The normal screening methodology for drug screens
will be urinalysis. For alcohol testing, devices approved by the NHTSA
will be used and which may include saliva sampling and will include
Evidential Breath Testing (EBT) for confirmation of initial testing.
Employees and applicants shall be required to
comply with the procedures of the collection facility unless such
procedures violate the DOT testing laws and regulations.
An employee or applicant required to submit
to a drug and/or alcohol screen may request that another employee
be allowed to accompany him/her throughout the process, except when
a urine specimen is being provided. Such time spent by the witnesses
shall not be paid by the Town.
The Town shall designate the medical facility
to be used for the collection of the urine specimen and/or the alcohol
test; provided, however, that the designated facility shall possess
all required licenses and permits and shall have written procedures
for ensuring employees/applicant privacy, health and safety and the
security and chain-of-possession of samples. Such written procedures
shall be available to an affected employee or applicant, and the Town
shall discontinue use of any facility it learns has material violated
its written procedures so that an employee's or applicant's health
is threatened or the accuracy of the screening is compromised.
The Town shall designate the laboratory for
drug and/or alcohol tests; provided, however, that such designated
laboratory shall possess any required relevant licenses and permits
and shall have a written procedure for ensuring the security and chain-of-possession
of samples, the accuracy of its work and for the confidentiality of
its records and results. Further, such designated screening laboratory
must be approved by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
An employee required to submit to a drug and/or
alcohol screen as provided in this policy and whose screening results
are negative (i.e., less than 0.02) shall have his/her personnel file
documented to reflect the negative result.
An employee who is required to undergo a drug screen and whose screening produces a positive result for prohibited substance as defined in §
59-4 of this policy will be discharged.
An employee who voluntarily (not in response
to the Town request to take a drug/alcohol test or the positive result
of a drug/alcohol test) admits to management he/she has a drug/alcohol
problem and who wishes to submit to a rehabilitation program, must
sign Appendix A of this policy and will be subject to the following:
A. The employee shall be placed on unpaid medical leave
(1) He/she presents evidence of having enrolled in and
successfully completed at his/her own expense a rehabilitation approved
by the the Town;
(2) He/she submits to return-to-duty drug and alcohol
screening at his/her own expense which produces a negative result;
(3) He/she signs the Town's post-rehabilitation return-to-work
agreement which is attached to and expressly made part of this policy
(Appendix A).
B. An employee placed on rehabilitation leave as provided in Subsection
A of this section must satisfy the provisions of Subsections
(2) and
(3) not later than (12) weeks from his commencement of this personal leave. An employee failing to do shall deemed to have abandoned his/her job.
An employee who has returned to work as provided in §
59-17 of this policy and who fails to comply with any terms of the post-rehabilitation return-to-work agreement will be discharged.
(See Appendix A for usable format of the return-to-work agreement.)
All employees shall sign a receipt signifying
acceptance of the Town's Substance Abuse Testing Policy.
The Town must, pursuant to federal regulation,
retain its alcohol testing records in a secure location with controlled
access to such information. Records of positive test results of 0.02
and greater, refusals to submit to testing, annual testing summaries,
driver evaluations and referrals must be maintained for a minimum
of five years. Records relating to the testing collection process
(except calibration) and training must be maintained for a minimum
of two years. Records of negative test results and results less than
0.02 must be maintained for a minimum of one year.