[Adopted 2-11-1997 by Ord. No. 883]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated, unless a different meaning appears clearly from the context:
Large items of solid waste, such as household appliances (including refrigerators, air conditioners and other appliances containing Freon), hot water heaters, furniture and oversized items whose size precludes or complicates handling by the normal collection process and which require a special collection vehicle.
Those properties used for commercial purposes and multiple dwelling unit residential buildings.
Individual dwelling units or businesses within a commercial property.
A building intended for residential purposes which may contain one or more dwelling units.
One or more rooms in a dwelling unit, which room or rooms are intended for occupancy by one or more persons living together, or one family. It shall include apartments and buildings devoted to multiple family occupancy.
Person generally in possession and control of any dwelling.
The titled record owner of the property.
Any natural person, association, partnership, firm, corporation, lessee, agent, tenant or owner.
Collection, separation, recovery and sale or reuse of metals, glass, paper, leaf waste, plastics or other materials which would otherwise be disposed of as municipal solid waste.
All solid waste and recyclables.
Useless, unwanted or discarded material with insufficient liquid content to be free flowing and shall include rubbish, garbage, kitchen waste, food waste, vegetable matter, foods, animal or vegetable matter, offal, decayed and decomposing matter, leaves, ashes, tin cans, bottles, rags, glass, yard cuttings, branches, waste paper and products, household items, refuse and other customary household waste and discarded waste material.
The collection and disposal of solid waste and recyclables in the Borough of Morrisville shall be under the supervision of the Borough Manager. The Borough Manager shall have authority to make regulations concerning and pertaining to collection and disposal as the Manager may deem advisable and to change and modify such regulations as the Borough Manager deems appropriate or as required by law. An aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal any regulation made by the Borough Manager to the Borough Council, which may confirm or modify any such regulations
The Borough shall provide for the collection and removal of solid waste and recyclables by contracting for such services upon the terms and conditions of agreement approved by Borough Council.
No person shall collect or remove solid waste or recyclables without obtaining a license. The fee for such license shall be payable annually and fixed pursuant to a resolution of the Borough Council. All licenses shall be issued for a calendar year.
Containers shall be water tight and of metal or plastic construction with a tight fitting cover. Each container shall have a capacity of not more than 32 gallons and shall not exceed 50 pounds when containing solid waste material. Containers that are badly broken or otherwise fail to meet the requirements of this article shall be classified as solid waste and be disposed of by the contractor. Containers must be maintained in a manner that is not a danger to the health and safety of the community. Plastic disposal bags not less than three mil thick will be accepted as solid waste containers. It is understood that the owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant may use plastic receptacles at their own risk.
No refuse shall be allowed to accumulate on the ground or be deposited on the highways, vacant lots or other private or public property, nor be thrown in any stream or other body of water.
Solid waste, as above defined, shall be prepared for collection as follows:
Garbage shall be thoroughly drained of water, wrapped securely in paper and placed in proper receptacles. Ashes, trash and rubbish shall be placed in a suitable receptacle which may be the same receptacle used to contain wrapped garbage. Where any such rubbish is to bulky to be placed in a proper receptacle, it must be disassembled, broken or cut up as much as practicable, bundled and placed on the curb on the prescribed collection day. All such rubbish shall be securely tied, where applicable, and shall be of such size that the longest dimension thereof shall not exceed four feet and the total weight thereof shall not exceed 60 pounds. Paper shall be secured or properly tied into bundles and other packages in a manner designed to prevent any scattering while the same id being handled by the collectors. Such bundles or packages shall be of a size in construction so as to permit ease of handling by one man and shall in no event exceed 60 pounds in weight. Baskets and plastic bags may be used to hold leaves, branches, grass or other yard cuttings.
[Amended 9-21-2015 by Ord. No. 1006]
Refuse containers shall be placed for collection at ground level on the property, at the curbline, and shall be set out no earlier than 4:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled collection day and no later than 6:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day.
Holidays. There shall be no collection on holidays.
Limit of quantity. Each residential unit shall be entitled to set out for collection on each collection day, a volume not to exceed 10 receptacles, bags, boxes, bundle or a combination thereof, except during leaf pick-up season when an additional 10 bags of leaves may be placed for collection.
Each commercial unit shall be entitled to set out for collection on each collection day a volume not to exceed 15 receptacle, bags, boxes, bundles or a combination thereof, except during leaf pick-up season when an additional 10 bags of leaves may be placed for collection.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $600 and, in default of payment, to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days.