It shall be unlawful to sell, expose for sale or offer for sale any fish within the Village unless the place from which the same is sold, exposed or offered for sale fully complies in all respects with all of the following sanitary requirements:
All floors thereof shall be of nonabsorbent material.
Ice refrigerators shall have drains permanently connected indirectly into a proper trap and vented fixture to a sanitary sewer line and shall be flushed daily with fresh water.
All tabletops and countertops shall be of nonabsorbent material. Portable wooden cutting or chopping boards are permitted, but they must be thoroughly washed and scrubbed daily and kept reasonably smooth.
All fish markets or places where fish is sold shall have thorough ventilation, self-closing doors, running water (separate from washing basins) and at least two metal garbage cans of adequate size and fitted with tight covers for fish scraps, which cans shall be removed and emptied daily.
Screen doors shall be provided with self-closing devices. All doors and windows shall be screened from April 1 to November 30 in each year. Window screens shall be of a permanent type.
Toilet and hand-washing facilities shall be provided for fish handlers.
Only wholesome and edible fish and fish products shall be sold for human consumption.
All fish showcases shall be internally lined with nonabsorbent material.