No map or plan showing subdivision of land in the Township of South Hackensack shall hereafter be approved and accepted by the Township Committee unless the subdivision is checked and approved by the Township Engineer and the original of said plan or map endorsed as follows: "Approved in accordance with Chapter 224, P.L. 1921, as amended........... Township Engineer, New Jersey Registration No. ......," and signed by the Township Engineer.
No such map or plan shall be approved and accepted by the Township Committee of South Hackensack Township unless monuments are placed on corners or intersections of street lines so that the street side lines may be produced in all directions.
Compensation for checking said plan or map shall be made to the Township Engineer by the owner of the land subdivided, based on reasonable charges for time spent in checking same, with a minimum charge of as provided in Chapter 108, Fees.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.