The Town of Georgetown will keep its offices
open during regularly scheduled hours unless extreme inclement weather
necessitates the curtailment of all but essential services. When Town
offices are open, each employee shall report to work and remain at
work until officially released.
A. The Town Manager will make all decisions concerning
the closing of Town offices.
B. Department heads will determine which positions, by
job title, are assigned to maintain essential services when offices
are closed. Such positions will be designated as "emergency" positions
and employees occupying those positions shall be notified of their
emergency status.
C. Opening of offices.
(1) In most cases of inclement weather, all Town offices
will open and remain open for business during regularly scheduled
(2) When inclement weather is severe enough to create
a safety hazard for employees or to cause extremely poor road conditions,
each department head shall exercise his/her judgment in assessing
employee tardiness.
(3) Employees who call in and are unable to come to work
may have the option of using vacation, comp time or leave without
pay to cover the normal working hours missed as a result of the weather
emergency. If an employee chooses comp time, and does not have comp
time accrued, that employee will be advanced comp time with the understanding
that those hours missed due to the weather emergency will be made
up within two weeks of the weather emergency
(4) An employee who calls in sick during inclement weather
may be required, at the discretion of the supervisor, to provide a
doctor's certificate to substantiate charging the absence to sick
leave. An employee who fails to bring in the required certificate
when requested to do so shall have the time reported as leave without
(5) These provisions are subject to labor agreements,
when applicable.
D. Closing of offices during the day. When extreme inclement
weather necessitates the closing of offices after the work day has
begun, the following will apply:
(1) All employees not designated as emergency employees
will be excused from work. For the remainder of the workday these
employees will be placed on excused leave of absence with pay.
(2) Each employee designated as an emergency employee
shall remain on duty for the duration of his/her regular shift or
revert to his/her assigned emergency shift, if appropriate.
(3) Individuals who called in and were placed on vacation
leave status will be charged such leave for the entire day. The option
of requiring a doctor's certificate for a reported sick leave shall
continue to be available to a supervisor. Individuals who depart on
vacation leave prior to official announcement will be charged such
leave the entire remainder of the day.
E. Closing the office before the start of the workday.
When inclement weather prevents the opening of offices for the day,
the following will apply:
(1) Employees will be notified of the closing of offices by the procedures outlined in §
29-75D, Public Announcements.
(2) Each emergency employee shall report to his/her normal
shift, as appropriate.
(3) All nonemergency employees are excluded from reporting
to work. These employees will be placed on excused leave of absence
with pay for their entire workday.
(4) Employees on previously approved leave status (vacation,
sick, etc.) will remain on such leave status.
F. In the event a department head determines that it
necessary for nonemergency employees to remain at or report to work
after offices are closed because of inclement weather, then he/she
may direct such employees to do so. Such employees will be paid in
accordance with the same policies governing emergency employees.
G. Essential
employee compensation. When inclement weather prevents the opening
of offices for the day, and essential employees are required to work,
the following will apply:
[Added 2-9-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-5]
(1) Essential
employees are compensated at their regular hourly rate of pay, plus
equal time off for their scheduled shift. If they are required to
work additional shifts or hours in excess of the normal work schedule,
they are compensated according to existing rules governing overtime,
as set forth in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
(2) Vacation
and sick leave will not prevent an employee from receiving overtime
when within the payroll period inclement weather occurs.
(3) Essential
employees are exempt from having to remain on scheduled leave status
(vacation, sick, etc.).