Sidewalks, where required, and combined curbs and gutters shall be constructed of concrete and shall conform to the Standard Detail Drawings.[1] All work shall be constructed to the line and grade indicated on the approved drawings.
Editor's Note: The Standard Detail Drawings are included at the end of this chapter.
Provisions for a ramp for the handicapped shall be constructed in conformance with the Standard Detail Drawings.
Gravel previously described in § A75-20 shall be used to replace unsuitable subgrade material or raise the level of the subgrade under sidewalks or curbs and gutters. Other porous material approved by the Town Highway Superintendent may be used under sidewalks. All fill shall be thoroughly compacted.
Nonextruding, premoulded expansion joints, extending completely through the joint, shall be placed at intervals not greater than 50 feet in sidewalks and combined curbs and gutters and in joints where other walks or drives join sidewalks or curbs.
Contraction joints, extending 1/3 of the way through from the top, shall be placed at five-foot intervals in sidewalks and combined curbs and gutters. Contraction joints may be sawed.
Unless specifically waived by the Town Highway Superintendent, approved ready-mix concrete shall be used for sidewalks and curbs and gutters. Ready-mix concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with the requirements set forth in ASTM C 94. Sidewalks and combined curbs and gutters shall be constructed in one course.
Sand and gravel shall be screened, graded and washed free from injurious amounts of clay, loam and dirt. Sand shall be sharp, course, natural sand. Gravel shall be crushed gravel or broken stone having a maximum size of one inch. All aggregates shall comply with ASTM C 33. Cement shall be Type IA or IIA air-entraining Portland cement complying with ASTM C 175. Ready-mix concrete may incorporate Type I or Type II Portland cement complying with ASTM C 150, with an air-entraining mixture complying with ASTM C 260. Mixing water shall be suitable to drink.
The concrete used shall develop a minimum twenty-eight-day compressive strength of 4,500 pounds per square inch and shall contain 6% plus or minus 1% entrained air. The water-cement ratio shall be such as will produce the required strength using a minimum of six bags of cement per cubic yard without admixtures except air-entraining agents. The proportions of aggregate to cement shall be such as to produce a mixture which will work readily into corners of the forms and around reinforcement with the method of placing employed in the work, but without permitting the materials to segregate or excess free water to collect on the surface.
Concrete shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent the segregation of materials and the intrusion of foreign matter and excess water. All concrete shall be placed within 20 minutes after being mixed.
Concrete shall be placed only in clean, oiled forms set true to line, grade and dimensions, and only on well-compacted, damp subgrades free from loose or objectionable materials and frost. It shall be placed as nearly as possible to its final position and thoroughly consolidated with suitable tools and equipment to prevent the formation of voids or honeycombing.
The concrete shall be screeded and floated to a true, even surface without bringing free water and fines to the surface. No water shall be added to the surface for finishing. Joints and edges shall be rounded with a suitable tool, and walks shall be given a broom finish.
All walks and combined curbs and gutters shall be cured by spraying on a white pigmented membrane curing compound immediately after finishing. Curing compounds shall comply with ASTM C 309.
Cold weather concreting. Concrete shall not be placed when the subgrade is frozen. Concrete placement may be started when the air is 40º F. in the shade or higher. One pound of calcium chloride per sack of cement shall be added to the mix. Calcium chloride shall conform to ASTM C 98 and shall be in solution in the mixing water when added to the mix. When the temperature is expected to fall below 35º F. during the curing period (seven-day minimum), a layer of straw enclosed with a waterproof covering shall be spread and maintained over the concrete.