The Council shall appoint a registered municipal accountant of the state to perform the annual audit required by law, pursuant to such form of retainer agreement as the Council may approve.
Appointment and responsibilities. The Council shall appoint a Village Attorney to serve at its pleasure under such form of retainer agreement as the Council may approve. He shall serve as legal advisor to the Council and the Manager; represent the Village government in litigation; draft ordinances and resolutions upon request of the Council or the Manager; and provide such other professional legal services as the Council may from time to time request.
Village Prosecutor.
[Amended 2-19-2003 by Ord. No. 2817]
The Village Council shall appoint a Village Prosecutor to serve in accord with the duties and responsibilities set forth in N.J.S.A. 2B:25-1 et seq. Candidates for the office of Village Prosecutor shall be recommended to the Village Council by the Village Attorney. The Village Prosecutor shall be compensated as provided by ordinance.
In addition to the Village Prosecutor, the Village Council may appoint such Assistant Village Prosecutors, not to exceed three in number, as the Council determines are necessary to administer justice in a timely and effective manner in the Municipal Court. Such Assistant Village Prosecutors shall also be recommended to the Village Council by the Village Attorney. Compensation of the Assistant Village Prosecutors shall be as provided by ordinance.
In the event that the Village Council appoints Assistant Village Prosecutors, the Village Prosecutor shall be known as the Chief Village Prosecutor and shall have authority over the other prosecutors serving that court with respect to the performance of their duties.