[Amended 7-13-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-6]
Development and submission. A preliminary subdivision plan to show the nature and extent of all contemplated improvements and lot subdivisions, to be developed from concept plan to the Town as provided for in Article IX of this chapter.
The applicant is responsible for preparing the preliminary subdivision plan. The plan shall be submitted as a multiple sheet document with drawings on sheets no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches and at a scale no less detailed than one inch equal to 100 feet. Submittals shall meet specific technical requirements set forth in the Town of Georgetown Design and Construction Standards.
The order of plan sheets of the preliminary site plan shall be as follows below. The Director of Planning and Zoning may waive certain sheets that are clearly not applicable to the project under review and may authorize minor variations in the order as the case may warrant.
Title sheet.
Record plat(s) (see requirements for subdivision record plats).
G-1 general sheet (general notes, site data notes, etc.).
Key plan and overview plan (for large projects with multiple sheets).
Site and grading plans horizontal (conforming to requirements for construction improvement plans).
Utility plans horizontal conforming to requirements for construction improvements plans. (For scale of one inch equals 20 feet, grading and utilities may be combined on same drawing. For scale of one inch equals 30 feet or one inch equals 40 feet, provide separate drawings for grading and utilities where needed for clarity.)
Sediment and stormwater management plans to include horizontal location, contours, inflow pipes, outfall, amenities, paths, buffers and forestation areas, if applicable.
Preliminary street and storm drain profiles, cross section for streets and curbing.
Site details to include, where applicable, curb, sidewalk, handicap ramp, fence, lamppost, light fixture, signs, catch basins, bike paths, crosswalks, medians and any special structures such as retaining walls or concrete pavers.
Utility profiles, sewer and force main (may be left blank for preliminary plan submittal).
Pump station details, if applicable (may be left blank for preliminary plan submittal).
Sewer and water details using Town of Georgetown standards where applicable and available (may be left blank for preliminary plan submittal).
Landscape and lighting plan with signage locations and details.
Architectural elevations (all sides); 24 inches by 36 inches by registered architect.
Electrical/mechanical where applicable (may be left blank for preliminary plan submittal).
The preliminary plan shall show the North point, scale, date, and the following:
The seal and signature of a registered Delaware land surveyor and/or licensed engineer as is appropriate.
Revision block on each sheet to accurately disclose any drawing revisions made after the first submittal for preliminary plan review.
A key and overview plan for multistage projects.
Geographical location, showing existing zoning district boundaries.
Existing and proposed changes in zoning classification on the site and adjacent sites.
Existing topographic contours at a minimum of one-half-foot intervals unless waived by the Director of Planning and Zoning as clearly unnecessary to review the project or proposal.
The location and nature of all proposed construction, excavation or grading, including but not limited to building, streets and utilities.
A grading plan (horizontal) conforming to requirements of a construction improvement plan set forth in the Town of Georgetown Design and Construction Standards. Proposed grading, if required, shall be indicated by one-foot contours and supplemental spot elevations.
A utility plan (horizontal) conforming to requirements of a construction improvement plan set forth in the Town of Georgetown Design and Construction Standards. It shall show all existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer facilities, indicating all pipe sizes, types and grades, and the location of all connections to the utility system.
Where deemed appropriate and necessary by the Town Engineer, provisions for the adequate disposition of natural and storm water, indicating the location, size, type and grade of ditches, catch basins and pipes and connections to existing drainage system, and on-site water retention.
A landscape and lighting plan, including location and details of signage if applicable.
If applicable, a parking plan, showing all off-street parking, related driveways, loading spaces and walkways, indicating type of surfacing, size, angle of stalls, width of aisles and a specific schedule showing the number of parking spaces provided and the number required by the Zoning Code.
Information as may be required by the Town to determine compliance with adopted design standards.
Preliminary street profiles and cross sections for streets and curbing. All existing and proposed streets and easements, including widths.
Approximate location of point of ingress and egress to existing public highways; if ingress or egress is onto a state-maintained roadway, an accompanying letter from the Department of Transportation indicating preliminary approval shall be required.
All existing easements of any kind. If easements are to be granted, a separate easement plat. (May be included in record plat.)
The number of construction phases proposed, if any, with the site plan showing the approximate boundaries of each phase, and the proposed completion date of each phase.
A tabulation of total number of acres in the project, gross or net, as required in the district regulations, and the percentage thereof proposed to be devoted to the several dwelling types, commercial uses, other nonresidential uses, off-street parking, streets, parks, schools and other reservations.
Number of dwelling units to be included by type of housing: apartments of three stories and under; apartments over three stories; single-family dwellings; townhouses; and two-family dwellings. The overall project density in dwelling units per acre, gross or net, as required by district regulations.
Approximate location and size of recreational areas and other open spaces.
Existing vegetation, proposed removal of vegetation and proposed replacement of vegetation.
If applicable, location, type, size and height of fencing, retaining walls and screen planting.
The Planning Commission may establish additional requirements for preliminary subdivision plans, and may waive a particular requirement if, in its opinion, the inclusion of that requirement is not essential to a proper decision on the project.
The applicant is responsible for preparing the final subdivision plan. The final site plan shall comply with all existing laws, regulations and ordinances governing the approval of subdivision plans and provide sufficiently accurate dimensions and construction specifications to provide the data necessary for the issuance of construction permits.
In addition to meeting the submittal requirements of a preliminary subdivision plan, final plan shall meet all specific plan submittal requirements of Section 1g-1.26 of Town of Georgetown Design and Construction Standards and all applicable engineering details set forth in Town of Georgetown Design and Construction Standards.
