General standards. The subdivider shall observe the following general land subdivision standards:
The proposed subdivision shall conform to the Official Map, the Zoning Ordinance[1] and the Master Plan, if such exist.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 73, Zoning.
The arrangement of streets in the subdivision shall in general provide for the extension of these streets in adjoining subdivisions or be laid out in such a manner that they coincide with streets (if existing) in adjoining subdivisions. Street width should in all cases conform to the standards hereinafter defined. When streets are completed for only a portion of an approved subdivision, the extension of which are to be completed at a later date, the subdivider shall provide a temporary turnaround roadway as specified for temporary dead-end or temporary cul-de-sac streets.
Location, width and improvement of streets. Streets shall be suitably located, of sufficient width and adequately improved to accommodate the prospective traffic and to afford satisfactory access to police, fire-fighting, snow removal or other road maintenance equipment and shall be coordinated so as to compose a convenient system. The arrangement of streets shall be such as to cause no undue hardship to adjoining properties.
Intersections of major streets with other streets shall be at least 800 feet apart. Cross (four-cornered) street intersections shall be avoided. A distance of at least 150 feet shall be maintained between offset intersections.
Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles.
Corner radii at intersections shall not be less than 20 feet at property lines.
Dead-end streets (culs-de-sac), designed to be so permanently, shall be limited to 200 average daily trips per day (ADT), based on 10 ADT per single-family residence, and shall be provided at the closed end with a minimum turnaround radius of 50 feet at the property line. The Highway Superintendent may require an increased turnaround radius and/or additional right-of-way space as deemed necessary for highway maintenance.
[Amended 8-22-2001]
Continuation of streets into adjacent property. The arrangement of streets shall provide for the continuation of principal streets between adjacent properties where such continuation is believed necessary by the Planning Board for convenient movement to traffic, effective fire protection and efficient provision of utilities and particularly where such continuation is in accordance with the Town Plan, if any.
Relation to topography. Streets shall be logically related to the topography, and all streets shall be arranged so as to obtain as many as possible of the building sites at or above the grades of the streets. Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to the original topography. A combination of steep grades and sharp curves shall be avoided.
All streets shall be named, and such names shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Board. Names shall be sufficiently different in sound and in spelling from other street names in the Town so as not to cause confusion. A street which is a continuation of an existing street shall bear the same name.
Side lines of lots, so far as practicable, shall be at right angles or radial to street lines.
Lot arrangement. The lot arrangement shall be such that there will be no foreseeable difficulties, for reasons of topography or other conditions, in securing building permits to build on all lots in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and in providing access to buildings on such lots from an approved street.
Access across a watercourse. Where a watercourse separates the buildable area of a lot from the street by which it is accessed, a covered pipe or culvert of diameter and length as designated by the Town Engineer will be installed prior to any type of occupancy of lot.
Block lengths generally shall not exceed 1,200 feet in length.
Each normal block shall be planned to provide two rows of lots, but irregularly shaped blocks indented by cul-de-sac streets and containing interior parks will be acceptable when properly designed and covered by prior agreements as to maintenance of interior parks.
Land subject to flooding and deemed by the Planning Board to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate the flood hazard. Such uses as shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation shall be permitted.
In case a tract is subdivided into larger parcels than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow the opening of future streets and logical further resubdivision.
No reserve strips controlling access to land dedicated or to be dedicated to public use shall be permitted.
In general, street lines within a block deflecting from each other at any one point more than 10º shall be connected with a curve, the radius of which for the inner street lines shall not be less than 150 feet on local streets. The outer street line in each case shall be parallel to such inner street line.
Areas of reasonable size shall be set aside for neighborhood parks or other recreation uses when required by the Planning Board.
Adequate storm drainage systems shall be required in all new subdivisions.
Easements across lots or along rear or side lot lines shall be provided for utilities and shall be at least 20 feet wide. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially to the exterior lines of such watercourse and such further width or construction, or both, as will be required after a formal potential runoff analysis by a qualified engineer has been submitted.
Lot dimension requirements. The following lot dimensions and area shall be complied with by the subdivider:
Residential lots. Refer to the Zoning Ordinance for lot dimensions.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 73, Zoning.
Fan-shaped lots caused by a cul-de-sac may provide the required lot width at the building setback line, except that no lots may have less road frontage than 55 feet.
Lots which provide easements along any property line for public use must be increased in width or depth to accomplish this. Easement area may not be used to provide the required frontage or area of lot.
All corner lots must have a minimum dimension of 100 feet on both streets.
Standards for street construction. The following standards of construction and layout shall govern the building of all new streets in the Town:
Street widths shall be as follows:
Neighborhood streets: 50 feet wide.
Collector streets: 60 feet wide.
Arterial streets: according to the Planning Board.
All streets as shown herein defined and so designated by the Planning Board shall have a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet and roadbed of 32 feet and improved shoulders of nine feet on each side.
Conformity with Town specifications. Streets shall conform in all respects to the Standard Specifications for Public Works adopted by the Town Board.
Grades on all streets shall conform in general to the terrain and shall be the reasonable minimum but shall not be less than 0.5% with a recommended maximum of 5%. The Planning Board may approve streets with up to ten-percent grade when recommended by the Town Engineer.
All streets shall have a permanent-type curb-and-gutter design to provide proper control of surface runoff. A typical section of the proposed curb and gutter shall be shown on the preliminary layout.
The roadbed or drive strip of all streets shall have a base of crushed stone or coarse gravel eight inches in depth topped with four inches of well-graded gravel. (See Sections 31 and 32 of Standard Specifications.) The finished surface shall be shaped to the required template and rolled with a ten-ton roller to a smooth compact surface. The surface course shall be as described in Section 33 of the Standard Specifications.
The subbase of all streets and roads requiring fill to achieve the final approved grade shall be composed of bank-run gravel. Common shale will not be acceptable for any part of a roadbed. Compaction shall be as described in Subsection C(5)(a) above.
The minimum width of sidewalks to be constructed in residential areas shall be four feet and in commercial or industrial areas, five feet.
Standards for water mains and appurtenances. These standards shall be in accordance with existing Town of Chenango standard specifications or further special requirements of the Board.