The Town may from time to time, after public
hearing, modify the procedures of this chapter, broaden the scope
of actions for which environmental review is required and establish
further environmental review criteria. Such amendments shall be no
less protective of environmental values, public participation and
agency and judicial review than the procedures set forth in part 617
of New York State Environmental Conservation Law, § 8-0113.
Upon the written request of any person, the
Commissioner of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
shall review and determine whether any action contained in the Town's
own list or classification system is consistent with the criteria
of Section 617.11 and the actions in Sections 617.12 and 617.13 of
Part 617, State Environmental Quality Review. The Commissioner shall
give written notification of the determination to such persons and
the Town within 30 days of receipt of a request.
This chapter shall take effect on June 1, 1977,
for any actions undertaken by the Town. This chapter shall take effect
on September 1, 1977, for any action proposed by an applicant which
requires a permit or other approval from the Town.