[Adopted by Ord. No. 8-1986 (§ 14-5 of the Revised General Ordinances)]
The dune areas between the easterly side of Ocean Avenue and the beaches are vital ingredients in the efforts of the Borough of Spring Lake and of the State of New Jersey to preserve and to protect the shoreline of this municipality from erosion by wind and water; and the public interest demands that the dune areas remain inviolate from trespass by the public either as an access route to the beaches and boardwalk or for any other purpose.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Those tracts of land as shown on a certain map prepared by Birdsall Engineering Inc., South Belmar, New Jersey, William T. Birdsall, P.E., dated May 9, 1986, and entitled "1986 Dune Ordinance, Borough of Spring Lake, Monmouth County, New Jersey" and further identified on the map as Existing Dunes (typical). Further, it is recognized that the dune areas are not rigid as to the delineation thereof and as a result of natural forces, the dune areas may shift and migrate, and it is the intention of this definition to include such locations within this definition. Further, this definition is also intended to encompass other areas along the beachfront which either may be constructed or planted for the purpose of preserving and protecting the shoreline.
Includes the terms "native vegetation" or "indigenous." Specifically, it shall mean such plants as dune or beach grass, dusty miller, hudsonia, sea rocket, seaside goldenrod, bayberry or beach plum and other plants which normally grow or may be planted in the dune areas as set forth above.
No person, firm or corporation shall place any structure or object of any kind within the dune areas of the Borough of Spring Lake.
No person shall trespass by foot on or across the dune areas of the Borough.
No person shall operate any bicycle or motor vehicle of any kind on or across the dune areas of the Borough.
No person shall remove or destroy the natural vegetation, sand fences or other types of dune protective devices in the dune areas of the Borough.
This article is not intended to prohibit the officers and employees of the Borough and other authorized personnel to enter into and upon the dune areas for the purposes of maintenance, repair, restoration and planting in order to preserve and to protect the dune areas in the Borough.
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty as stated in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty.