In cases where there shall be, in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Officer, actual and immediate danger from a building or structure's collapse so as to endanger public safety, life or property, or actual or immediate menace to health or public welfare as a result of the conditions present in or about a building or structure, the Code Enforcement Officer shall cause the necessary work to be done to render such building or structure temporarily safe, whether the procedure prescribed in this chapter for unsafe or dangerous buildings or structures has been instituted or not.
When emergency work is to be performed under this section, the Code Enforcement Officer shall cause the owner thereof to be served personally or by registered mail, return receipt requested, and, if served by registered mail, shall post on the premises a notice to comply containing a description of the premises, a statement of the facts in which the structure is unsafe or dangerous and orders and directions to correct said conditions which constitute an emergency within a specified period not to exceed three days from actual or constructive receipt of the notice.
In the event that the emergency does not permit any delay in correction, the notice shall state that the village has corrected the emergency condition.
In both cases, the notice shall state that the corrective costs of the emergency will be assessed against the owner pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.