Editor's Note: This Article was originally included as Appendix A to this L.L. No. 7-1988.
The sketch plat shall be drawn by a licensed land surveyor to a convenient scale of not more than 100 to an inch and shall show the following information:
The title of the proposed subdivision, the graphic scale, the North arrow, the date, the revision date (if any), the property owner's name and address, the applicant's name and address (if other than the owner) and the name, address and seal of the licensed surveyor preparing the sketch plat.
The location of property lines, existing easements, burial grounds, railroad rights-of-way, watercourses and existing wooded areas or trees eight inches or more in diameter measured four feet above ground level; the location, width and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or immediately adjacent to the tract; and the names of adjoining property owners from the latest assessment rolls within 500 feet of any perimeter boundary of the subdivision.
The locations, sizes, elevations and slopes of existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto and existing permanent buildings and utility poles on or immediately adjacent to the site.
The topography, with a contour interval of two feet referred to sea level datum. All datum provided shall be the latest applicable United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum and should be so noted on the plat.
The approximate location and widths of proposed streets.
Preliminary proposals for connection with existing water supply and sanitary sewage systems or alternative means of providing water supply and sanitary waste treatment disposal and preliminary provisions for collecting and discharging surface water drainage.
The approximate location, dimensions and area of all proposed or existing lots.
The approximate location, dimensions and area of all parcels of land proposed to be set aside for park or playground use or other public use or for the use of property owners in the proposed subdivision.
The location of temporary stakes to enable the Planning Board to find and appraise features of the sketch plat in the field.
Whenever the sketch plat covers only a part of an applicant's contiguous holdings, a sketch of the proposed subdivision area, at the scale of no more than 200 feet to the inch, together with its proposed street system, and an indication of the probable future street system and an indication of the probable future street and drainage system of the remaining portion of the tract.
A vicinity map showing streets and other general development of the surrounding area at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet. The sketch plat shall show all school and improvement district lines and zoning district lines with the zones properly designated. The proposed lot lines should be shown on this map.
The preliminary plat, prepared by a licensed land surveyor, shall be clearly marked "preliminary plat," shall be drawn to a convenient scale but not less than one inch equals 100 feet and shall show the following information:
The proposed subdivision name or identifying title, name, address and endorsement of the property owner and subdivider (if other than owner), the name and address of the surveyor and/or engineer preparing the plan, the scale, the approximate true North point and the date.
The location and dimensions of all property lines, the total acreage of the proposed subdivision, the location of any zoning, special district or municipal boundary lines affecting the subdivision and the names of owners of record of properties adjoining and directly across the street from the proposed subdivision.
The location of all existing structures and pertinent features, including but not limited to railroads, water bodies, watercourses, wetlands, rock outcroppings, wooded areas, major trees and stone walls, that may influence the design of the subdivision, plus accurate topography at a vertical contour interval of not more than two feet. The topographic data shall be determined by field survey unless the Planning Board specifically waives this requirement and/or permits the substitution of topographic information obtained from other sources determined satisfactory for the particular case.
The location and status of existing streets, easements and rights-of-way, if any; proposals for the layout of new streets, including widths and approximate curve radii; and any proposed easements, rights-of-way and/or reservations.
The names of existing streets and proposed names for new streets.
The proposed arrangement of lots, including identifying section, lot and block numbers and approximate area and dimensions of each.
The location, size and nature of any area proposed to be reserved for park purposes.
A site location sketch, at a scale of one inch equals 300 feet, showing the general situation of the applicant's property with respect to surrounding properties and streets.
Where the preliminary plat includes only a portion of an applicant's contiguous holdings, the applicant shall also indicate, on a sketch at a scale of not less than one inch equals 300 feet, the probable future street system, lot arrangement and location of parks and other reservations for the remaining portion of the tract. Such sketch shall be for the purpose of guiding the Planning Board in reviewing the proposed preliminary plat and shall include topographic data with a vertical contour interval of not more than 10 feet, plus any other information determined necessary by the Planning Board.
Such additional information as may be required by these regulations, the Zoning Law or the Planning Board.
Planning Board approval block as follows:
"Approved as a preliminary plat by the Woodsburgh Planning Board
The preliminary construction plans shall be drawn at the same scale as the preliminary plat and shall include the following information:
The location and sizes of any existing water, sewer and storm drainage and other utility lines and structures within and near the proposed subdivision.
The proposed system for the provision of water supply and fire-protection facilities, sewage disposal, stormwater drainage and other utility services.
The proposed street profiles and cross sections showing the approximate grade of proposed streets, the relationship of existing to proposed grades and the proposed vertical curvature along the center line of all new streets. Where steep slopes exist, the Planning Board may require additional cross sections along the proposed street.