Submittals shall demonstrate compliance with any conditions of site plan approval and shall include all necessary approvals from any local, county, state and federal agency.
As a condition of final plan approval, the Planning Commission may establish additional submittal requirements for a final plan, and may waive a particular requirement if, in its opinion, the inclusion of that requirement is not essential to a proper decision on the project.
Final subdivision plans submittals shall adhere to the order of plan sheets required under section § 194-32C above with any additional required details and plan drawings inserted into the order prescribed by the Town Engineer.
Certifications. The approved subdivision plan, showing distinctively that part to be recorded, shall contain the following certifications:
[Amended 4-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Certification by the applicant's engineer or surveyor that the plan represents a survey made by him or her and that dimensions and geodetic details are correct.
The subdivision plan shall bear the following certification, signed by the developer and all persons having any proprietary interest in the planning of the subdivision.
"It is hereby certified that the undersigned are the owner and developers of the land shown on this subdivision plot plan and that the streets, lanes, avenues and park areas hereon shown with the section approved for development are dedicated for the general use of the traveling public and for the use of the abutting property owners. This dedication shall impose no duty nor obligation upon the Town of Georgetown respecting the maintenance and improvement of the dedicated streets, lanes, avenues and park areas, unless otherwise agreed by the Town of Georgetown."
Certification of final approval by the Town of Georgetown that the plan conforms to the approved subdivision regulations.
Recording. As provided for in § 194-41, after such certification, but in no case prior to, the subdivision plan or approved section or sections thereof shall be recorded by the developer in the office of Recorder of Deeds for Sussex County. A copy of the recorded plan showing evidence of recording shall be attached to the agreement. Recording fees shall be paid by the developer.
An improvement construction plan shall be required for the construction of any improvement or portion thereof shown on the subdivision plan, and 10 copies thereof shall be presented to the Planning Commission, accompanied by an application for an improvement construction permit to authorize said construction. The plan shall be consistent with the Town of Georgetown Construction Details and Standards and include at minimum the following:
Horizontal plan (streets).
Center line with bearings, distances and curve data and stations corresponding to the profile.
Right-of-way and curblines with radii at intersections.
Beginning and end of proposed construction.
Tie-ins by courses and distances to intersections of all public roads, with their names and widths.
Location of all monuments with references to them.
Property lines and ownership of abutting properties.
Contour lines at intervals not to exceed one foot, to be extended 50 feet beyond the property line.
Location and size of all drainage structures and public utilities.
Profiles (streets).
Profile of existing ground surface along center line.
Proposed center-line grade with percent of grade on tangents and elevations at fifty-foot intervals for grade intersections and either end of curb radii.
Vertical curve data, including length of tangent elevations and corrections, with elevations at twenty-five-foot intervals for sharp vertical curves.
Cross sections (streets).
Right-of-way width and location and width of paving.
Type, thickness and crown of paving.
Type and size of curb.
Grading of sidewalk area.
Location, width, type and thickness of sidewalks.
Typical location of sewers and utilities with sizes.
Horizontal plan (sanitary sewers and storm drains).
Location and size of line with stations corresponding to the profile.
Locations of manholes or inlets with grades between any elevation of flow line and top of each manhole or inlet.
Property lines and ownership, with details or easements where required.
Beginning and end of proposed construction.
Location of laterals, Y's, etc.
Location of all other drainage facilities and public utilities.
The scale shall be one inch equals 40 feet.
A grading plan showing the disposal of stormwater and surface water.
Profiles (sanitary sewers and storm drains).
Profile of existing ground surface with elevations at top of manholes or inlets and at flow line.
Profile of storm drain and sewer, showing size of pipe, grade, cradle (if any), manhole or inlet locations, and stormwater detention ponds.
The scale shall be one inch equals 40 feet.
Where the project discharges to an existing or proposed ditch, provide profile of outfall ditch for at least 1,000 feet from the property line. Elevation shall be taken at fifty-foot intervals.
Horizontal plan (water mains).
Location and size of line with stations corresponding to profiles.
Locations of valves, fittings, fire hydrants and other appurtenances.
Property lines and ownership, with details of easements where required.
Beginning and end of proposed construction.
Location of service lines, etc.
Location of all other drainage facilities and public utilities. Scales shall be one inch equals 40 feet.
Certificates. The approved improvement construction plan shall contain the following certificates:
Registered engineer making the plan certifying to the accuracy thereof.
The subdivider certifying his or her adoption of plan.
Signature of the Town Engineer that the plan conforms to applicable Town of Georgetown Design and Construction Standards.
Upon completion and prior to the release of the developer's completion guaranty, the developer shall provide the Town Engineer as-built detailed plans, six being paper copies, one being a copy on Mylar or plastic reproducible material and one being in a digital form acceptable to the Town Engineer, for filing in the town office.
Information to be shown.
Title as required for the subdivision plan.
Courses and distances for the legal description of all property lines shown on plan.
Names of abutting owners.
Names, location, width, center-line courses, distances and curve data, paving widths and curblines, right-of-way and curbline radii at intersections of all existing plotted and approved streets, alleys, rights-of-way and easements, and parks and other public places or improvements within the land being subdivided.
Location, elevation, material and size of all monuments with reference to them.
Layout and dimensions of lots with lot area to right-of-way line of streets.
Location, invert and size of sanitary and storm sewers, including manholes, inlets and house laterals and cleanouts.
Location and size of water mains, including service lines, valves, meters, fire hydrants and appurtenances.