[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Ardsley 9-21-1981, readopted 3-7-1988. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Ardsley Village Board, pursuant to the New York State Public Officers Law, § 18, shall provide legal and financial protection for those individuals, officials and employees serving the Village of Ardsley from losses which have been or may be brought against them, in their individual capacity, for actions taken in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities.
NOTE: By passage of this chapter, the Board of Trustees finds that the State of New York has enacted similar provisions for the legal and financial security if its officers and employees and further finds that such security is also required for local personnel. The Board of Trustees does not intend to limit or otherwise abrogate any existing right or responsibility of the village or its employees with regard to indemnification or legal defense. It is solely the intent of this chapter to provide similar coverage for local employees as is presently provided for state employees so as to continue to attract qualified individuals to local government service. As used in this chapter, the term "employee" shall mean any person holding a position by election, appointment or employment in the service of the Village of Ardsley, whether or not compensated, or a volunteer expressly authorized to participate in a municipally sponsored volunteer program but shall not include an independent contractor. The term "employee" shall include a former employee, his estate or judicially appointed personal representative.