The location of all existing and proposed monuments and other subdivision improvements.
Existing and proposed contours at maximum vertical interval of two feet.
Such additional information as may be required by these regulations, the Zoning Law or the Planning Board.
The final subdivision plat shall be drawn clearly and legibly on transparent tracing cloth with black waterproof ink or other materials and methods approved by the office of the Nassau County Clerk, Division of Land Records, at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet. The sheet size shall not exceed 36 inches by 48 inches. If the size of the proposed subdivision requires a drawing larger than this, two or more sheets may be submitted, with match lines clearly indicated, and an index map shall be prepared on the same size sheet. The final plat shall contain the following information:
The proposed subdivision name or identifying title; the name and address of the owner of record and of the subdivider, if other than owner; identification and the seal of the registered engineer or licensed land surveyor who prepared the plat; the names of owners of record of adjoining properties and of properties directly across the street; the graphic scale; the approximate true North point; and the date.
The location and dimensions of all boundary lines of the proposed subdivision and all existing and proposed streets, lot lines, easements and rights-of-way, with sufficient data to readily determine the location, bearing and length of all such lines and reproduce such lines upon the ground.
The names of all existing and proposed streets.
The location of all water bodies and watercourses.
The location of all existing buildings, including identification of all buildings to be removed as a condition of plat approval.
The total acreage included in the entire subdivision and the identification number and acreage of all lots and land reservations within the proposed subdivision.
The location of all existing and proposed monuments.
A site location map, at a scale of one inch equals 300 feet, showing the location of the subject property with respect to neighboring properties and streets.
Notations explaining any drainage, sight, slope, road widening, park area or other reservations or easements, including any self-imposed restrictions or covenants.
The lot numbers as directed by the Assessor.
The endorsement or approval by the Nassau County Health Department or waiver of jurisdiction.
The following note:
"No building permits shall be issued until such time as all required public improvements, except for final road wearing courses and sidewalks, if required, are completed to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer, nor shall certificates of occupancy for such model homes be issued until the completion of such public improvements. Thereafter, building permits and certificates of occupancy for additional lots other than the final lots, subject to the approval of the Architectural Review Board, may be issued upon the applicant delivering to the Village of Woodsburgh, for each lot, an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the Village of Woodsburgh in a form satisfactory to the Village Attorney and in an amount equal to twice the total cost of final road wearing courses and sidewalks, if required, divided by the number of lots in the subdivision or, in lieu of such letter of credit, upon the applicant's depositing such amount of cash with the Village of Woodsburgh. No building permits shall be issued for the final lots until all required public improvements are fully completed to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer and dedicated to the Village of Woodsburgh."
Endorsement of the owner as follows:
"Approved for filing:
Form for endorsement by Planning Board Chairman as follows:
"Approved by resolution of the Woodsburgh Village Planning Board
Such additional information as may be required by these regulations, the Zoning Law or the Planning Board.
Final construction plans and profiles shall be prepared for all proposed streets and other required improvements. Plans shall be drawn at the same scale as the final plat and on the same size sheets but not on the same sheets. The following information shall be shown:
Plans and profiles showing the location and a typical cross section of street pavements, including curbs and gutters, sidewalks, manholes and catchbasins; the location of street trees, streetlighting and street signs; the location, size and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, stormwater drains and fire hydrants; the location and size of all water, gas or other underground utilities or structures; and the location and design of any other required improvements.
Profiles showing existing and proposed elevations along the center lines of all streets. Where a proposed street intersects an existing street or streets, the elevation along the center line of the existing street or streets within 100 feet of the intersection shall be shown.
The Planning Board may require, where steep slopes exist, cross sections showing existing and proposed elevations of all new streets every 100 feet at five points on a line at right angles to the center line of the street, said elevation points to be at the center line of the street, each property line and points 25 feet inside each property line.
The location, size, elevation and other appropriate description of any existing facilities which will be connected to proposed facilities and utilities within the subdivision.
Where the design of the subdivision requires the regrading of land, the regarded contours, along with estimates of the quantity of material to be added or removed and the proposed measures to be implemented by the subdivider to rehabilitate the disturbed area or areas.
The title of all sheets; the name, address, signature and seal of licensed engineer preparing the construction plans; the date prepared, including revision dates, if any; the approximate true North point; the scale; and consecutive numbering, as sheet ________of ________.
A notation of approval on all sheets, as follows:
"Approved by:
Planning Board Chairman
Such additional information as may be required by these regulations, the Zoning Law or the Planning Board.