedestrians.
The speed limit on the streets within the Village of West Haverstraw shall be 30 miles per hour, provided, however, that the speed limits for both directions of traffic along the streets or parts thereof described in Schedule III (§ 237-37), made a part of this chapter, are hereby established at the rates of speed indicated therein.
No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of that indicated in Schedule IV (§ 237-38), made a part of this chapter, in the areas described in said schedule, on school days between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
The streets or parts of streets described in Schedule V (§ 237-39), made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as one-way streets in the directions indicated.
No person shall make a U-turn on any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VI (§ 237-40), made a part of this chapter.
No person shall make a turn of the kind designated (left, right, all) at any of the locations described in Schedule VII (§ 237-41), made a part of this chapter.
No person shall make a right turn when facing a steady red signal (stop indication) at any of the locations described in Schedule VIII (§ 237-42), made a part of this chapter.
The streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IX (§ 237-43), made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as through streets. Traffic control devices shall be installed on each street intersecting the indicated through streets.
[Added 7-17-2019 by L.L. No. 5-2019]
The streets or parts of the streets described in Schedule IXA (Chapter 237, Article VI, § 237-43.1), attached to and made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as "no through streets," prohibiting vehicular truck traffic on and along such streets, except for the purpose of pickup and delivery. Traffic control devices shall be installed at appropriate locations on each such street where same shall intersect with another street not so restricted.
[Amended 5-15-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002]
Stop intersections. The intersections described in Schedule X (§ 237-44), made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Yield intersections. The intersections described in Schedule XI (§ 237-45), made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated yield intersections. Yield signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Boxed or restricted entry intersections. The intersections described in Schedule XIA (§ 237-45.1), made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as boxed or restricted entry intersections. Where traffic is stopped on the opposite side of an intersection, no person shall drive a vehicle into such intersection, except when making a turn, unless there is adequate space on the opposite side of the intersection to accommodate the vehicle he is driving notwithstanding the indication of a traffic control signal which would permit him to proceed.
[Added 2-6-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
[Added 5-15-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002[1] ]
Commercial bus traffic, other than school buses actually being used in the transportation of students to or from school, or school-related activities, shall be prohibited on the Village streets, or portions of Village streets, described on Schedule XXVI, (§ 237-60), made a part of this chapter. Signs, as necessary, shall be installed reflecting such limitations on bus traffic.
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former § 237-14, Yield Intersections. See now § 237-13B.
Trucks in excess of the weights indicated are hereby excluded from the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XII (§ 237-46), made a part of this chapter, except for the pickup and delivery of materials on such streets.