The grantee's system shall be capable of both one-way and two-way transmission (in compliance with FCC return digital response requirements) and shall consist of a 750 MHz fiber to feeder BTN capable of delivering, 110, 6 MHz channels.
The grantee shall:
Comply with FCC rules regarding signal quality.
Limit failures in the system to a minimum by locating and beginning to correct malfunctions no longer than 24 hours after notice, exclusive of service interruptions occasioned by weather conditions or other conditions beyond grantee's control which result in damage to or impairment of system receiving, originating or distribution facilities.
Grantee shall meet or exceed the technical standards adopted by the FCC as related to the system.
No later than 120 days after the end of each fiscal year, or 60 days following the required filing date with the FCC, whichever is later, the grantee shall maintain and make available for public inspection, a file containing a copy of any required FCC Forms 325 and 395.
The grantee shall file with the City, upon request, copies of all complaints, petitions, orders of the FCC, EEOC, FAA or other federal or state regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction, any lawsuits or proceedings, in which the grantee is named party, and any proceeding, or litigation which involve the grantee's operations within the City.
No poles or other wire-holding structures shall be erected by the grantee without prior approval of the City with regard to locations, height, type and any other pertinent aspect. However, no location of any pole or wire-holding structure of the grantee shall be a vested interest and such poles or structures shall be removed or modified by the grantee at its own expense whenever the City Engineer reasonably determines that the public convenience would be enhanced thereby.
Where poles or other wire-holding structures are already existing for use in serving the City are available for use by the grantee, but it does not make arrangements for such use, the City Engineer may require the grantee to use such poles and structures, if he determines that the public convenience would be enhanced thereby and the terms of the use available to the grantee are just and reasonable.
Where a public utility serving the City desires to make use of the poles or other wire-holding structures of the grantee, but agreement therefor with the grantee cannot be reached, the Council may require the grantee to permit such use for such consideration and upon such terms as the Council shall determine to be just and reasonable, if the Council determines that the use would enhance the public convenience and would not unduly interfere with the grantee's operations.
Grantee shall comply with the pole attachment agreement provisions in § A366-27.
The grantee shall render efficient service, make repairs promptly, and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. Such interruptions, insofar as possible, shall be preceded by notice and shall occur during periods of minimum use of the system.
The grantee shall have a published telephone number, and said telephone service shall be so operated that complaints and requests for repairs or adjustments may be received at any time. Grantee shall maintain a complete recordkeeping system of all material complaints received; and, upon request, the grantee shall furnish complaint records to the City.
The grantee shall adhere to the customer service standards mandated by the FCC.
Upon termination of service to any subscriber, subject to applicable federal law, the grantee shall promptly remove its facilities and equipment from the premises of such subscriber upon request. There shall be no charge made to the subscriber who voluntarily terminates or cancels service for the removal and/or disconnection of the facilities and equipment.
The grantee shall at all times maintain on file with El Reno a complete and current schedule showing all cable television services being provided under the grantee's franchise, the fees and charges for each of such services, the charges for connections or disconnections, and any other subscriber charges which may be made by the grantee in connection with the system. Such schedule shall also show the components of the basic service and the pay service, each on a channel-by-channel basis, and the monthly charge for each service package. The grantor reserves the right to regulate grantee's basic cable rates in accordance with FCC regulations.
Grantee will provide one cable television drop with free installation and free monthly basic service to City-owned or -controlled buildings within a serviceable area at the time of request. This includes but is not limited to:
Public schools
Police station
Fire station
City Council chamber
Community center
Senior citizens center
City Hall
Grantee shall provide the City with its own channel. Grantee will also provide the City with a character generator and modulator for digital programming of announcements and messages.
Grantee shall provide the public school system with its own channel. Grantee will also provide the public school system with a character generator and modulator for digital programming of announcements and messages.
Any advance payments of subscribers in the amount of more than one month shall be refunded on a pro-rata basis when subscriber requests discontinuation of service except where any past-due balance exists.
Subject to FCC or federal regulation, the grantee may receive and distribute television and radio signals which are disseminated to the general public without charge by broadcasting stations licensed by the FCC. The grantee may provide various communication services to individuals or businesses, consistent with the FCC and Oklahoma regulations and without interference with the service of the BTN system. Additional stations may be carried as they are made available and allowed by FCC regulations.
The grantee shall provide and maintain a government access channel and an educational access channel for the members of local government and educational access users. Grantee shall have no editorial control over the programming on such channels, except as may be permitted by federal law.
Subject to applicable FCC or federal regulations, all programs of broadcasting stations carried by the grantee shall be carried in their entirety as received, with announcements and advertisements and without additions.
In the case of an emergency or disaster, declared by the Mayor, Governor of Oklahoma, or President of the United States, the grantee shall, upon request of the Mayor or his/her designee, make available its facilities to the City for use during the emergency or disaster period. The grantee shall provide, in addition, an emergency warning system whereby a telephone can be used to make voice announcements simultaneously over all television channels on the system. This is to be a twenty-four-hour "hot standby" system which will preempt the sound on all channels. The emergency warning system is restricted in such a way as to make it accessible to authorized personnel only.