[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Spring Lake by Ord. No. 2-1981 (Ch. BH4 of the Revised General Ordinances), as amended by through Ord. No. 12-1999; amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 400, General Provisions, Board of Health). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The standards and regulations of N.J.A.C. 8-26-1 et seq. pertaining to swimming pools shall be enforced in the Borough of Spring Lake.
The fee charged for inspecting a commercial pool located at a hotel, motel, guesthouse, bed-and-breakfast, or similar facility, which is required to be inspected by the Health Officer or Sanitary Inspector, is hereby fixed as follows:
Pool inspection: $100.
Reinspection: $25 for each reinspection required.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 26:3-70, a person, firm or corporation violating any provision or provisions of N.J.A.C. 8:26-1 et seq. shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty stated in Chapter 400, Article II, General Penalty. Each day that a violation continues to exist may be considered as a separate violation for the purpose of imposing a fine as aforesaid.