[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Ardsley 9-3-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose and intent of this chapter is the establishment of a Cable Access Television Committee (CATV) to provide the Village of Ardsley with a source of current, up-to-date information and to serve as a window on community events and to provide a mechanism for the further development of communication through the use of cable television.
The Committee shall consist of a membership of volunteers who shall be appointed by the Mayor and Board of Trustees for a term of one year. Appointments shall be made at the annual organization meeting. The number of Committee members shall vary as determined by the Mayor and Board of Trustees to be in the best interests of the Village and as necessary to accomplish the mission of this Committee. The Chairperson shall be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Committee shall meet on a monthly basis or upon the call of the Chairperson, as necessary.
The CATV shall provide the following operations for the Village:
Broadcast of public government meetings and community events.
Playback of prerecorded programming.
Maintain an electronic bulletin board or kiosk for village information.
Develop and produce local interest programming.
Create and maintain an archival video library of Village programming.
Support and maintain the CATV electronic infrastructure.
In conjunction with the foregoing duties, the CATV Committee shall conduct the following operations:
Broadcasts. The Committee shall facilitate live broadcasting and taping of each Board of Trustees meeting and community events authorized and scheduled by the Village.
Playback. The Committee shall operate and maintain the rebroadcasting of Village approved and scheduled programming, i.e., Board of Trustee meetings, community events programming, government and educational materials obtained from other communities.
Electronic bulletin board. The Committee shall provide a platform for the broadcasting of twenty-four-hour/seven-day prerecorded kiosk presentation.
Archival library. The Committee shall coordinate the creation and maintenance of a general media library documenting local community, historic, civic and cultural events.
Operation maintenance. The Committee shall coordinate the annual budgeted maintenance, replacement, and upgrade of technology used to provide CATV services.
All programming, including but not limited to content approval, shall be within the sole discretion of the Mayor and Board of Trustees. Any approvals shall be facilitated through the Ardsley Village Manager.
The Village of Ardsley CATV facilities are for the utilization of government and approved community programming services only. No Committee member or nongovernmental agency may utilize these services for private use or profit.
To achieve its goals, the Committee shall utilize, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Board of Trustees, the coordinated resources of the Village Administrative Office, Police, Fire, Library, Ambulance and Maintenance Departments. To the extent available, the Committee may also utilize the resources of local, county and state education institutions.
The Committee shall submit an annual report to the Board of Trustees no later than the first day of March of each year concerning the activities and recommendations of the Committee for the prior year. The Committee shall also submit from time to time those reports that the Committee deems necessary to assist in fulfilling the purpose of this chapter.