[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Ardsley 1-2-2007 by L.L. No. 2-2007. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 64.
Electrical standards — See Ch. 94.
Fees — See Ch. A210.
It shall be unlawful to install any new plumbing system, fire sprinkler system, or HVAC system or to alter, extend or repair any existing plumbing system, fire sprinkler system, or HVAC system or to maintain and use any plumbing systems, fire sprinkler systems, or HVAC systems within the Village except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
For the purpose of interpreting and applying the provisions of this chapter, the following definitions shall have the meanings indicated. All other definitions shall be as set forth in the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code) and the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code (the Energy Code).
The Building Inspector of the Village of Ardsley or any of his duly appointed representatives.
Includes installation, alteration, extension and repair.
Any person, firm, partnership, association or corporation licensed pursuant to § 154-3 and having a regular place of business who performs the work or who is engaged in the business of plumbing contracting and/or installing, altering and repairing or contracting to install, alter or repair any plumbing systems or fixtures.
Only the materials, fittings and devices approved by the Uniform Code and the Energy Code shall be acceptable as suitable for use under this chapter, except as may be provided otherwise.
The Superintendent of Buildings of the Village of Ardsley. (See Ch. 64, Building Construction.)
That area encompassed by the incorporated Village of Ardsley.
Includes installation, alteration, extension and repair of plumbing systems, fire sprinkler systems or HVAC systems.
It shall be unlawful for any person, whether licensed elsewhere or not, to engage in work of the character herein defined within the Village without first having obtained a license as required by the County of Westchester licensing division and/or the State of New York.
Except as may be provided otherwise in this chapter, the requirements of the Uniform Code and the Energy Code shall be deemed to be the approved method and practices to be used in the Village.
It shall be unlawful to install any new plumbing system, fire sprinkler system, or HVAC system or to alter, extend or repair any existing plumbing system, fire sprinkler system, or HVAC unless a permit has been issued therefor by the Building Inspector. No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation other than a master plumber licensed under this chapter except those not required to be licensed by Westchester County or this chapter. Plumbing work requiring permits shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
All of the sanitary, storm and combination drainage waste and vent systems from the initial connection at the trunk line to the terminal points at the roof, including all fixtures, drains, appurtenances and other accessories attached to the same, excluding conventional roof gutters, leaders and downspouts installed predominantly in one- and two-family pitched-roof constructions.
Water service pipelines, including domestic, fire, sprinkler and any combination thereof, from the tap with the main source to the building wall, including all fire hydrants, control valves, check valves and other connections made to the same.
All fire standpipe, fire sprinkler, combination fire and sprinkler and domestic water piping systems contained within all dwellings and buildings, including all control devices, apparatus, appurtenances and connections made to and governing the same.
All fuel gas piping systems, including natural, propane, butane and any other gas used for heating and cooking purposes, from the point of connection with the local supplier's piping system and/or storage tanks to all termination points contained in the customer's piping system.
All installations powered by solar energy.
All in-ground lawn sprinkler and irrigation systems.
Applications for permits shall be made to the Building Inspector on the forms supplied by him.
Permits shall be issued to the person, firm or corporation engaged to perform the work in the form of a poster, which shall bear the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom it was issued, the location of the premises and such other information as the Building Inspector may require. The permit shall be posted by the person, firm or corporation in a conspicuous location on the premises in which the installation is to be made.
No permits to perform any work shall be issued until the applicant provides satisfactory compliance with the following requirements:
Certificate of compliance with the statutory requirements for worker's compensation insurance and disability insurance in the State of New York.
Certificate that the licensee has comprehensive general liability insurance or comprehensive commercial liability insurance against personal injury or property damage arising out of any operations of the electrician and/or his employees pursuant to a license or permit issued by the Village and which designates the Village of Ardsley as a co-insured or additional insured on the policy. Such insurance shall be in the following amount:
General or commercial liability insurance for personal injury in the amount of $500,000.
Property damage insurance in the amount of $250,000 each occurrence.
Permits for fire sprinkler system and HVAC system installations.
Sprinkler piping contractors and corporations and HVAC contractors and corporations who specialize only in the installation, repair and maintenance of fire protection sprinkler systems and HVAC systems shall be entitled to obtain permits to perform these services by submitting evidence to the Building Inspector that they are responsible and certified installers. Such evidence shall include but not be limited to current and previous work experience, current employers, and examples of previous jobs.
Work performed under these permits shall be exclusively limited to sprinkler fire protection piping systems and HVAC systems. Hook-ups to the domestic water supply or to the sanitary sewer must be made by a licensed master plumber.
The fee for a permit shall be set by the Superintendent of Buildings subject to the approval of the Village Board and in accordance with Chapter A210 of the Ardsley Village Code.
No permit or license shall be required for the repair of plumbing fixtures.
Inspections shall be made during the installation of all plumbing, sprinkler, and HVAC work to assure compliance with the Uniform Code, the Energy Code and this chapter. An application for inspection must be filed with the Village or a certified inspection agency.
No work in connection with plumbing, HVAC and/or sprinkler work shall be covered or concealed until it has been inspected as prescribed in this section and permission to do so has been given by the Building Inspector.
The Building Inspector shall, within a reasonable time after notice of the completion of any plumbing, HVAC and/or sprinkler work which shall come under the provisions of this chapter, make an inspection of such work and perform such tests as may be necessary to determine that it conforms with the Uniform Code, the Energy Code and this chapter.
The Building Inspector shall make a reinspection of any plumbing, HVAC and/or sprinkler work whenever he deems it necessary in the interest of public safety.
If any plumbing, HVAC and/or sprinkler work upon reinspection is found to be defective or unsafe, the Building Inspector shall revoke all certificates in effect at that time relating to such installation, and the use of such installation shall be discontinued until it has been made to conform to this chapter and a new certificate has been issued by the Building Inspector.
Inspection and reinspection fees shall be set by the Superintendent of Buildings subject to the approval of the Village Board.
This chapter shall be enforceable by the Superintendent of Buildings, Building Inspector, Fire Marshal and the Plumbing Inspector and/or his or her assistants. Each shall have the authority to issue violation notices, summonses and stop-work orders as necessary.
It shall be unlawful for any licensed plumber to allow his license to be used in connection with work not actually done by him or his employees.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to employees of public service corporations while engaged in the work of such corporation.
Any person or corporation committing an offense against any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a violation and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine not less than $250 and not more than $2,000 for the first offense in a twenty-four-month period, not less than $500 and not more than $2,000 for the second offense in a twenty-four-month period, not less than $750 and not more than $2,000 for the third offense in a twenty-four-month period, and not less than $1,000 and not more than $2,000 for the fourth and subsequent offenses in a twenty-four-month period, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both. The twenty-four-month period shall commence on the date of the initial violation. Every violation of this chapter shall be a separate and distinct offense, and in the case of continued violation, every day's continuance thereof shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense. A violation of this chapter shall constitute disorderly conduct.