[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Niskayuna 4-7-1987. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 75.
Garbage, rubbish and refuse — See Ch. 129.
Material such as leaves, trees, branches, shrubbery, underbrush and pruning wastes which have been gathered by the respective residents and property owners of the Town of Niskayuna shall be placed at the curbline or within a reasonable distance of said curbline. No material shall be placed in the paved portion of any street, roadway or any other area where vehicular traffic operates.
[Amended 3-20-1990]
The respective residents and property owners of the Town of Niskayuna shall place the materials which they desire to be collected in containers or in compostable paper bags, in accordance with the following specifications:
The paper leaf bags shall be compostable.
Compostable paper bags shall be securely tied or fastened at the top.
Clearly marked garbage cans may be used for disposal of leaves, grass clippings and brush.
Materials such as branches, small trees and brush shall be tied in bundles not to exceed 50 pounds in weight or over 30 inches in diameter or six feet in length.
Loose leaves, trees, branches, shrubbery, underbrush and pruning wastes shall not be deposited in or on the curb or street other than as herein provided, under penalty of law.
The Town Board shall set, by resolution, a date or dates for pickup of loose materials placed at the curbline or within a reasonable distance of said curbline.
Placement of loose materials shall be in accordance with the following specifications:
Materials such as branches, small trees and brush shall not exceed three inches in diameter and six feet in length.
All leaves shall be placed in piles separate from shrubbery, branches, small trees and brush.
No loose materials shall be placed at the curbline or within a reasonable distance of the curbline, except at dates established by Town Board resolution.
Loose materials shall only be placed at the curbline directly abutting the premises from which they are collected.
Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter to the contrary, no materials such as trees, shrubbery, underbrush, pruning waste or leaves from land being cleared by a private individual, partnership or corporation for real estate development shall be placed at the curbline or within a reasonable distance of said curbline for removal by Town employees. It shall be the obligation of the developer to provide for the removal of such materials.
[Amended 1-24-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012]
For purposes of enforcement of this chapter, the Code Enforcement Officer is herewith granted the power and authority to serve as the ordinance enforcement officer, including the authority to sign a summons returnable in the Niskayuna Town Court.
Any person found to be violating any provision of this chapter, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $25. Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense.
[Added 1-24-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012; amended 2-24-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015; 3-23-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
Each respective resident or property owner shall pay an annual fee per parcel to the Town of Niskayuna for the collection of materials, such as grass clippings, trees, branches, shrubbery, leaves, underbrush and pruning wastes, that are put in containers, compostable paper bags or bundled and placed at the curbline, or within a reasonable distance of the curbline. Any annual fee not paid prior to September 15 of any year shall be assessed as a lien against the subject property and added to the owner's property taxes. The annual fee shall be set from time to time by resolution by the Town Board.
Prior to March 15 of each year, a resident or property owner may notify the Town Clerk, in writing, and on a form provided by the Town Clerk, that he or she will not utilize the Town's services for the collection of materials that are put in containers, compostable paper bags or bundled. If a resident or property owner properly files such notice with the Town Clerk in any year, the fee outlined in Subsection A of this section shall be waived for that year.